这项工作提出了一种有丝分裂检测方法,只有一个香草卷积神经网络(CNN)。我们的方法由两个步骤组成:给定图像,我们首先使用滑动窗口技术应用CNN来提取具有有丝分裂的斑块。然后,我们计算每个提取的斑块的类激活图,以获得有丝分裂的精确位置。为了提高模型的推广性,我们使用一系列数据增强技术训练CNN,与噪声标记的图像相抵制的损失以及主动的学习策略。我们的方法在MIDOG 2022挑战的初步测试阶段中,通过有效网络B3模型获得了0.7323的F1得分。
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The advance of computer-aided detection systems using deep learning opened a new scope in endoscopic image analysis. However, the learning-based models developed on closed datasets are susceptible to unknown anomalies in complex clinical environments. In particular, the high false positive rate of polyp detection remains a major challenge in clinical practice. In this work, we release the FPPD-13 dataset, which provides a taxonomy and real-world cases of typical false positives during computer-aided polyp detection in real-world colonoscopy. We further propose a post-hoc module EndoBoost, which can be plugged into generic polyp detection models to filter out false positive predictions. This is realized by generative learning of the polyp manifold with normalizing flows and rejecting false positives through density estimation. Compared to supervised classification, this anomaly detection paradigm achieves better data efficiency and robustness in open-world settings. Extensive experiments demonstrate a promising false positive suppression in both retrospective and prospective validation. In addition, the released dataset can be used to perform 'stress' tests on established detection systems and encourages further research toward robust and reliable computer-aided endoscopic image analysis. The dataset and code will be publicly available at http://endoboost.miccai.cloud.
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Although weakly-supervised techniques can reduce the labeling effort, it is unclear whether a saliency model trained with weakly-supervised data (e.g., point annotation) can achieve the equivalent performance of its fully-supervised version. This paper attempts to answer this unexplored question by proving a hypothesis: there is a point-labeled dataset where saliency models trained on it can achieve equivalent performance when trained on the densely annotated dataset. To prove this conjecture, we proposed a novel yet effective adversarial trajectory-ensemble active learning (ATAL). Our contributions are three-fold: 1) Our proposed adversarial attack triggering uncertainty can conquer the overconfidence of existing active learning methods and accurately locate these uncertain pixels. {2)} Our proposed trajectory-ensemble uncertainty estimation method maintains the advantages of the ensemble networks while significantly reducing the computational cost. {3)} Our proposed relationship-aware diversity sampling algorithm can conquer oversampling while boosting performance. Experimental results show that our ATAL can find such a point-labeled dataset, where a saliency model trained on it obtained $97\%$ -- $99\%$ performance of its fully-supervised version with only ten annotated points per image.
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Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent (NAG) is one of the milestones in the history of first-order algorithms. It was not successfully uncovered until the high-resolution differential equation framework was proposed in [Shi et al., 2022] that the mechanism behind the acceleration phenomenon is due to the gradient correction term. To deepen our understanding of the high-resolution differential equation framework on the convergence rate, we continue to investigate NAG for the $\mu$-strongly convex function based on the techniques of Lyapunov analysis and phase-space representation in this paper. First, we revisit the proof from the gradient-correction scheme. Similar to [Chen et al., 2022], the straightforward calculation simplifies the proof extremely and enlarges the step size to $s=1/L$ with minor modification. Meanwhile, the way of constructing Lyapunov functions is principled. Furthermore, we also investigate NAG from the implicit-velocity scheme. Due to the difference in the velocity iterates, we find that the Lyapunov function is constructed from the implicit-velocity scheme without the additional term and the calculation of iterative difference becomes simpler. Together with the optimal step size obtained, the high-resolution differential equation framework from the implicit-velocity scheme of NAG is perfect and outperforms the gradient-correction scheme.
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The hyperparameter optimization of neural network can be expressed as a bilevel optimization problem. The bilevel optimization is used to automatically update the hyperparameter, and the gradient of the hyperparameter is the approximate gradient based on the best response function. Finding the best response function is very time consuming. In this paper we propose CPMLHO, a new hyperparameter optimization method using cutting plane method and mixed-level objective function.The cutting plane is added to the inner layer to constrain the space of the response function. To obtain more accurate hypergradient,the mixed-level can flexibly adjust the loss function by using the loss of the training set and the verification set. Compared to existing methods, the experimental results show that our method can automatically update the hyperparameters in the training process, and can find more superior hyperparameters with higher accuracy and faster convergence.
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Depth cues are known to be useful for visual perception. However, direct measurement of depth is often impracticable. Fortunately, though, modern learning-based methods offer promising depth maps by inference in the wild. In this work, we adapt such depth inference models for object segmentation using the objects' ``pop-out'' prior in 3D. The ``pop-out'' is a simple composition prior that assumes objects reside on the background surface. Such compositional prior allows us to reason about objects in the 3D space. More specifically, we adapt the inferred depth maps such that objects can be localized using only 3D information. Such separation, however, requires knowledge about contact surface which we learn using the weak supervision of the segmentation mask. Our intermediate representation of contact surface, and thereby reasoning about objects purely in 3D, allows us to better transfer the depth knowledge into semantics. The proposed adaptation method uses only the depth model without needing the source data used for training, making the learning process efficient and practical. Our experiments on eight datasets of two challenging tasks, namely camouflaged object detection and salient object detection, consistently demonstrate the benefit of our method in terms of both performance and generalizability.
