我们提出了一种新型的深度学习方法,以分类19.Covid-19患者的肺CTS。具体而言,我们将扫描分为健康的肺组织,非肺部区域,以及两个不同但视觉上相似的病理性肺组织,即地面玻璃透明度和巩固。这是通过独特的端到端层次网络架构和整体学习来实现的,这有助于分割并为细分不确定性提供衡量标准。提出的框架为三个Covid-19数据集实现了竞争成果和出色的概括能力。我们的方法在COVID-19 CT图像细分的公共Kaggle竞赛中排名第二。此外,分割不确定性区域显示与两种不同放射科医生的手动注释之间的分歧相对应。最后,在比较患者的COVID-19严重程度评分(基于临床指标)和分割的肺病理时,显示了我们的私人数据集的初步有希望的对应结果。代码和数据可在我们的存储库中找到:https://github.com/talbenha/covid-seg
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Neural Representations have recently been shown to effectively reconstruct a wide range of signals from 3D meshes and shapes to images and videos. We show that, when adapted correctly, neural representations can be used to directly represent the weights of a pre-trained convolutional neural network, resulting in a Neural Representation for Neural Networks (NeRN). Inspired by coordinate inputs of previous neural representation methods, we assign a coordinate to each convolutional kernel in our network based on its position in the architecture, and optimize a predictor network to map coordinates to their corresponding weights. Similarly to the spatial smoothness of visual scenes, we show that incorporating a smoothness constraint over the original network's weights aids NeRN towards a better reconstruction. In addition, since slight perturbations in pre-trained model weights can result in a considerable accuracy loss, we employ techniques from the field of knowledge distillation to stabilize the learning process. We demonstrate the effectiveness of NeRN in reconstructing widely used architectures on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet. Finally, we present two applications using NeRN, demonstrating the capabilities of the learned representations.
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A core process in human cognition is analogical mapping: the ability to identify a similar relational structure between different situations. We introduce a novel task, Visual Analogies of Situation Recognition, adapting the classical word-analogy task into the visual domain. Given a triplet of images, the task is to select an image candidate B' that completes the analogy (A to A' is like B to what?). Unlike previous work on visual analogy that focused on simple image transformations, we tackle complex analogies requiring understanding of scenes. We leverage situation recognition annotations and the CLIP model to generate a large set of 500k candidate analogies. Crowdsourced annotations for a sample of the data indicate that humans agree with the dataset label ~80% of the time (chance level 25%). Furthermore, we use human annotations to create a gold-standard dataset of 3,820 validated analogies. Our experiments demonstrate that state-of-the-art models do well when distractors are chosen randomly (~86%), but struggle with carefully chosen distractors (~53%, compared to 90% human accuracy). We hope our dataset will encourage the development of new analogy-making models. Website: https://vasr-dataset.github.io/
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Micron-scale robots (ubots) have recently shown great promise for emerging medical applications, and accurate control of ubots is a critical next step to deploying them in real systems. In this work, we develop the idea of a nonlinear mismatch controller to compensate for the mismatch between the disturbed unicycle model of a rolling ubot and trajectory data collected during an experiment. We exploit the differential flatness property of the rolling ubot model to generate a mapping from the desired state trajectory to nominal control actions. Due to model mismatch and parameter estimation error, the nominal control actions will not exactly reproduce the desired state trajectory. We employ a Gaussian Process (GP) to learn the model mismatch as a function of the desired control actions, and correct the nominal control actions using a least-squares optimization. We demonstrate the performance of our online learning algorithm in simulation, where we show that the model mismatch makes some desired states unreachable. Finally, we validate our approach in an experiment and show that the error metrics are reduced by up to 40%.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are prominent in handling sparse and unstructured data efficiently and effectively. Specifically, GNNs were shown to be highly effective for node classification tasks, where labelled information is available for only a fraction of the nodes. Typically, the optimization process, through the objective function, considers only labelled nodes while ignoring the rest. In this paper, we propose novel objective terms for the training of GNNs for node classification, aiming to exploit all the available data and improve accuracy. Our first term seeks to maximize the mutual information between node and label features, considering both labelled and unlabelled nodes in the optimization process. Our second term promotes anisotropic smoothness in the prediction maps. Lastly, we propose a cross-validating gradients approach to enhance the learning from labelled data. Our proposed objectives are general and can be applied to various GNNs and require no architectural modifications. Extensive experiments demonstrate our approach using popular GNNs like GCN, GAT and GCNII, reading a consistent and significant accuracy improvement on 10 real-world node classification datasets.
