车辆(IOV)互联网(IOV),其中互连的车辆彼此通信并在公共网络上与道路基础设施通信,具有令人市性的社会经济利益,但也造成了新的网络身体威胁。车辆攻击者的数据可以使用像蜜罐等系统使用网络威胁情报进行现实地收集。不可否认,配置蜜罐在蜜罐攻击者互动的级别和执行和监测这些蜜罐的任何产生的开销和成本之间引入权衡。我们认为,通过战略性地配置蜜罐来代表IOV的组成部分,可以实现有效的欺骗,并参与攻击者来收集网络威胁情报。在本文中,我们展示了HoneyCar,这是IOV中蜜罐欺骗的新决策支持框架。 Honeycar在国家漏洞数据库(NVD)中的常见漏洞和曝光(CVE)中发现的自主和连通车辆的已知漏洞的存储库,以计算最佳蜜罐配置策略。通过采取游戏理论方法,我们将对手交互模拟作为重复的不完美信息零和游戏,其中IOV网络管理员选择一组漏洞,以便在蜜罐中提供,并且战略攻击者选择IOV的脆弱性在不确定性下剥削。我们的调查是通过检查两种不同版本的游戏,并没有重新配置成本来证实,以赋予网络管理员来确定最佳蜜罐配置。我们在一个现实用例中评估Honeycar,以支持决策者,以确定IOV中的战略部署的最佳蜜罐配置策略。
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Machine Translation (MT) system generally aims at automatic representation of source language into target language retaining the originality of context using various Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Among various NLP methods, Statistical Machine Translation(SMT). SMT uses probabilistic and statistical techniques to analyze information and conversion. This paper canvasses about the development of bilingual SMT models for translating English to fifteen low-resource Indian Languages (ILs) and vice versa. At the outset, all 15 languages are briefed with a short description related to our experimental need. Further, a detailed analysis of Samanantar and OPUS dataset for model building, along with standard benchmark dataset (Flores-200) for fine-tuning and testing, is done as a part of our experiment. Different preprocessing approaches are proposed in this paper to handle the noise of the dataset. To create the system, MOSES open-source SMT toolkit is explored. Distance reordering is utilized with the aim to understand the rules of grammar and context-dependent adjustments through a phrase reordering categorization framework. In our experiment, the quality of the translation is evaluated using standard metrics such as BLEU, METEOR, and RIBES
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Pre-training is an effective technique for ensuring robust performance on a variety of machine learning tasks. It typically depends on large-scale crawled corpora that can result in toxic or biased models. Such data can also be problematic with respect to copyright, attribution, and privacy. Pre-training with synthetic tasks and data is a promising way of alleviating such concerns since no real-world information is ingested by the model. Our goal in this paper is to understand what makes for a good pre-trained model when using synthetic resources. We answer this question in the context of neural machine translation by considering two novel approaches to translation model pre-training. Our first approach studies the effect of pre-training on obfuscated data derived from a parallel corpus by mapping words to a vocabulary of 'nonsense' tokens. Our second approach explores the effect of pre-training on procedurally generated synthetic parallel data that does not depend on any real human language corpus. Our empirical evaluation on multiple language pairs shows that, to a surprising degree, the benefits of pre-training can be realized even with obfuscated or purely synthetic parallel data. In our analysis, we consider the extent to which obfuscated and synthetic pre-training techniques can be used to mitigate the issue of hallucinated model toxicity.
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In this work, we propose a novel generative model for mapping inputs to structured, high-dimensional outputs using structured conditional normalizing flows and Gaussian process regression. The model is motivated by the need to characterize uncertainty in the input/output relationship when making inferences on new data. In particular, in the physical sciences, limited training data may not adequately characterize future observed data; it is critical that models adequately indicate uncertainty, particularly when they may be asked to extrapolate. In our proposed model, structured conditional normalizing flows provide parsimonious latent representations that relate to the inputs through a Gaussian process, providing exact likelihood calculations and uncertainty that naturally increases away from the training data inputs. We demonstrate the methodology on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy data from the ChemCam instrument onboard the Mars rover Curiosity. ChemCam was designed to recover the chemical composition of rock and soil samples by measuring the spectral properties of plasma atomic emissions induced by a laser pulse. We show that our model can generate realistic spectra conditional on a given chemical composition and that we can use the model to perform uncertainty quantification of chemical compositions for new observed spectra. Based on our results, we anticipate that our proposed modeling approach may be useful in other scientific domains with high-dimensional, complex structure where it is important to quantify predictive uncertainty.
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A major direction in differentially private machine learning is differentially private fine-tuning: pretraining a model on a source of "public data" and transferring the extracted features to downstream tasks. This is an important setting because many industry deployments fine-tune publicly available feature extractors on proprietary data for downstream tasks. In this paper, we use features extracted from state-of-the-art open source models to solve benchmark tasks in computer vision and natural language processing using differentially private fine-tuning. Our key insight is that by accelerating training, we can quickly drive the model parameters to regions in parameter space where the impact of noise is minimized. In doing so, we recover the same performance as non-private fine-tuning for realistic values of epsilon in [0.01, 1.0] on benchmark image classification datasets including CIFAR100.