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Current advances in recommender systems have been remarkably successful in optimizing immediate engagement. However, long-term user engagement, a more desirable performance metric, remains difficult to improve. Meanwhile, recent reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have shown their effectiveness in a variety of long-term goal optimization tasks. For this reason, RL is widely considered as a promising framework for optimizing long-term user engagement in recommendation. Despite being a promising approach, the application of RL heavily relies on well-designed rewards, but designing rewards related to long-term user engagement is quite difficult. To mitigate the problem, we propose a novel paradigm, Preference-based Recommender systems (PrefRec), which allows RL recommender systems to learn from preferences about users' historical behaviors rather than explicitly defined rewards. Such preferences are easily accessible through techniques such as crowdsourcing, as they do not require any expert knowledge. With PrefRec, we can fully exploit the advantages of RL in optimizing long-term goals, while avoiding complex reward engineering. PrefRec uses the preferences to automatically train a reward function in an end-to-end manner. The reward function is then used to generate learning signals to train the recommendation policy. Furthermore, we design an effective optimization method for PrefRec, which uses an additional value function, expectile regression and reward model pre-training to improve the performance. Extensive experiments are conducted on a variety of long-term user engagement optimization tasks. The results show that PrefRec significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods in all the tasks.
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Various types of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) methods have been developed, assuming that agents' policies are based on true states. Recent works have improved the robustness of MARL under uncertainties from the reward, transition probability, or other partners' policies. However, in real-world multi-agent systems, state estimations may be perturbed by sensor measurement noise or even adversaries. Agents' policies trained with only true state information will deviate from optimal solutions when facing adversarial state perturbations during execution. MARL under adversarial state perturbations has limited study. Hence, in this work, we propose a State-Adversarial Markov Game (SAMG) and make the first attempt to study the fundamental properties of MARL under state uncertainties. We prove that the optimal agent policy and the robust Nash equilibrium do not always exist for an SAMG. Instead, we define the solution concept, robust agent policy, of the proposed SAMG under adversarial state perturbations, where agents want to maximize the worst-case expected state value. We then design a gradient descent ascent-based robust MARL algorithm to learn the robust policies for the MARL agents. Our experiments show that adversarial state perturbations decrease agents' rewards for several baselines from the existing literature, while our algorithm outperforms baselines with state perturbations and significantly improves the robustness of the MARL policies under state uncertainties.
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Despite the fast advances in high-sigma yield analysis with the help of machine learning techniques in the past decade, one of the main challenges, the curse of dimensionality, which is inevitable when dealing with modern large-scale circuits, remains unsolved. To resolve this challenge, we propose an absolute shrinkage deep kernel learning, ASDK, which automatically identifies the dominant process variation parameters in a nonlinear-correlated deep kernel and acts as a surrogate model to emulate the expensive SPICE simulation. To further improve the yield estimation efficiency, we propose a novel maximization of approximated entropy reduction for an efficient model update, which is also enhanced with parallel batch sampling for parallel computing, making it ready for practical deployment. Experiments on SRAM column circuits demonstrate the superiority of ASDK over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches in terms of accuracy and efficiency with up to 10.3x speedup over SOTA methods.
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The real-world data tends to be heavily imbalanced and severely skew the data-driven deep neural networks, which makes Long-Tailed Recognition (LTR) a massive challenging task. Existing LTR methods seldom train Vision Transformers (ViTs) with Long-Tailed (LT) data, while the off-the-shelf pretrain weight of ViTs always leads to unfair comparisons. In this paper, we systematically investigate the ViTs' performance in LTR and propose LiVT to train ViTs from scratch only with LT data. With the observation that ViTs suffer more severe LTR problems, we conduct Masked Generative Pretraining (MGP) to learn generalized features. With ample and solid evidence, we show that MGP is more robust than supervised manners. In addition, Binary Cross Entropy (BCE) loss, which shows conspicuous performance with ViTs, encounters predicaments in LTR. We further propose the balanced BCE to ameliorate it with strong theoretical groundings. Specially, we derive the unbiased extension of Sigmoid and compensate extra logit margins to deploy it. Our Bal-BCE contributes to the quick convergence of ViTs in just a few epochs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that with MGP and Bal-BCE, LiVT successfully trains ViTs well without any additional data and outperforms comparable state-of-the-art methods significantly, e.g., our ViT-B achieves 81.0% Top-1 accuracy in iNaturalist 2018 without bells and whistles. Code is available at https://github.com/XuZhengzhuo/LiVT.
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