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We present a new pre-trained language model (PLM) for modern Hebrew, termed AlephBERTGimmel, which employs a much larger vocabulary (128K items) than standard Hebrew PLMs before. We perform a contrastive analysis of this model against all previous Hebrew PLMs (mBERT, heBERT, AlephBERT) and assess the effects of larger vocabularies on task performance. Our experiments show that larger vocabularies lead to fewer splits, and that reducing splits is better for model performance, across different tasks. All in all this new model achieves new SOTA on all available Hebrew benchmarks, including Morphological Segmentation, POS Tagging, Full Morphological Analysis, NER, and Sentiment Analysis. Subsequently we advocate for PLMs that are larger not only in terms of number of layers or training data, but also in terms of their vocabulary. We release the new model publicly for unrestricted use.
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) have greatly impacted numerous fields over the past decade. Yet despite exhibiting superb performance over many problems, their black-box nature still poses a significant challenge with respect to explainability. Indeed, explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is crucial in several fields, wherein the answer alone -- sans a reasoning of how said answer was derived -- is of little value. This paper uncovers a troubling property of explanation methods for image-based DNNs: by making small visual changes to the input image -- hardly influencing the network's output -- we demonstrate how explanations may be arbitrarily manipulated through the use of evolution strategies. Our novel algorithm, AttaXAI, a model-agnostic, adversarial attack on XAI algorithms, only requires access to the output logits of a classifier and to the explanation map; these weak assumptions render our approach highly useful where real-world models and data are concerned. We compare our method's performance on two benchmark datasets -- CIFAR100 and ImageNet -- using four different pretrained deep-learning models: VGG16-CIFAR100, VGG16-ImageNet, MobileNet-CIFAR100, and Inception-v3-ImageNet. We find that the XAI methods can be manipulated without the use of gradients or other model internals. Our novel algorithm is successfully able to manipulate an image in a manner imperceptible to the human eye, such that the XAI method outputs a specific explanation map. To our knowledge, this is the first such method in a black-box setting, and we believe it has significant value where explainability is desired, required, or legally mandatory.
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A master face is a face image that passes face-based identity authentication for a high percentage of the population. These faces can be used to impersonate, with a high probability of success, any user, without having access to any user information. We optimize these faces for 2D and 3D face verification models, by using an evolutionary algorithm in the latent embedding space of the StyleGAN face generator. For 2D face verification, multiple evolutionary strategies are compared, and we propose a novel approach that employs a neural network to direct the search toward promising samples, without adding fitness evaluations. The results we present demonstrate that it is possible to obtain a considerable coverage of the identities in the LFW or RFW datasets with less than 10 master faces, for six leading deep face recognition systems. In 3D, we generate faces using the 2D StyleGAN2 generator and predict a 3D structure using a deep 3D face reconstruction network. When employing two different 3D face recognition systems, we are able to obtain a coverage of 40%-50%. Additionally, we present the generation of paired 2D RGB and 3D master faces, which simultaneously match 2D and 3D models with high impersonation rates.
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The use of needles to access sites within organs is fundamental to many interventional medical procedures both for diagnosis and treatment. Safe and accurate navigation of a needle through living tissue to an intra-tissue target is currently often challenging or infeasible due to the presence of anatomical obstacles in the tissue, high levels of uncertainty, and natural tissue motion (e.g., due to breathing). Medical robots capable of automating needle-based procedures in vivo have the potential to overcome these challenges and enable an enhanced level of patient care and safety. In this paper, we show the first medical robot that autonomously navigates a needle inside living tissue around anatomical obstacles to an intra-tissue target. Our system leverages an aiming device and a laser-patterned highly flexible steerable needle, a type of needle capable of maneuvering along curvilinear trajectories to avoid obstacles. The autonomous robot accounts for anatomical obstacles and uncertainty in living tissue/needle interaction with replanning and control and accounts for respiratory motion by defining safe insertion time windows during the breathing cycle. We apply the system to lung biopsy, which is critical in the diagnosis of lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. We demonstrate successful performance of our system in multiple in vivo porcine studies and also demonstrate that our approach leveraging autonomous needle steering outperforms a standard manual clinical technique for lung nodule access.
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The field of emergent communication aims to understand the characteristics of communication as it emerges from artificial agents solving tasks that require information exchange. Communication with discrete messages is considered a desired characteristic, for both scientific and applied reasons. However, training a multi-agent system with discrete communication is not straightforward, requiring either reinforcement learning algorithms or relaxing the discreteness requirement via a continuous approximation such as the Gumbel-softmax. Both these solutions result in poor performance compared to fully continuous communication. In this work, we propose an alternative approach to achieve discrete communication -- quantization of communicated messages. Using message quantization allows us to train the model end-to-end, achieving superior performance in multiple setups. Moreover, quantization is a natural framework that runs the gamut from continuous to discrete communication. Thus, it sets the ground for a broader view of multi-agent communication in the deep learning era.
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