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Nowadays, feature selection is frequently used in machine learning when there is a risk of performance degradation due to overfitting or when computational resources are limited. During the feature selection process, the subset of features that are most relevant and least redundant is chosen. In recent years, it has become clear that, in addition to relevance and redundancy, features' complementarity must be considered. Informally, if the features are weak predictors of the target variable separately and strong predictors when combined, then they are complementary. It is demonstrated in this paper that the synergistic effect of complementary features mutually amplifying each other in the construction of two-tier decision trees can be interfered with by another feature, resulting in a decrease in performance. It is demonstrated using cross-validation on both synthetic and real datasets, regression and classification, that removing or eliminating the interfering feature can improve performance by up to 24 times. It has also been discovered that the lesser the domain is learned, the greater the increase in performance. More formally, it is demonstrated that there is a statistically significant negative rank correlation between performance on the dataset prior to the elimination of the interfering feature and performance growth after the elimination of the interfering feature. It is concluded that this broadens the scope of feature selection methods for cases where data and computational resources are sufficient.
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Reinforcement learning (RL) problems can be challenging without well-shaped rewards. Prior work on provably efficient RL methods generally proposes to address this issue with dedicated exploration strategies. However, another way to tackle this challenge is to reformulate it as a multi-task RL problem, where the task space contains not only the challenging task of interest but also easier tasks that implicitly function as a curriculum. Such a reformulation opens up the possibility of running existing multi-task RL methods as a more efficient alternative to solving a single challenging task from scratch. In this work, we provide a theoretical framework that reformulates a single-task RL problem as a multi-task RL problem defined by a curriculum. Under mild regularity conditions on the curriculum, we show that sequentially solving each task in the multi-task RL problem is more computationally efficient than solving the original single-task problem, without any explicit exploration bonuses or other exploration strategies. We also show that our theoretical insights can be translated into an effective practical learning algorithm that can accelerate curriculum learning on simulated robotic tasks.
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We present HARP (HAnd Reconstruction and Personalization), a personalized hand avatar creation approach that takes a short monocular RGB video of a human hand as input and reconstructs a faithful hand avatar exhibiting a high-fidelity appearance and geometry. In contrast to the major trend of neural implicit representations, HARP models a hand with a mesh-based parametric hand model, a vertex displacement map, a normal map, and an albedo without any neural components. As validated by our experiments, the explicit nature of our representation enables a truly scalable, robust, and efficient approach to hand avatar creation. HARP is optimized via gradient descent from a short sequence captured by a hand-held mobile phone and can be directly used in AR/VR applications with real-time rendering capability. To enable this, we carefully design and implement a shadow-aware differentiable rendering scheme that is robust to high degree articulations and self-shadowing regularly present in hand motion sequences, as well as challenging lighting conditions. It also generalizes to unseen poses and novel viewpoints, producing photo-realistic renderings of hand animations performing highly-articulated motions. Furthermore, the learned HARP representation can be used for improving 3D hand pose estimation quality in challenging viewpoints. The key advantages of HARP are validated by the in-depth analyses on appearance reconstruction, novel-view and novel pose synthesis, and 3D hand pose refinement. It is an AR/VR-ready personalized hand representation that shows superior fidelity and scalability.
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This paper discusses the development of a convolutional architecture of a deep neural network for the recognition of wildfires on satellite images. Based on the results of image classification, a fuzzy cognitive map of the analysis of the macroeconomic situation was built. The paper also considers the prospect of using hybrid cognitive models for forecasting macroeconomic indicators based on fuzzy cognitive maps using data on recognized wildfires on satellite images.
