The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of deep learning for the solution of the nonlinear filtering problem. This is achieved by solving the Zakai equation by a deep splitting method, previously developed for approximate solution of (stochastic) partial differential equations. This is combined with an energy-based model for the approximation of functions by a deep neural network. This results in a computationally fast filter that takes observations as input and that does not require re-training when new observations are received. The method is tested on four examples, two linear in one and twenty dimensions and two nonlinear in one dimension. The method shows promising performance when benchmarked against the Kalman filter and the bootstrap particle filter.
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Line segments are ubiquitous in our human-made world and are increasingly used in vision tasks. They are complementary to feature points thanks to their spatial extent and the structural information they provide. Traditional line detectors based on the image gradient are extremely fast and accurate, but lack robustness in noisy images and challenging conditions. Their learned counterparts are more repeatable and can handle challenging images, but at the cost of a lower accuracy and a bias towards wireframe lines. We propose to combine traditional and learned approaches to get the best of both worlds: an accurate and robust line detector that can be trained in the wild without ground truth lines. Our new line segment detector, DeepLSD, processes images with a deep network to generate a line attraction field, before converting it to a surrogate image gradient magnitude and angle, which is then fed to any existing handcrafted line detector. Additionally, we propose a new optimization tool to refine line segments based on the attraction field and vanishing points. This refinement improves the accuracy of current deep detectors by a large margin. We demonstrate the performance of our method on low-level line detection metrics, as well as on several downstream tasks using multiple challenging datasets. The source code and models are available at
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Federated Learning (FL) is a collaborative machine learning (ML) framework that combines on-device training and server-based aggregation to train a common ML model among distributed agents. In this work, we propose an asynchronous FL design with periodic aggregation to tackle the straggler issue in FL systems. Considering limited wireless communication resources, we investigate the effect of different scheduling policies and aggregation designs on the convergence performance. Driven by the importance of reducing the bias and variance of the aggregated model updates, we propose a scheduling policy that jointly considers the channel quality and training data representation of user devices. The effectiveness of our channel-aware data-importance-based scheduling policy, compared with state-of-the-art methods proposed for synchronous FL, is validated through simulations. Moreover, we show that an "age-aware" aggregation weighting design can significantly improve the learning performance in an asynchronous FL setting.
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Large annotated datasets are required to train segmentation networks. In medical imaging, it is often difficult, time consuming and expensive to create such datasets, and it may also be difficult to share these datasets with other researchers. Different AI models can today generate very realistic synthetic images, which can potentially be openly shared as they do not belong to specific persons. However, recent work has shown that using synthetic images for training deep networks often leads to worse performance compared to using real images. Here we demonstrate that using synthetic images and annotations from an ensemble of 10 GANs, instead of from a single GAN, increases the Dice score on real test images with 4.7 % to 14.0 % on specific classes.
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特征形式的图像补丁的独特表示是许多计算机视觉和机器人任务的关键组成部分,例如图像匹配,图像检索和视觉定位。最先进的描述符,来自手工制作的描述符,例如SIFT到诸如HardNet之类的学习者,通常是高维的; 128个维度甚至更多。维度越高,使用此类描述符的方法的内存消耗和计算时间越大。在本文中,我们研究了多层感知器(MLP),以提取低维但高质量的描述符。我们在无监督,自我监督和监督的设置中彻底分析了我们的方法,并评估了四个代表性描述符的降维结果。我们考虑不同的应用程序,包括视觉定位,补丁验证,图像匹配和检索。实验表明,我们的轻量级MLP比PCA获得了更好的尺寸降低。我们的方法生成的较低维描述符在下游任务中的原始高维描述符,尤其是对于手工制作的任务。该代码将在上找到。
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目的是对临床文本去识别的自然语言处理(NLP)模型的评估取决于临床注释的可用性,临床注释通常由于隐私问题而受到限制。 NLP沙盒是一种通过采用联合模型到数据的方法来减轻NLP模型缺乏数据和评估框架的方法。这使得无偏见的联合模型评估无需共享多个机构的敏感数据。材料和方法我们利用Synapse协作框架,容器化软件和OpenAPI Generator来构建NLP沙盒(NLPSANDBOX.IO)。我们使用来自三个机构的数据评估了两个最先进的NLP去识别注释模型Philter和Neuroner。我们使用来自外部验证站点的数据进一步验证了模型性能。结果我们通过去识别临床模型评估证明了NLP沙箱的有用性。外部开发人员能够将其模型纳入NLP沙盒模板中,并提供用户体验反馈。讨论我们证明了使用NLP沙箱对临床文本去识别模型进行多站点评估的可行性,而无需共享数据。标准化模型和数据模式可以使模型传输和实现平稳。为了概括NLP沙箱,数据所有者和模型开发人员需要进行工作,以开发合适和标准化的模式,并调整其数据或模型以适合模式。结论NLP沙箱降低了利用临床数据进行NLP模型评估的障碍,并促进了联合会的NLP模型的联合,多站点,无偏见的评估。
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数值验证是机器学习研究的核心,因为它允许评估新方法的实际影响,并确认理论和实践之间的一致性。然而,该领域的快速发展构成了一些挑战:研究人员面临着大量的方法来比较,有限的透明度和最佳实践的共识以及乏味的重新实施工作。结果,验证通常是非常部分的,这可能会导致错误的结论,从而减慢研究的进展。我们提出了Benchopt,这是一个协作框架,旨在在跨编程语言和硬件体系结构的机器学习中自动化,复制和发布优化基准。 Benchopt通过提供用于运行,共享和扩展实验的现成工具来简化社区的基准测试。为了展示其广泛的可用性,我们在三个标准学习任务上展示基准:$ \ ell_2 $ regulaine的逻辑回归,套索和RESNET18用于图像分类的培训。这些基准强调了关键的实际发现,这些发现对这些问题的最新问题更加细微,这表明在实际评估中,魔鬼在细节上。我们希望Benchopt能在社区中促进合作工作,从而改善研究结果的可重复性。
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