建模超声斑点对其表征组织特性的能力引起了极大的兴趣。由于斑点取决于潜在的组织结构,因此对其进行建模可能有助于分割或疾病检测等任务。但是,对于通常用于研究功能障碍的移植肾脏,目前尚不清楚哪个统计分布最能表征这种斑点。对于移植肾脏的区域而言,尤其如此:皮质,髓质和中央回声复合物。此外,目前尚不清楚这些分布如何因患者变量(例如年龄,性别,体重指数,原发性疾病或供体类型)而有所不同。这些特征可能会影响斑点建模,鉴于它们对肾脏解剖结构的影响。我们是第一个调查这两个目标的人。 n = 821肾移植受者B模式图像自动使用神经网络自动分段到皮质,髓质和中央回声复合物中。每个区域都安装了七个不同的概率分布。雷利和中族分布的模型参数在这三个区域之间有显着差异(p <= 0.05)。虽然两者都具有极好的合身性,但中田族具有更高的Kullbeck-Leibler Divergence。受体年龄与皮质中的尺度弱相关(Omega:Rho = 0.11,p = 0.004),而体重指数与髓质中的形状微弱相关(M:RHO = 0.08,p = 0.04)。性别,原发性疾病和供体类型均未表现出任何相关性。我们提出,根据我们的发现,中纳卡米分布可用于表征区域性的移植肾脏和大多数患者特征。
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Neural compression offers a domain-agnostic approach to creating codecs for lossy or lossless compression via deep generative models. For sequence compression, however, most deep sequence models have costs that scale with the sequence length rather than the sequence complexity. In this work, we instead treat data sequences as observations from an underlying continuous-time process and learn how to efficiently discretize while retaining information about the full sequence. As a consequence of decoupling sequential information from its temporal discretization, our approach allows for greater compression rates and smaller computational complexity. Moreover, the continuous-time approach naturally allows us to decode at different time intervals. We empirically verify our approach on multiple domains involving compression of video and motion capture sequences, showing that our approaches can automatically achieve reductions in bit rates by learning how to discretize.
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We investigate the parameterization of deep neural networks that by design satisfy the continuity equation, a fundamental conservation law. This is enabled by the observation that any solution of the continuity equation can be represented as a divergence-free vector field. We hence propose building divergence-free neural networks through the concept of differential forms, and with the aid of automatic differentiation, realize two practical constructions. As a result, we can parameterize pairs of densities and vector fields that always exactly satisfy the continuity equation, foregoing the need for extra penalty methods or expensive numerical simulation. Furthermore, we prove these models are universal and so can be used to represent any divergence-free vector field. Finally, we experimentally validate our approaches by computing neural network-based solutions to fluid equations, solving for the Hodge decomposition, and learning dynamical optimal transport maps.
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我们提出了Theseus,这是一个有效的应用程序不合时宜的开源库,用于在Pytorch上构建的可区分非线性最小二乘(DNL)优化,为机器人技术和视觉中的端到端结构化学习提供了一个共同的框架。现有的DNLS实施是特定应用程序的,并且并不总是纳入许多对效率重要的成分。 Theseus是应用程序不可静止的,正如我们使用的几个示例应用程序所用的,这些应用程序是使用相同的基础可区分组件构建的,例如二阶优化器,标准成本功能和Lie组。为了提高效率,TheseUS纳入了对稀疏求解器,自动矢量化,批处理,GPU加速度和梯度计算的支持,并具有隐式分化和直接损耗最小化。我们在一组应用程序中进行了广泛的性能评估,显示出这些功能时显示出明显的效率提高和更好的可扩展性。项目页面:https://sites.google.com/view/theseus-ai
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连续归一化流(CNF)是一类生成模型,可以通过求解普通的微分方程(ODE)将先验分布转换为模型分布。我们建议通过最大程度地减少概率路径差异(PPD)来训练CNF,这是CNF产生的概率密度路径与目标概率密度路径之间的新型差异家族。 PPD是使用对数质量保护公式制定的,该公式是线性的一阶部分微分方程,将对数目标概率和CNF的定义向量场进行配方。 PPD比现有方法具有多个关键好处:它避免了在迭代中解决颂歌的需求,很容易应用于歧管数据,比例到高维度,并与大型目标路径兼容,该目标路径在有限的时间内插值纯噪声和数据。从理论上讲,PPD显示为结合经典概率差异。从经验上讲,我们表明,通过最小化PPD实现最新的CNF在现有的低维歧管基准上获得了最新的可能性和样品质量,并且是生成模型以扩展到中度高维歧管的第一个示例。
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Large, labeled datasets have driven deep learning methods to achieve expert-level performance on a variety of medical imaging tasks. We present CheXpert, a large dataset that contains 224,316 chest radiographs of 65,240 patients. We design a labeler to automatically detect the presence of 14 observations in radiology reports, capturing uncertainties inherent in radiograph interpretation. We investigate different approaches to using the uncertainty labels for training convolutional neural networks that output the probability of these observations given the available frontal and lateral radiographs. On a validation set of 200 chest radiographic studies which were manually annotated by 3 board-certified radiologists, we find that different uncertainty approaches are useful for different pathologies. We then evaluate our best model on a test set composed of 500 chest radiographic studies annotated by a consensus of 5 board-certified radiologists, and compare the performance of our model to that of 3 additional radiologists in the detection of 5 selected pathologies. On Cardiomegaly, Edema, and Pleural Effusion, the model ROC and PR curves lie above all 3 radiologist operating points. We release the dataset to the public as a standard benchmark to evaluate performance of chest radiograph interpretation models. 1
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We show that standard ResNet architectures can be made invertible, allowing the same model to be used for classification, density estimation, and generation. Typically, enforcing invertibility requires partitioning dimensions or restricting network architectures. In contrast, our approach only requires adding a simple normalization step during training, already available in standard frameworks. Invertible ResNets define a generative model which can be trained by maximum likelihood on unlabeled data. To compute likelihoods, we introduce a tractable approximation to the Jacobian log-determinant of a residual block. Our empirical evaluation shows that invertible ResNets perform competitively with both stateof-the-art image classifiers and flow-based generative models, something that has not been previously achieved with a single architecture.
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