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Aligning users across networks using graph representation learning has been found effective where the alignment is accomplished in a low-dimensional embedding space. Yet, achieving highly precise alignment is still challenging, especially when nodes with long-range connectivity to the labeled anchors are encountered. To alleviate this limitation, we purposefully designed WL-Align which adopts a regularized representation learning framework to learn distinctive node representations. It extends the Weisfeiler-Lehman Isormorphism Test and learns the alignment in alternating phases of "across-network Weisfeiler-Lehman relabeling" and "proximity-preserving representation learning". The across-network Weisfeiler-Lehman relabeling is achieved through iterating the anchor-based label propagation and a similarity-based hashing to exploit the known anchors' connectivity to different nodes in an efficient and robust manner. The representation learning module preserves the second-order proximity within individual networks and is regularized by the across-network Weisfeiler-Lehman hash labels. Extensive experiments on real-world and synthetic datasets have demonstrated that our proposed WL-Align outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, achieving significant performance improvements in the "exact matching" scenario. Data and code of WL-Align are available at https://github.com/ChenPengGang/WLAlignCode.
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Three main points: 1. Data Science (DS) will be increasingly important to heliophysics; 2. Methods of heliophysics science discovery will continually evolve, requiring the use of learning technologies [e.g., machine learning (ML)] that are applied rigorously and that are capable of supporting discovery; and 3. To grow with the pace of data, technology, and workforce changes, heliophysics requires a new approach to the representation of knowledge.
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We propose an extrinsic Bayesian optimization (eBO) framework for general optimization problems on manifolds. Bayesian optimization algorithms build a surrogate of the objective function by employing Gaussian processes and quantify the uncertainty in that surrogate by deriving an acquisition function. This acquisition function represents the probability of improvement based on the kernel of the Gaussian process, which guides the search in the optimization process. The critical challenge for designing Bayesian optimization algorithms on manifolds lies in the difficulty of constructing valid covariance kernels for Gaussian processes on general manifolds. Our approach is to employ extrinsic Gaussian processes by first embedding the manifold onto some higher dimensional Euclidean space via equivariant embeddings and then constructing a valid covariance kernel on the image manifold after the embedding. This leads to efficient and scalable algorithms for optimization over complex manifolds. Simulation study and real data analysis are carried out to demonstrate the utilities of our eBO framework by applying the eBO to various optimization problems over manifolds such as the sphere, the Grassmannian, and the manifold of positive definite matrices.
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Many state-of-the-art natural language understanding (NLU) models are based on pretrained neural language models. These models often make inferences using information from multiple sources. An important class of such inferences are those that require both background knowledge, presumably contained in a model's pretrained parameters, and instance-specific information that is supplied at inference time. However, the integration and reasoning abilities of NLU models in the presence of multiple knowledge sources have been largely understudied. In this work, we propose a test suite of coreference resolution tasks that require reasoning over multiple facts. Our dataset is organized into subtasks that differ in terms of which knowledge sources contain relevant facts. We evaluate state-of-the-art coreference resolution models on our dataset. Our results indicate that several models struggle to reason on-the-fly over knowledge observed both at pretrain time and at inference time. However, with task-specific training, a subset of models demonstrates the ability to integrate certain knowledge types from multiple sources.
