我们正在使用使用Kinect V2传感器收集的美国手语(ASL)的数据集,该数据集包含包含Fluent和非浮力签名者的视频。该数据集是作为一个项目的一部分收集的,该项目旨在开发和评估计算机视觉算法,以支持新技术以自动检测ASL流利度属性。总共要求45名流利和非全体参与者执行与介绍性或中级ASL课程中使用的作业相似的签名作业作业。注释数据以确定签名的几个方面,包括语法特征和非手动标记。手语识别目前非常数据驱动,该数据集可以支持识别技术的设计,尤其是可以使ASL学习者受益的技术。对于想要对比流利和非流利签名的ASL教育研究人员来说,该数据集也可能很有趣。
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The recent increase in public and academic interest in preserving biodiversity has led to the growth of the field of conservation technology. This field involves designing and constructing tools that utilize technology to aid in the conservation of wildlife. In this article, we will use case studies to demonstrate the importance of designing conservation tools with human-wildlife interaction in mind and provide a framework for creating successful tools. These case studies include a range of complexities, from simple cat collars to machine learning and game theory methodologies. Our goal is to introduce and inform current and future researchers in the field of conservation technology and provide references for educating the next generation of conservation technologists. Conservation technology not only has the potential to benefit biodiversity but also has broader impacts on fields such as sustainability and environmental protection. By using innovative technologies to address conservation challenges, we can find more effective and efficient solutions to protect and preserve our planet's resources.
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Bipedal robots have received much attention because of the variety of motion maneuvers that they can produce, and the many applications they have in various areas including rehabilitation. One of these motion maneuvers is walking. In this study, we presented a framework for the trajectory optimization of a 5-link (planar) Biped Robot using hybrid optimization. The walking is modeled with two phases of single-stance (support) phase and the collision phase. The dynamic equations of the robot in each phase are extracted by the Lagrange method. It is assumed that the robot heel strike to the ground is full plastic. The gait is optimized with a method called hybrid optimization. The objective function of this problem is considered to be the integral of torque-squared along the trajectory, and also various constraints such as zero dynamics are satisfied without any approximation. Furthermore, in a new framework, there is presented a constraint called impact invariance, which ensures the periodicity of the time-varying trajectories. On the other hand, other constraints provide better and more human-like movement.
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The importance of humanoid robots in today's world is undeniable, one of the most important features of humanoid robots is the ability to maneuver in environments such as stairs that other robots can not easily cross. A suitable algorithm to generate the path for the bipedal robot to climb is very important. In this paper, an optimization-based method to generate an optimal stairway for under-actuated bipedal robots without an ankle actuator is presented. The generated paths are based on zero and non-zero dynamics of the problem, and according to the satisfaction of the zero dynamics constraint in the problem, tracking the path is possible, in other words, the problem can be dynamically feasible. The optimization method used in the problem is a gradient-based method that has a suitable number of function evaluations for computational processing. This method can also be utilized to go down the stairs.
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Finding and localizing the conceptual changes in two scenes in terms of the presence or removal of objects in two images belonging to the same scene at different times in special care applications is of great significance. This is mainly due to the fact that addition or removal of important objects for some environments can be harmful. As a result, there is a need to design a program that locates these differences using machine vision. The most important challenge of this problem is the change in lighting conditions and the presence of shadows in the scene. Therefore, the proposed methods must be resistant to these challenges. In this article, a method based on deep convolutional neural networks using transfer learning is introduced, which is trained with an intelligent data synthesis process. The results of this method are tested and presented on the dataset provided for this purpose. It is shown that the presented method is more efficient than other methods and can be used in a variety of real industrial environments.
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The acquisition of high-quality human annotations through crowdsourcing platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is more challenging than expected. The annotation quality might be affected by various aspects like annotation instructions, Human Intelligence Task (HIT) design, and wages paid to annotators, etc. To avoid potentially low-quality annotations which could mislead the evaluation of automatic summarization system outputs, we investigate the recruitment of high-quality MTurk workers via a three-step qualification pipeline. We show that we can successfully filter out bad workers before they carry out the evaluations and obtain high-quality annotations while optimizing the use of resources. This paper can serve as basis for the recruitment of qualified annotators in other challenging annotation tasks.
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Achieving artificially intelligent-native wireless networks is necessary for the operation of future 6G applications such as the metaverse. Nonetheless, current communication schemes are, at heart, a mere reconstruction process that lacks reasoning. One key solution that enables evolving wireless communication to a human-like conversation is semantic communications. In this paper, a novel machine reasoning framework is proposed to pre-process and disentangle source data so as to make it semantic-ready. In particular, a novel contrastive learning framework is proposed, whereby instance and cluster discrimination are performed on the data. These two tasks enable increasing the cohesiveness between data points mapping to semantically similar content elements and disentangling data points of semantically different content elements. Subsequently, the semantic deep clusters formed are ranked according to their level of confidence. Deep semantic clusters of highest confidence are considered learnable, semantic-rich data, i.e., data that can be used to build a language in a semantic communications system. The least confident ones are considered, random, semantic-poor, and memorizable data that must be transmitted classically. Our simulation results showcase the superiority of our contrastive learning approach in terms of semantic impact and minimalism. In fact, the length of the semantic representation achieved is minimized by 57.22% compared to vanilla semantic communication systems, thus achieving minimalist semantic representations.
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This paper proposes a perception and path planning pipeline for autonomous racing in an unknown bounded course. The pipeline was initially created for the 2021 evGrandPrix autonomous division and was further improved for the 2022 event, both of which resulting in first place finishes. Using a simple LiDAR-based perception pipeline feeding into an occupancy grid based expansion algorithm, we determine a goal point to drive. This pipeline successfully achieved reliable and consistent laps in addition with occupancy grid algorithm to know the ways around a cone-defined track with an averaging speeds of 6.85 m/s over a distance 434.2 meters for a total lap time of 63.4 seconds.
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With the evolution of power systems as it is becoming more intelligent and interactive system while increasing in flexibility with a larger penetration of renewable energy sources, demand prediction on a short-term resolution will inevitably become more and more crucial in designing and managing the future grid, especially when it comes to an individual household level. Projecting the demand for electricity for a single energy user, as opposed to the aggregated power consumption of residential load on a wide scale, is difficult because of a considerable number of volatile and uncertain factors. This paper proposes a customized GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture to address this challenging problem. LSTM and GRU are comparatively newer and among the most well-adopted deep learning approaches. The electricity consumption datasets were obtained from individual household smart meters. The comparison shows that the LSTM model performs better for home-level forecasting than alternative prediction techniques-GRU in this case. To compare the NN-based models with contrast to the conventional statistical technique-based model, ARIMA based model was also developed and benchmarked with LSTM and GRU model outcomes in this study to show the performance of the proposed model on the collected time series data.
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