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The goal of autonomous vehicles is to navigate public roads safely and comfortably. To enforce safety, traditional planning approaches rely on handcrafted rules to generate trajectories. Machine learning-based systems, on the other hand, scale with data and are able to learn more complex behaviors. However, they often ignore that agents and self-driving vehicle trajectory distributions can be leveraged to improve safety. In this paper, we propose modeling a distribution over multiple future trajectories for both the self-driving vehicle and other road agents, using a unified neural network architecture for prediction and planning. During inference, we select the planning trajectory that minimizes a cost taking into account safety and the predicted probabilities. Our approach does not depend on any rule-based planners for trajectory generation or optimization, improves with more training data and is simple to implement. We extensively evaluate our method through a realistic simulator and show that the predicted trajectory distribution corresponds to different driving profiles. We also successfully deploy it on a self-driving vehicle on urban public roads, confirming that it drives safely without compromising comfort. The code for training and testing our model on a public prediction dataset and the video of the road test are available at https://woven.mobi/safepathnet
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我们介绍了第一个机器学习引力波搜索模拟数据挑战(MLGWSC-1)的结果。在这一挑战中,参与的小组必须从二进制黑洞合并中识别出复杂性和持续时间逐渐嵌入在逐渐更现实的噪声中的引力波信号。 4个提供的数据集中的决赛包含O3A观察的真实噪声,并发出了20秒的持续时间,其中包含进动效应和高阶模式。我们介绍了在提交前从参与者未知的1个月的测试数据中得出的6个输入算法的平均灵敏度距离和运行时。其中4个是机器学习算法。我们发现,最好的基于机器学习的算法能够以每月1个的错误警报率(FAR)的速度(FAR)实现基于匹配过滤的生产分析的敏感距离的95%。相反,对于真实的噪音,领先的机器学习搜索获得了70%。为了更高的范围,敏感距离缩小的差异缩小到某些数据集上选择机器学习提交的范围$ \ geq 200 $以优于传统搜索算法的程度。我们的结果表明,当前的机器学习搜索算法可能已经在有限的参数区域中对某些生产设置有用。为了改善最新的技术,机器学习算法需要降低他们能够检测信号并将其有效性扩展到参数空间区域的虚假警报率,在这些区域中,建模的搜索在计算上很昂贵。根据我们的发现,我们汇编了我们认为,将机器学习搜索提升到重力波信号检测中的宝贵工具,我们认为这是最重要的研究领域。
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最近,致力于通过现代机器学习方法预测脑部疾病的最新神经影像学研究通常包括单一模态并依靠监督的过度参数化模型。但是,单一模态仅提供了高度复杂的大脑的有限视图。至关重要的是,临床环境中的有监督模型缺乏用于培训的准确诊断标签。粗标签不会捕获脑疾病表型的长尾谱,这导致模型的普遍性丧失,从而使它们在诊断环境中的有用程度降低。这项工作提出了一个新型的多尺度协调框架,用于从多模式神经影像数据中学习多个表示。我们提出了一般的归纳偏见分类法,以捕获多模式自学融合中的独特和联合信息。分类法构成了一个无解码器模型的家族,具有降低的计算复杂性,并捕获多模式输入的本地和全局表示之间的多尺度关系。我们使用各种阿尔茨海默氏病表型中使用功能和结构磁共振成像(MRI)数据对分类法进行了全面评估,并表明自我监督模型揭示了与疾病相关的大脑区域和多模态链接,而无需在预先访问PRE-PRE-the PRE-the PRE-the PRE-the PRE-PRECTEN NICKES NOCKER NOCKER NOCKER NOCKER NOCKER NOCE访问。训练。拟议的多模式自学学习的学习能够表现出两种模式的分类表现。伴随的丰富而灵活的无监督的深度学习框架捕获了复杂的多模式关系,并提供了符合或超过更狭窄的监督分类分析的预测性能。我们提供了详尽的定量证据,表明该框架如何显着提高我们对复杂脑部疾病中缺失的联系的搜索。
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我们提出了一种非常重要的抽样方法,该方法适用于估计高维问题中的罕见事件概率。我们将一般重要性抽样问题中的最佳重要性分布近似为在订单保留转换组成下的参考分布的推动力,在这种转换的组成下,每种转换都是由平方的张量训练 - 培训分解形成的。平方张量训练的分解提供了可扩展的ANSATZ,用于通过密度近似值来构建具有订单的高维转换。沿着一系列桥接密度移动的地图组成的使用减轻了直接近似浓缩密度函数的难度。为了计算对非规范概率分布的期望,我们设计了一个比率估计器,该比率估计器使用单独的重要性分布估算归一化常数,这再次通过张量训练格式的转换组成构建。与自称的重要性抽样相比,这提供了更好的理论差异,因此为贝叶斯推理问题中罕见事件概率的有效计算打开了大门。关于受微分方程约束的问题的数值实验显示,计算复杂性几乎没有增加,事件概率将零,并允许对迄今为止对复杂,高维后密度的罕见事件概率的迄今无法获得的估计。
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