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This work addresses fair generative models. Dataset biases have been a major cause of unfairness in deep generative models. Previous work had proposed to augment large, biased datasets with small, unbiased reference datasets. Under this setup, a weakly-supervised approach has been proposed, which achieves state-of-the-art quality and fairness in generated samples. In our work, based on this setup, we propose a simple yet effective approach. Specifically, first, we propose fairTL, a transfer learning approach to learn fair generative models. Under fairTL, we pre-train the generative model with the available large, biased datasets and subsequently adapt the model using the small, unbiased reference dataset. We find that our fairTL can learn expressive sample generation during pre-training, thanks to the large (biased) dataset. This knowledge is then transferred to the target model during adaptation, which also learns to capture the underlying fair distribution of the small reference dataset. Second, we propose fairTL++, where we introduce two additional innovations to improve upon fairTL: (i) multiple feedback and (ii) Linear-Probing followed by Fine-Tuning (LP-FT). Taking one step further, we consider an alternative, challenging setup when only a pre-trained (potentially biased) model is available but the dataset that was used to pre-train the model is inaccessible. We demonstrate that our proposed fairTL and fairTL++ remain very effective under this setup. We note that previous work requires access to the large, biased datasets and is incapable of handling this more challenging setup. Extensive experiments show that fairTL and fairTL++ achieve state-of-the-art in both quality and fairness of generated samples. The code and additional resources can be found at bearwithchris.github.io/fairTL/.
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Unsupervised foreground-background segmentation aims at extracting salient objects from cluttered backgrounds, where Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) approaches, especially layered GANs, show great promise. However, without human annotations, they are typically prone to produce foreground and background layers with non-negligible semantic and visual confusion, dubbed "information leakage", resulting in notable degeneration of the generated segmentation mask. To alleviate this issue, we propose a simple-yet-effective explicit layer independence modeling approach, termed Independent Layer Synthesis GAN (ILSGAN), pursuing independent foreground-background layer generation by encouraging their discrepancy. Specifically, it targets minimizing the mutual information between visible and invisible regions of the foreground and background to spur interlayer independence. Through in-depth theoretical and experimental analyses, we justify that explicit layer independence modeling is critical to suppressing information leakage and contributes to impressive segmentation performance gains. Also, our ILSGAN achieves strong state-of-the-art generation quality and segmentation performance on complex real-world data.
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Multiview self-supervised representation learning roots in exploring semantic consistency across data of complex intra-class variation. Such variation is not directly accessible and therefore simulated by data augmentations. However, commonly adopted augmentations are handcrafted and limited to simple geometrical and color changes, which are unable to cover the abundant intra-class variation. In this paper, we propose to extract the underlying data variation from datasets and construct a novel augmentation operator, named local manifold augmentation (LMA). LMA is achieved by training an instance-conditioned generator to fit the distribution on the local manifold of data and sampling multiview data using it. LMA shows the ability to create an infinite number of data views, preserve semantics, and simulate complicated variations in object pose, viewpoint, lighting condition, background etc. Experiments show that with LMA integrated, self-supervised learning methods such as MoCov2 and SimSiam gain consistent improvement on prevalent benchmarks including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, ImageNet100, and ImageNet. Furthermore, LMA leads to representations that obtain more significant invariance to the viewpoint, object pose, and illumination changes and stronger robustness to various real distribution shifts reflected by ImageNet-V2, ImageNet-R, ImageNet Sketch etc.
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Transformer models have achieved great success across many NLP problems. However, previous studies in automated ICD coding concluded that these models fail to outperform some of the earlier solutions such as CNN-based models. In this paper we challenge this conclusion. We present a simple and scalable method to process long text with the existing transformer models such as BERT. We show that this method significantly improves the previous results reported for transformer models in ICD coding, and is able to outperform one of the prominent CNN-based methods.
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我们解决了从一般标记(例如电影海报)估计对应关系到捕获这种标记的图像的问题。通常,通过拟合基于稀疏特征匹配的同型模型来解决此问题。但是,他们只能处理类似平面的标记,而稀疏功能不能充分利用外观信息。在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的框架神经标记器,训练神经网络估计在各种具有挑战性的条件下(例如标记变形,严格的照明等)估算密集标记的对应关系。此外,我们还提出了一种新颖的标记通信评估方法,对真实标记的注释进行了注释。 - 图像对并创建一个新的基准测试。我们表明,神经标记的表现明显优于以前的方法,并实现了新的有趣应用程序,包括增强现实(AR)和视频编辑。
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