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Deep learning models require an enormous amount of data for training. However, recently there is a shift in machine learning from model-centric to data-centric approaches. In data-centric approaches, the focus is to refine and improve the quality of the data to improve the learning performance of the models rather than redesigning model architectures. In this paper, we propose CLIP i.e., Curriculum Learning with Iterative data Pruning. CLIP combines two data-centric approaches i.e., curriculum learning and dataset pruning to improve the model learning accuracy and convergence speed. The proposed scheme applies loss-aware dataset pruning to iteratively remove the least significant samples and progressively reduces the size of the effective dataset in the curriculum learning training. Extensive experiments performed on crowd density estimation models validate the notion behind combining the two approaches by reducing the convergence time and improving generalization. To our knowledge, the idea of data pruning as an embedded process in curriculum learning is novel.
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Density estimation is one of the most widely used methods for crowd counting in which a deep learning model learns from head-annotated crowd images to estimate crowd density in unseen images. Typically, the learning performance of the model is highly impacted by the accuracy of the annotations and inaccurate annotations may lead to localization and counting errors during prediction. A significant amount of works exist on crowd counting using perfectly labelled datasets but none of these explore the impact of annotation errors on the model accuracy. In this paper, we investigate the impact of imperfect labels (both noisy and missing labels) on crowd counting accuracy. We propose a system that automatically generates imperfect labels using a deep learning model (called annotator) which are then used to train a new crowd counting model (target model). Our analysis on two crowd counting models and two benchmark datasets shows that the proposed scheme achieves accuracy closer to that of the model trained with perfect labels showing the robustness of crowd models to annotation errors.
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The rapid outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic invoked scientists and researchers to prepare the world for future disasters. During the pandemic, global authorities on healthcare urged the importance of disinfection of objects and surfaces. To implement efficient and safe disinfection services during the pandemic, robots have been utilized for indoor assets. In this paper, we envision the use of drones for disinfection of outdoor assets in hospitals and other facilities. Such heterogeneous assets may have different service demands (e.g., service time, quantity of the disinfectant material etc.), whereas drones have typically limited capacity (i.e., travel time, disinfectant carrying capacity). To serve all the facility assets in an efficient manner, the drone to assets allocation and drone travel routes must be optimized. In this paper, we formulate the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) to find optimal route for each drone such that the total service time is minimized, while simultaneously the drones meet the demands of each asset allocated to it. The problem is solved using mixed integer programming (MIP). As CVRP is an NP-hard problem, we propose a lightweight heuristic to achieve sub-optimal performance while reducing the time complexity in solving the problem involving a large number of assets.
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Video surveillance using drones is both convenient and efficient due to the ease of deployment and unobstructed movement of drones in many scenarios. An interesting application of drone-based video surveillance is to estimate crowd densities (both pedestrians and vehicles) in public places. Deep learning using convolution neural networks (CNNs) is employed for automatic crowd counting and density estimation using images and videos. However, the performance and accuracy of such models typically depend upon the model architecture i.e., deeper CNN models improve accuracy at the cost of increased inference time. In this paper, we propose a novel crowd density estimation model for drones (DroneNet) using Self-organized Operational Neural Networks (Self-ONN). Self-ONN provides efficient learning capabilities with lower computational complexity as compared to CNN-based models. We tested our algorithm on two drone-view public datasets. Our evaluation shows that the proposed DroneNet shows superior performance on an equivalent CNN-based model.
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人群计数是公共场所情境意识的有效工具。使用图像和视频进行自动人群计数是一个有趣但充满挑战的问题,在计算机视觉中引起了极大的关注。在过去的几年中,已经开发了各种深度学习方法来实现最先进的表现。随着时间的流逝,这些方法在许多方面发生了变化,例如模型架构,输入管道,学习范式,计算复杂性和准确性提高等。在本文中,我们对人群计数领域中最重要的贡献进行了系统和全面的评论。 。尽管对该主题的调查很少,但我们的调查是最新的,并且在几个方面都不同。首先,它通过模型体系结构,学习方法(即损失功能)和评估方法(即评估指标)对最重要的贡献进行了更有意义的分类。我们选择了杰出和独特的作品,并排除了类似的作品。我们还通过基准数据集对著名人群计数模型进行分类。我们认为,这项调查可能是新手研究人员了解随着时间的推移和当前最新技术的逐步发展和贡献的好资源。
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被称为超声心动图的心脏成像是一种非侵入性工具,用于生成包括图像和视频的数据,心脏病专家用来诊断心脏异常,尤其是心肌梗死(MI)。超声心动图机可以提供大量数据,需要由心脏病专家快速分析,以帮助他们做出诊断和治疗心脏病。但是,获得的数据质量取决于购置条件以及患者对设置说明的响应能力。这些限制对医生的挑战尤其是当患者面对MI并且他们的生命受到威胁时。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的创新实时端到端全自动模型,以根据由左心室(LV)的区域壁运动异常(RWMA)检测到MI,该模型是由左心室(LV)的视频中的。超声心动图。我们的模型是由2D CNN组成的管道实现Mi。我们在由165个超声心动图视频组成的数据集上培训了两个CNN,每个CNN从一个独特的患者中获得。 2D CNN在数据分割方面达到了97.18%的精度,而3D CNN获得了90.9%的精度,100%的精度和95%的召回率。我们的结果表明,创建一个完全自动化的MI检测系统是可行且有利的。
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