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在本文中,我们通过合成自己的攻击数据集来提出基于零数据的重复比特翻转攻击(ZEBRA),精确地破坏了深度神经网络(DNN)。许多先前的对抗性重量攻击的作品不仅需要重量参数,而且需要在搜索易受攻击的比特中进行攻击的训练或测试数据集。我们建议通过利用受害者DNN模型中的批量归一化层统计来综合名为Dizeted目标数据的攻击数据集。配备蒸馏的目标数据,我们的Zebra算法可以在模型中搜索易受攻击的位,而无需访问培训或测试数据集。因此,我们的方法使对抗性重量攻击更致命的DNN的安全性。我们的实验结果表明,与先前的攻击方法相比,平均需要2.0倍(CiFar-10)和1.6倍(想象成)的比特翻转数量少。我们的代码可在https:// github上获得。COM / PDH930105 / ZEBRA。
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In this paper, we learn a diffusion model to generate 3D data on a scene-scale. Specifically, our model crafts a 3D scene consisting of multiple objects, while recent diffusion research has focused on a single object. To realize our goal, we represent a scene with discrete class labels, i.e., categorical distribution, to assign multiple objects into semantic categories. Thus, we extend discrete diffusion models to learn scene-scale categorical distributions. In addition, we validate that a latent diffusion model can reduce computation costs for training and deploying. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to apply discrete and latent diffusion for 3D categorical data on a scene-scale. We further propose to perform semantic scene completion (SSC) by learning a conditional distribution using our diffusion model, where the condition is a partial observation in a sparse point cloud. In experiments, we empirically show that our diffusion models not only generate reasonable scenes, but also perform the scene completion task better than a discriminative model. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/zoomin-lee/scene-scale-diffusion
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With the research directions described in this thesis, we seek to address the critical challenges in designing recommender systems that can understand the dynamics of continuous-time event sequences. We follow a ground-up approach, i.e., first, we address the problems that may arise due to the poor quality of CTES data being fed into a recommender system. Later, we handle the task of designing accurate recommender systems. To improve the quality of the CTES data, we address a fundamental problem of overcoming missing events in temporal sequences. Moreover, to provide accurate sequence modeling frameworks, we design solutions for points-of-interest recommendation, i.e., models that can handle spatial mobility data of users to various POI check-ins and recommend candidate locations for the next check-in. Lastly, we highlight that the capabilities of the proposed models can have applications beyond recommender systems, and we extend their abilities to design solutions for large-scale CTES retrieval and human activity prediction. A significant part of this thesis uses the idea of modeling the underlying distribution of CTES via neural marked temporal point processes (MTPP). Traditional MTPP models are stochastic processes that utilize a fixed formulation to capture the generative mechanism of a sequence of discrete events localized in continuous time. In contrast, neural MTPP combine the underlying ideas from the point process literature with modern deep learning architectures. The ability of deep-learning models as accurate function approximators has led to a significant gain in the predictive prowess of neural MTPP models. In this thesis, we utilize and present several neural network-based enhancements for the current MTPP frameworks for the aforementioned real-world applications.
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In this paper, we consider the inventory management (IM) problem where we need to make replenishment decisions for a large number of stock keeping units (SKUs) to balance their supply and demand. In our setting, the constraint on the shared resources (such as the inventory capacity) couples the otherwise independent control for each SKU. We formulate the problem with this structure as Shared-Resource Stochastic Game (SRSG)and propose an efficient algorithm called Context-aware Decentralized PPO (CD-PPO). Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that CD-PPO can accelerate the learning procedure compared with standard MARL algorithms.
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We propose eXtensible Prompt (X-Prompt) for prompting a large language model (LLM) beyond natural language (NL). X-Prompt instructs an LLM with not only NL but also an extensible vocabulary of imaginary words that are introduced to help represent what NL words hardly describe, allowing a prompt to be more descriptive. Like NL prompts, X-Prompt is out-of-distribution (OOD) robust, for which we propose context-guided learning with prompt augmentation to learn its imaginary words for general usability, enabling them to use in different prompt contexts for fine-grain specifications. The promising results of X-Prompt demonstrate its potential of approaching advanced interaction between humans and LLMs to bridge their communication gap.
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Influence Maximization (IM) is a classical combinatorial optimization problem, which can be widely used in mobile networks, social computing, and recommendation systems. It aims at selecting a small number of users such that maximizing the influence spread across the online social network. Because of its potential commercial and academic value, there are a lot of researchers focusing on studying the IM problem from different perspectives. The main challenge comes from the NP-hardness of the IM problem and \#P-hardness of estimating the influence spread, thus traditional algorithms for overcoming them can be categorized into two classes: heuristic algorithms and approximation algorithms. However, there is no theoretical guarantee for heuristic algorithms, and the theoretical design is close to the limit. Therefore, it is almost impossible to further optimize and improve their performance. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the technology based on Machine Learning (ML) has achieved remarkable achievements in many fields. In view of this, in recent years, a number of new methods have emerged to solve combinatorial optimization problems by using ML-based techniques. These methods have the advantages of fast solving speed and strong generalization ability to unknown graphs, which provide a brand-new direction for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Therefore, we abandon the traditional algorithms based on iterative search and review the recent development of ML-based methods, especially Deep Reinforcement Learning, to solve the IM problem and other variants in social networks. We focus on summarizing the relevant background knowledge, basic principles, common methods, and applied research. Finally, the challenges that need to be solved urgently in future IM research are pointed out.
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We consider the classic online learning and stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems, when at each step, the online policy can probe and find out which of a small number ($k$) of choices has better reward (or loss) before making its choice. In this model, we derive algorithms whose regret bounds have exponentially better dependence on the time horizon compared to the classic regret bounds. In particular, we show that probing with $k=2$ suffices to achieve time-independent regret bounds for online linear and convex optimization. The same number of probes improve the regret bound of stochastic MAB with independent arms from $O(\sqrt{nT})$ to $O(n^2 \log T)$, where $n$ is the number of arms and $T$ is the horizon length. For stochastic MAB, we also consider a stronger model where a probe reveals the reward values of the probed arms, and show that in this case, $k=3$ probes suffice to achieve parameter-independent constant regret, $O(n^2)$. Such regret bounds cannot be achieved even with full feedback after the play, showcasing the power of limited ``advice'' via probing before making the play. We also present extensions to the setting where the hints can be imperfect, and to the case of stochastic MAB where the rewards of the arms can be correlated.
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The research area of algorithms with predictions has seen recent success showing how to incorporate machine learning into algorithm design to improve performance when the predictions are correct, while retaining worst-case guarantees when they are not. Most previous work has assumed that the algorithm has access to a single predictor. However, in practice, there are many machine learning methods available, often with incomparable generalization guarantees, making it hard to pick a best method a priori. In this work we consider scenarios where multiple predictors are available to the algorithm and the question is how to best utilize them. Ideally, we would like the algorithm's performance to depend on the quality of the best predictor. However, utilizing more predictions comes with a cost, since we now have to identify which prediction is the best. We study the use of multiple predictors for a number of fundamental problems, including matching, load balancing, and non-clairvoyant scheduling, which have been well-studied in the single predictor setting. For each of these problems we introduce new algorithms that take advantage of multiple predictors, and prove bounds on the resulting performance.
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