The advance of computer-aided detection systems using deep learning opened a new scope in endoscopic image analysis. However, the learning-based models developed on closed datasets are susceptible to unknown anomalies in complex clinical environments. In particular, the high false positive rate of polyp detection remains a major challenge in clinical practice. In this work, we release the FPPD-13 dataset, which provides a taxonomy and real-world cases of typical false positives during computer-aided polyp detection in real-world colonoscopy. We further propose a post-hoc module EndoBoost, which can be plugged into generic polyp detection models to filter out false positive predictions. This is realized by generative learning of the polyp manifold with normalizing flows and rejecting false positives through density estimation. Compared to supervised classification, this anomaly detection paradigm achieves better data efficiency and robustness in open-world settings. Extensive experiments demonstrate a promising false positive suppression in both retrospective and prospective validation. In addition, the released dataset can be used to perform 'stress' tests on established detection systems and encourages further research toward robust and reliable computer-aided endoscopic image analysis. The dataset and code will be publicly available at
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Although weakly-supervised techniques can reduce the labeling effort, it is unclear whether a saliency model trained with weakly-supervised data (e.g., point annotation) can achieve the equivalent performance of its fully-supervised version. This paper attempts to answer this unexplored question by proving a hypothesis: there is a point-labeled dataset where saliency models trained on it can achieve equivalent performance when trained on the densely annotated dataset. To prove this conjecture, we proposed a novel yet effective adversarial trajectory-ensemble active learning (ATAL). Our contributions are three-fold: 1) Our proposed adversarial attack triggering uncertainty can conquer the overconfidence of existing active learning methods and accurately locate these uncertain pixels. {2)} Our proposed trajectory-ensemble uncertainty estimation method maintains the advantages of the ensemble networks while significantly reducing the computational cost. {3)} Our proposed relationship-aware diversity sampling algorithm can conquer oversampling while boosting performance. Experimental results show that our ATAL can find such a point-labeled dataset, where a saliency model trained on it obtained $97\%$ -- $99\%$ performance of its fully-supervised version with only ten annotated points per image.
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Automated detecting lung infections from computed tomography (CT) data plays an important role for combating COVID-19. However, there are still some challenges for developing AI system. 1) Most current COVID-19 infection segmentation methods mainly relied on 2D CT images, which lack 3D sequential constraint. 2) Existing 3D CT segmentation methods focus on single-scale representations, which do not achieve the multiple level receptive field sizes on 3D volume. 3) The emergent breaking out of COVID-19 makes it hard to annotate sufficient CT volumes for training deep model. To address these issues, we first build a multiple dimensional-attention convolutional neural network (MDA-CNN) to aggregate multi-scale information along different dimension of input feature maps and impose supervision on multiple predictions from different CNN layers. Second, we assign this MDA-CNN as a basic network into a novel dual multi-scale mean teacher network (DM${^2}$T-Net) for semi-supervised COVID-19 lung infection segmentation on CT volumes by leveraging unlabeled data and exploring the multi-scale information. Our DM${^2}$T-Net encourages multiple predictions at different CNN layers from the student and teacher networks to be consistent for computing a multi-scale consistency loss on unlabeled data, which is then added to the supervised loss on the labeled data from multiple predictions of MDA-CNN. Third, we collect two COVID-19 segmentation datasets to evaluate our method. The experimental results show that our network consistently outperforms the compared state-of-the-art methods.
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复杂的流量分析,例如加密的流量分析和未知的恶意软件检测,强调需要进行高级方法来分析网络流量。使用固定模式,签名匹配和检测网络流量中已知模式的规则的传统方法已被AI(人工智能)驱动算法取代。但是,缺乏高性能AI网络特定的框架使得不可能在网络工作负载中部署基于AI的实时处理。在本文中,我们描述了流量分析开发工具包(TADK)的设计,这是一个针对基于AI的网络工作负载处理的行业标准框架。 TADK可以在数据中心到边缘的网络设备中基于实时的AI网络工作负载处理,而无需专门硬件(例如GPU,神经处理单元等)。我们已经在商品WAF和5G UPF中部署了TADK,评估结果表明,Tadk可以在流量功能提取时达到每个核心最多35.3Gbps的吞吐量,每核6.5Gbps在流量分类中,并且可以减少SQLI/XSS检测到下降至4.5us每个请求的精度比固定模式解决方案更高。
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在本文中,我们提出了与IEEE计算机协会在CVPR 2022上同时与IEEE计算机协会研讨会同时举行的多手术检测挑战。我们的多手术检测挑战旨在检测自动图像操作,包括但不限于图像编辑,图像合成,图像合成,图像,图像,图像,图像合成,图像,图像编辑一代,图像Photoshop等。我们的挑战吸引了来自世界各地的674支团队,约有2000个有效的结果提交数量。我们邀请了前十支球队为挑战提供解决方案,其中三支球队在大结局中获得了奖项。在本文中,我们介绍了前三名团队的解决方案,以增强图像伪造检测领域的研究工作。
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滴虫病是一种常见的传染病,由寄生虫毛trichomonas阴道引起,如果不加以治疗,则增加了在人类中艾滋病毒的风险。从微观图像中对阴道的自动检测可以提供至关重要的信息,以诊断滴虫病。然而,由于毛滴虫和其他细胞之间的高外观相似性(例如,白细胞),由于其运动性较大,而且缺乏较大的巨大的外观差异,因此精确的阴道分割(TVS)是一项艰巨的任务,这是一项具有挑战性的任务,最重要的是,最重要的是,其出现较大的外观变化。对深度模型培训的规模注释数据。为了应对这些挑战,我们精心阐述了第一个大规模的微观图像数据集,trichomonas vaginalis,名为TVMI3K,由3158张图像组成,涵盖了各种背景中的毛trichomonas,具有高质量的注释,包括对象层面标签,对象标签,对象,对象,对象,物体,物体,物体,物体标签,物体标签,物体标签,对象。边界和具有挑战性的属性。此外,我们提出了一个简单而有效的基线,称为TVNet,以自动从微观图像中分割毛刺,包括高分辨率融合和前景 - 背景的注意模块。广泛的实验表明,我们的模型实现了卓越的细分性能,并且在定量和定性上都超越了各种尖端的对象检测模型,这使其成为促进电视任务中未来研究的有希望的框架。数据集和结果将在:上公开可用。
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