统计能力是对假设检验的优点/强度的度量。正式地,如果存在真实的效果,则是检测效果的概率。因此,需要优化统计能力作为假设检验的某些参数的函数。但是,对于大多数假设检验,统计功率的显式功能形式是这些参数的函数是未知的,但是使用模拟实验可以计算给定值集值的统计功率。这些模拟实验通常在计算上很昂贵。因此,使用模拟开发整个统计功率歧管可能非常耗时。由此激励,我们提出了一种基于遗传算法的新型统计功率歧管框架。对于多个线性回归$ f $检验,我们表明所提出的算法/框架与蛮力方法相比,随着电源甲骨文的查询数量大大减少,统计功率歧管的速度要快得多。我们还表明,随着遗传算法的增加,学习流形的质量会提高。
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Dyadic and small group collaboration is an evolutionary advantageous behaviour and the need for such collaboration is a regular occurrence in day to day life. In this paper we estimate the perceived personality traits of individuals in dyadic and small groups over thin-slices of interaction on four multimodal datasets. We find that our transformer based predictive model performs similarly to human annotators tasked with predicting the perceived big-five personality traits of participants. Using this model we analyse the estimated perceived personality traits of individuals performing tasks in small groups and dyads. Permutation analysis shows that in the case of small groups undergoing collaborative tasks, the perceived personality of group members clusters, this is also observed for dyads in a collaborative problem solving task, but not in dyads under non-collaborative task settings. Additionally, we find that the group level average perceived personality traits provide a better predictor of group performance than the group level average self-reported personality traits.
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血氧水平依赖性(BOLD)用母体高氧可以评估胎盘内的氧运输,并已成为研究胎盘功能的有前途的工具。测量信号随着时间的变化需要在时间序列的每个体积中分割胎盘。由于大胆的时间序列中的数量大量,现有研究依靠注册将所有卷映射到手动分段模板。由于胎盘由于胎儿运动,母体运动和收缩而导致大变形,因此这种方法通常会导致大量废弃体积,而注册方法失败。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个基于U-NET神经网络体系结构的机器学习模型,以自动以粗体MRI分割胎盘,并将其应用于时间序列中的每个卷。我们使用边界加权损失函数来准确捕获胎盘形状。我们的模型经过训练和测试,并在91位包含健康胎儿的受试者,胎儿生长限制的胎儿以及BMI高的母亲中进行了测试。当与地面真实标签匹配时,我们的骰子得分为0.83 +/- 0.04,并且我们的模型在粗体时间序列中可靠地分割量氧和高氧点的量。我们的代码和训练有素的模型可在https://github.com/mabulnaga/automatic-placenta-mentegation上获得。
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我们探索了使用机器学习技术来消除实验光谱中大量$ \ gamma $ ray检测器的响应。分段$ \ gamma $ -Ray总吸收光谱仪(TAS)允许同时测量单个$ \ gamma $ -ray $ -Ray-ray Energy(e $ _ \ gamma $)和总激发能量(E $ _X $)。 TAS检测器数据的分析使E $ _X $和E $ _ \ gamma $数量相关联,因此与使用E $ _x $和E $ _ \ gamma $响应函数相关的技术是复杂的,因此不那么准确。在这项工作中,我们调查了有条件生成的对抗网络(CGAN)同时展开$ e_ {x} $和$ e _ {\ gamma} $ data在TAS检测器中的数据。具体而言,我们采用PIX2PIX CGAN,这是一种基于深度学习进展的生成建模技术,以处理$(e_x,e _ {\ gamma})$矩阵作为图像到图像翻译问题。我们提出了单个 - $ \ gamma $和double-$ \ gamma $ decay cascades的模拟和实验矩阵的结果。我们的模型展示了检测器分辨率限制内的表征功能,其模拟测试用例$ 90 \%$。
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Deep learning (DL) is gaining popularity as a parameter estimation method for quantitative MRI. A range of competing implementations have been proposed, relying on either supervised or self-supervised learning. Self-supervised approaches, sometimes referred to as unsupervised, have been loosely based on auto-encoders, whereas supervised methods have, to date, been trained on groundtruth labels. These two learning paradigms have been shown to have distinct strengths. Notably, self-supervised approaches have offered lower-bias parameter estimates than their supervised alternatives. This result is counterintuitive - incorporating prior knowledge with supervised labels should, in theory, lead to improved accuracy. In this work, we show that this apparent limitation of supervised approaches stems from the naive choice of groundtruth training labels. By training on labels which are deliberately not groundtruth, we show that the low-bias parameter estimation previously associated with self-supervised methods can be replicated - and improved on - within a supervised learning framework. This approach sets the stage for a single, unifying, deep learning parameter estimation framework, based on supervised learning, where trade-offs between bias and variance are made by careful adjustment of training label.
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Recently developed methods for video analysis, especially models for pose estimation and behavior classification, are transforming behavioral quantification to be more precise, scalable, and reproducible in fields such as neuroscience and ethology. These tools overcome long-standing limitations of manual scoring of video frames and traditional "center of mass" tracking algorithms to enable video analysis at scale. The expansion of open-source tools for video acquisition and analysis has led to new experimental approaches to understand behavior. Here, we review currently available open-source tools for video analysis and discuss how to set up these methods for labs new to video recording. We also discuss best practices for developing and using video analysis methods, including community-wide standards and critical needs for the open sharing of datasets and code, more widespread comparisons of video analysis methods, and better documentation for these methods especially for new users. We encourage broader adoption and continued development of these tools, which have tremendous potential for accelerating scientific progress in understanding the brain and behavior.
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联邦学习(FL)已成为一种前瞻性解决方案,可促进对高性能的集中模型的培训,而不会损害用户的隐私。尽管成功,但目前的研究受到了在实验初期建立现实的大规模FL系统的可能性的限制。仿真可以帮助加速这一过程。为了促进异构客户的有效可扩展的FL模拟,我们设计和实施ProteA,这是使用FL框架花朵在联合系统中灵活且轻巧的客户型分析组件。它允许自动收集系统级统计信息并估算每个客户所需的资源,从而以资源感知方式运行模拟。结果表明,我们的设计成功地增加了1.66 $ \ times $ $更快的壁挂时间和2.6 $ \ times $更好的GPU利用率的平行性,这可以对异构客户进行大规模实验。
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