过程学习涉及确定键步并确定其逻辑顺序以执行任务。现有方法通常使用第三人称视频来学习该过程,使操纵对象的外观很小,并且经常被演员遮住,从而导致重大错误。相比之下,我们观察到从第一人称(Egentric)可穿戴摄像机获得的视频提供了对动作的毫无开创且清晰的视野。但是,从以eg中心视频学习的程序学习是具有挑战性的,因为(a)由于佩戴者的头部运动,相机视图发生了极端变化,并且(b)由于视频的不受约束性质而存在无关的框架。因此,当前的最新方法的假设是,该动作大约同时发生并且持续时间相同,因此不持有。取而代之的是,我们建议使用视频键位之间的时间对应关系提供的信号。为此,我们提出了一个新颖的自我监督对应和剪切(CNC),用于程序学习。 CNC识别并利用多个视频的键步之间的时间对应关系来学习该过程。我们的实验表明,CNC的表现分别优于基准Procel和Crosstask数据集上的最先进,分别为5.2%和6.3%。此外,对于使用以Egentric视频为中心的程序学习,我们建议使用Egoprocel数据集,该数据集由130名受试者捕获的62个小时的视频组成,执行16个任务。源代码和数据集可在项目页面https://sid2697.github.io/egoprocel/上获得。
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Research has shown that climate change creates warmer temperatures and drier conditions, leading to longer wildfire seasons and increased wildfire risks in the United States. These factors have in turn led to increases in the frequency, extent, and severity of wildfires in recent years. Given the danger posed by wildland fires to people, property, wildlife, and the environment, there is an urgency to provide tools for effective wildfire management. Early detection of wildfires is essential to minimizing potentially catastrophic destruction. In this paper, we present our work on integrating multiple data sources in SmokeyNet, a deep learning model using spatio-temporal information to detect smoke from wildland fires. Camera image data is integrated with weather sensor measurements and processed by SmokeyNet to create a multimodal wildland fire smoke detection system. We present our results comparing performance in terms of both accuracy and time-to-detection for multimodal data vs. a single data source. With a time-to-detection of only a few minutes, SmokeyNet can serve as an automated early notification system, providing a useful tool in the fight against destructive wildfires.
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Spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks have been studied for many decades in the speech research community, but have not received as much attention as lower-level tasks like speech and speaker recognition. In particular, there are not nearly as many SLU task benchmarks, and many of the existing ones use data that is not freely available to all researchers. Recent work has begun to introduce such benchmark datasets for several tasks. In this work, we introduce several new annotated SLU benchmark tasks based on freely available speech data, which complement existing benchmarks and address gaps in the SLU evaluation landscape. We contribute four tasks: question answering and summarization involve inference over longer speech sequences; named entity localization addresses the speech-specific task of locating the targeted content in the signal; dialog act classification identifies the function of a given speech utterance. We follow the blueprint of the Spoken Language Understanding Evaluation (SLUE) benchmark suite. In order to facilitate the development of SLU models that leverage the success of pre-trained speech representations, we will be publishing for each task (i) annotations for a relatively small fine-tuning set, (ii) annotated development and test sets, and (iii) baseline models for easy reproducibility and comparisons. In this work, we present the details of data collection and annotation and the performance of the baseline models. We also perform sensitivity analysis of pipeline models' performance (speech recognizer + text model) to the speech recognition accuracy, using more than 20 state-of-the-art speech recognition models.
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Recently, online social media has become a primary source for new information and misinformation or rumours. In the absence of an automatic rumour detection system the propagation of rumours has increased manifold leading to serious societal damages. In this work, we propose a novel method for building automatic rumour detection system by focusing on oversampling to alleviating the fundamental challenges of class imbalance in rumour detection task. Our oversampling method relies on contextualised data augmentation to generate synthetic samples for underrepresented classes in the dataset. The key idea exploits selection of tweets in a thread for augmentation which can be achieved by introducing a non-random selection criteria to focus the augmentation process on relevant tweets. Furthermore, we propose two graph neural networks(GNN) to model non-linear conversations on a thread. To enhance the tweet representations in our method we employed a custom feature selection technique based on state-of-the-art BERTweet model. Experiments of three publicly available datasets confirm that 1) our GNN models outperform the the current state-of-the-art classifiers by more than 20%(F1-score); 2) our oversampling technique increases the model performance by more than 9%;(F1-score) 3) focusing on relevant tweets for data augmentation via non-random selection criteria can further improve the results; and 4) our method has superior capabilities to detect rumours at very early stage.
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Language models have been shown to perform better with an increase in scale on a wide variety of tasks via the in-context learning paradigm. In this paper, we investigate the hypothesis that the ability of a large language model to in-context learn-perform a task is not uniformly spread across all of its underlying components. Using a 66 billion parameter language model (OPT-66B) across a diverse set of 14 downstream tasks, we find this is indeed the case: $\sim$70% of attention heads and $\sim$20% of feed forward networks can be removed with minimal decline in task performance. We find substantial overlap in the set of attention heads (un)important for in-context learning across tasks and number of in-context examples. We also address our hypothesis through a task-agnostic lens, finding that a small set of attention heads in OPT-66B score highly on their ability to perform primitive induction operations associated with in-context learning, namely, prefix matching and copying. These induction heads overlap with task-specific important heads, suggesting that induction heads are among the heads capable of more sophisticated behaviors associated with in-context learning. Overall, our study provides several insights that indicate large language models may be under-trained to perform in-context learning and opens up questions on how to pre-train language models to more effectively perform in-context learning.