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Accurate segmentation of live cell images has broad applications in clinical and research contexts. Deep learning methods have been able to perform cell segmentations with high accuracy; however developing machine learning models to do this requires access to high fidelity images of live cells. This is often not available due to resource constraints like limited accessibility to high performance microscopes or due to the nature of the studied organisms. Segmentation on low resolution images of live cells is a difficult task. This paper proposes a method to perform live cell segmentation with low resolution images by performing super-resolution as a pre-processing step in the segmentation pipeline.
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Automation in farming processes is a growing field of research in both academia and industries. A considerable amount of work has been put into this field to develop systems robust enough for farming. Terrace farming, in particular, provides a varying set of challenges, including robust stair climbing methods and stable navigation in unstructured terrains. We propose the design of a novel autonomous terrace farming robot, Aarohi, that can effectively climb steep terraces of considerable heights and execute several farming operations. The design optimisation strategy for the overall mechanical structure is elucidated. Further, the embedded and software architecture along with fail-safe strategies are presented for a working prototype. Algorithms for autonomous traversal over the terrace steps using the scissor lift mechanism and performing various farming operations have also been discussed. The adaptability of the design to specific operational requirements and modular farm tools allow Aarohi to be customised for a wide variety of use cases.
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Most existing Spiking Neural Network (SNN) works state that SNNs may utilize temporal information dynamics of spikes. However, an explicit analysis of temporal information dynamics is still missing. In this paper, we ask several important questions for providing a fundamental understanding of SNNs: What are temporal information dynamics inside SNNs? How can we measure the temporal information dynamics? How do the temporal information dynamics affect the overall learning performance? To answer these questions, we estimate the Fisher Information of the weights to measure the distribution of temporal information during training in an empirical manner. Surprisingly, as training goes on, Fisher information starts to concentrate in the early timesteps. After training, we observe that information becomes highly concentrated in earlier few timesteps, a phenomenon we refer to as temporal information concentration. We observe that the temporal information concentration phenomenon is a common learning feature of SNNs by conducting extensive experiments on various configurations such as architecture, dataset, optimization strategy, time constant, and timesteps. Furthermore, to reveal how temporal information concentration affects the performance of SNNs, we design a loss function to change the trend of temporal information. We find that temporal information concentration is crucial to building a robust SNN but has little effect on classification accuracy. Finally, we propose an efficient iterative pruning method based on our observation on temporal information concentration. Code is available at https://github.com/Intelligent-Computing-Lab-Yale/Exploring-Temporal-Information-Dynamics-in-Spiking-Neural-Networks.
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基础模型(FMS)已证明了前所未有的功能,包括零拍学习,高保真数据合成和范围内的概括。但是,正如我们在本文中所显示的那样,FMS在专家任务上的开箱即用表现较差(例如,从语言查询中检索汽车手册技术插图),数据是看不见的,或者属于长尾的数据用于FM预训练的大型数据集的数据分布的一部分。这强调了在此类专家任务上明确评估和芬太尼FMS的必要性,这可以说是在实际现实世界中最重要的任务。在本文中,我们提出了围绕教授FMS了解技术文档的任务,通过学习将其图形插图与相应的语言描述相匹配的任务围绕着了解技术文档的任务。我们的FETA基准重点是公共汽车手册和销售目录手册中的文本对图像和图像到文本检索。 FETA配备了完全自动注释提取的程序(接受后将发布代码),从而使Feta轻松扩展到将来更多的文档类型和应用域。我们的自动注释导致自动性能指标显示,该指标与在人类策划注释中计算的指标一致(也发布)。我们提供多个基线和对FETA的流行FM的分析,从而导致一些有趣的发现,我们认为这对FM社区非常有价值,为现实世界中FMS应用于当前被标准基准的“忽视”的实践专家任务铺平了道路。在常见对象上。
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迅速调整,它冻结了预审计的语言模型(PLM),只有微调的几个额外软提示的参数,在PLM具有数十亿个参数时,对全参数微调(即模型调整)显示出具有竞争性的性能,但仍然显示出竞争力。在较小的PLM的情况下,性能差。因此,迅速转移(POT),通过训练有素的类似源任务的提示来初始化目标提示,最近提议改善及时调整。但是,这样的香草锅方法通常会实现次优的性能,因为(i)锅对源目标对的相似性和(ii)直接对目标提示进行初始提示的提示敏感,而目标任务可能会导致灾难性忘记来源知识。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个新的指标,以准确预测及时的转移性(关于(i)),以及一种利用知识蒸馏技术将“知识”从源提示转移到的新颖的锅方法(即熊猫)目标以微妙的方式提示,并有效缓解灾难性遗忘(关于(ii))。此外,为了实现每个源目标对的自适应及时转移,我们使用指标来控制熊猫方法中的知识转移。对PLM的5个量表的21个源和9个目标数据集的189组组合进行了广泛而系统的实验,表明:1)我们提出的指标很好地预测了及时的可传递性; 2)在所有任务和型号中,我们的熊猫始终优于香草锅的平均得分2.3%(最高24.1%); 3)通过我们的熊猫方法,及时调整可以比在各种PLM量表场景中的模型调整来实现竞争性甚至更好的性能。接受代码和模型将在接受后发布。
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