Climate change is expected to aggravate wildfire activity through the exacerbation of fire weather. Improving our capabilities to anticipate wildfires on a global scale is of uttermost importance for mitigating their negative effects. In this work, we create a global fire dataset and demonstrate a prototype for predicting the presence of global burned areas on a sub-seasonal scale with the use of segmentation deep learning models. Particularly, we present an open-access global analysis-ready datacube, which contains a variety of variables related to the seasonal and sub-seasonal fire drivers (climate, vegetation, oceanic indices, human-related variables), as well as the historical burned areas and wildfire emissions for 2001-2021. We train a deep learning model, which treats global wildfire forecasting as an image segmentation task and skillfully predicts the presence of burned areas 8, 16, 32 and 64 days ahead of time. Our work motivates the use of deep learning for global burned area forecasting and paves the way towards improved anticipation of global wildfire patterns.
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Machine learning (ML) algorithms are remarkably good at approximating complex non-linear relationships. Most ML training processes, however, are designed to deliver ML tools with good average performance, but do not offer any guarantees about their worst-case estimation error. For safety-critical systems such as power systems, this places a major barrier for their adoption. So far, approaches could determine the worst-case violations of only trained ML algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to introduce a neural network training procedure designed to achieve both a good average performance and minimum worst-case violations. Using the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem as a guiding application, our approach (i) introduces a framework that reduces the worst-case generation constraint violations during training, incorporating them as a differentiable optimization layer; and (ii) presents a neural network sequential learning architecture to significantly accelerate it. We demonstrate the proposed architecture on four different test systems ranging from 39 buses to 162 buses, for both AC-OPF and DC-OPF applications.
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Industry 4.0 aims to optimize the manufacturing environment by leveraging new technological advances, such as new sensing capabilities and artificial intelligence. The DRAEM technique has shown state-of-the-art performance for unsupervised classification. The ability to create anomaly maps highlighting areas where defects probably lie can be leveraged to provide cues to supervised classification models and enhance their performance. Our research shows that the best performance is achieved when training a defect detection model by providing an image and the corresponding anomaly map as input. Furthermore, such a setting provides consistent performance when framing the defect detection as a binary or multiclass classification problem and is not affected by class balancing policies. We performed the experiments on three datasets with real-world data provided by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV.
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Quality control is a crucial activity performed by manufacturing companies to ensure their products conform to the requirements and specifications. The introduction of artificial intelligence models enables to automate the visual quality inspection, speeding up the inspection process and ensuring all products are evaluated under the same criteria. In this research, we compare supervised and unsupervised defect detection techniques and explore data augmentation techniques to mitigate the data imbalance in the context of automated visual inspection. Furthermore, we use Generative Adversarial Networks for data augmentation to enhance the classifiers' discriminative performance. Our results show that state-of-the-art unsupervised defect detection does not match the performance of supervised models but can be used to reduce the labeling workload by more than 50%. Furthermore, the best classification performance was achieved considering GAN-based data generation with AUC ROC scores equal to or higher than 0,9898, even when increasing the dataset imbalance by leaving only 25\% of the images denoting defective products. We performed the research with real-world data provided by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV.
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在排放限制下优化的气体网络规划优化优先考虑最少$ _2 $强度的天然气供应。由于此问题包括复杂的气流物理定律,因此标准优化求解器无法保证融合与可行解决方案。为了解决这个问题,我们开发了一个输入 - 控制神经网络(ICNN)辅助优化例程,该程序结合了一组训练有素的ICNN,以高精度近似于气流方程。比利时气体网络上的数值测试表明,ICNN辅助优化主导了非凸和基于弛豫的求解器,其最佳增长较大,与更严格的发射目标有关。此外,每当非凸线求解器失败时,ICNN ADED优化为网络计划提供了可行的解决方案。
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接受注释较弱的对象探测器是全面监督者的负担得起的替代方案。但是,它们之间仍然存在显着的性能差距。我们建议通过微调预先训练的弱监督检测器来缩小这一差距,并使用``Box-In-box''(bib'(bib)自动从训练集中自动选择了一些完全注销的样品,这是一种新颖的活跃学习专门针对弱势监督探测器的据可查的失败模式而设计的策略。 VOC07和可可基准的实验表明,围嘴表现优于其他活跃的学习技术,并显着改善了基本的弱监督探测器的性能,而每个类别仅几个完全宣布的图像。围嘴达到了完全监督的快速RCNN的97%,在VOC07上仅10%的全已通量图像。在可可(COCO)上,平均每类使用10张全面通量的图像,或同等的训练集的1%,还减少了弱监督检测器和完全监督的快速RCN之间的性能差距(In AP)以上超过70% ,在性能和数据效率之间表现出良好的权衡。我们的代码可在上公开获取。
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