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$ $With recent advances in CNNs, exceptional improvements have been made in semantic segmentation of high resolution images in terms of accuracy and latency. However, challenges still remain in detecting objects in crowded scenes, large scale variations, partial occlusion, and distortions, while still maintaining mobility and latency. We introduce a fast and efficient convolutional neural network, ASBU-Net, for semantic segmentation of high resolution images that addresses these problems and uses no novelty layers for ease of quantization and embedded hardware support. ASBU-Net is based on a new feature extraction module, atrous space bender layer (ASBL), which is efficient in terms of computation and memory. The ASB layers form a building block that is used to make ASBNet. Since this network does not use any special layers it can be easily implemented, quantized and deployed on FPGAs and other hardware with limited memory. We present experiments on resource and accuracy trade-offs and show strong performance compared to other popular models.
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Prompting large language models has enabled significant recent progress in multi-step reasoning over text. However, when applied to text generation from semi-structured data (e.g., graphs or tables), these methods typically suffer from low semantic coverage, hallucination, and logical inconsistency. We propose MURMUR, a neuro-symbolic modular approach to text generation from semi-structured data with multi-step reasoning. MURMUR is a best-first search method that generates reasoning paths using: (1) neural and symbolic modules with specific linguistic and logical skills, (2) a grammar whose production rules define valid compositions of modules, and (3) value functions that assess the quality of each reasoning step. We conduct experiments on two diverse data-to-text generation tasks like WebNLG and LogicNLG. These tasks differ in their data representations (graphs and tables) and span multiple linguistic and logical skills. MURMUR obtains significant improvements over recent few-shot baselines like direct prompting and chain-of-thought prompting, while also achieving comparable performance to fine-tuned GPT-2 on out-of-domain data. Moreover, human evaluation shows that MURMUR generates highly faithful and correct reasoning paths that lead to 26% more logically consistent summaries on LogicNLG, compared to direct prompting.
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Vision transformers (ViTs) have achieved impressive results on various computer vision tasks in the last several years. In this work, we study the capability of frozen ViTs, pretrained only on visual data, to generalize to audio-visual data without finetuning any of its original parameters. To do so, we propose a latent audio-visual hybrid (LAVISH) adapter that adapts pretrained ViTs to audio-visual tasks by injecting a small number of trainable parameters into every layer of a frozen ViT. To efficiently fuse visual and audio cues, our LAVISH adapter uses a small set of latent tokens, which form an attention bottleneck, thus, eliminating the quadratic cost of standard cross-attention. Compared to the existing modality-specific audio-visual methods, our approach achieves competitive or even better performance on various audio-visual tasks while using fewer tunable parameters and without relying on costly audio pretraining or external audio encoders. Our code is available at https://genjib.github.io/project_page/LAVISH/
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The last several years have witnessed remarkable progress in video-and-language (VidL) understanding. However, most modern VidL approaches use complex and specialized model architectures and sophisticated pretraining protocols, making the reproducibility, analysis and comparisons of these frameworks difficult. Hence, instead of proposing yet another new VidL model, this paper conducts a thorough empirical study demystifying the most important factors in the VidL model design. Among the factors that we investigate are (i) the spatiotemporal architecture design, (ii) the multimodal fusion schemes, (iii) the pretraining objectives, (iv) the choice of pretraining data, (v) pretraining and finetuning protocols, and (vi) dataset and model scaling. Our empirical study reveals that the most important design factors include: temporal modeling, video-to-text multimodal fusion, masked modeling objectives, and joint training on images and videos. Using these empirical insights, we then develop a step-by-step recipe, dubbed VindLU, for effective VidL pretraining. Our final model trained using our recipe achieves comparable or better than state-of-the-art results on several VidL tasks without relying on external CLIP pretraining. In particular, on the text-to-video retrieval task, our approach obtains 61.2% on DiDeMo, and 55.0% on ActivityNet, outperforming current SOTA by 7.8% and 6.1% respectively. Furthermore, our model also obtains state-of-the-art video question-answering results on ActivityNet-QA, MSRVTT-QA, MSRVTT-MC and TVQA. Our code and pretrained models are publicly available at: https://github.com/klauscc/VindLU.
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Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) encode the radiance in a scene parameterized by the scene's plenoptic function. This is achieved by using an MLP together with a mapping to a higher-dimensional space, and has been proven to capture scenes with a great level of detail. Naturally, the same parameterization can be used to encode additional properties of the scene, beyond just its radiance. A particularly interesting property in this regard is the semantic decomposition of the scene. We introduce a novel technique for semantic soft decomposition of neural radiance fields (named SSDNeRF) which jointly encodes semantic signals in combination with radiance signals of a scene. Our approach provides a soft decomposition of the scene into semantic parts, enabling us to correctly encode multiple semantic classes blending along the same direction -- an impossible feat for existing methods. Not only does this lead to a detailed, 3D semantic representation of the scene, but we also show that the regularizing effects of the MLP used for encoding help to improve the semantic representation. We show state-of-the-art segmentation and reconstruction results on a dataset of common objects and demonstrate how the proposed approach can be applied for high quality temporally consistent video editing and re-compositing on a dataset of casually captured selfie videos.
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