We propose an end-to-end inverse rendering pipeline called SupeRVol that allows us to recover 3D shape and material parameters from a set of color images in a super-resolution manner. To this end, we represent both the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) and the signed distance function (SDF) by multi-layer perceptrons. In order to obtain both the surface shape and its reflectance properties, we revert to a differentiable volume renderer with a physically based illumination model that allows us to decouple reflectance and lighting. This physical model takes into account the effect of the camera's point spread function thereby enabling a reconstruction of shape and material in a super-resolution quality. Experimental validation confirms that SupeRVol achieves state of the art performance in terms of inverse rendering quality. It generates reconstructions that are sharper than the individual input images, making this method ideally suited for 3D modeling from low-resolution imagery.
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Neural 3D implicit representations learn priors that are useful for diverse applications, such as single- or multiple-view 3D reconstruction. A major downside of existing approaches while rendering an image is that they require evaluating the network multiple times per camera ray so that the high computational time forms a bottleneck for downstream applications. We address this problem by introducing a novel neural scene representation that we call the directional distance function (DDF). To this end, we learn a signed distance function (SDF) along with our DDF model to represent a class of shapes. Specifically, our DDF is defined on the unit sphere and predicts the distance to the surface along any given direction. Therefore, our DDF allows rendering images with just a single network evaluation per camera ray. Based on our DDF, we present a novel fast algorithm (FIRe) to reconstruct 3D shapes given a posed depth map. We evaluate our proposed method on 3D reconstruction from single-view depth images, where we empirically show that our algorithm reconstructs 3D shapes more accurately and it is more than 15 times faster (per iteration) than competing methods.
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Applying Machine learning to domains like Earth Sciences is impeded by the lack of labeled data, despite a large corpus of raw data available in such domains. For instance, training a wildfire classifier on satellite imagery requires curating a massive and diverse dataset, which is an expensive and time-consuming process that can span from weeks to months. Searching for relevant examples in over 40 petabytes of unlabelled data requires researchers to manually hunt for such images, much like finding a needle in a haystack. We present a no-code end-to-end pipeline, Curator, which dramatically minimizes the time taken to curate an exhaustive labeled dataset. Curator is able to search massive amounts of unlabelled data by combining self-supervision, scalable nearest neighbor search, and active learning to learn and differentiate image representations. The pipeline can also be readily applied to solve problems across different domains. Overall, the pipeline makes it practical for researchers to go from just one reference image to a comprehensive dataset in a diminutive span of time.
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For many years, Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) have been applied to improve Neural Networks (NNs) architectures. They have been used for solving different problems, such as training the networks (adjusting the weights), designing network topology, optimizing global parameters, and selecting features. Here, we provide a systematic brief survey about applications of the EAs on the specific domain of the recurrent NNs named Reservoir Computing (RC). At the beginning of the 2000s, the RC paradigm appeared as a good option for employing recurrent NNs without dealing with the inconveniences of the training algorithms. RC models use a nonlinear dynamic system, with fixed recurrent neural network named the \textit{reservoir}, and learning process is restricted to adjusting a linear parametric function. %so the performance of learning is fast and precise. However, an RC model has several hyper-parameters, therefore EAs are helpful tools to figure out optimal RC architectures. We provide an overview of the results on the area, discuss novel advances, and we present our vision regarding the new trends and still open questions.
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Effectively exploring the environment is a key challenge in reinforcement learning (RL). We address this challenge by defining a novel intrinsic reward based on a foundation model, such as contrastive language image pretraining (CLIP), which can encode a wealth of domain-independent semantic visual-language knowledge about the world. Specifically, our intrinsic reward is defined based on pre-trained CLIP embeddings without any fine-tuning or learning on the target RL task. We demonstrate that CLIP-based intrinsic rewards can drive exploration towards semantically meaningful states and outperform state-of-the-art methods in challenging sparse-reward procedurally-generated environments.
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尽管现在使用自我监督方法构建的计算机视觉模型现在很普遍,但仍然存在一些重要问题。自我监督的模型是否学习高度冗余的频道功能?如果一个自我监督的网络可以动态选择重要的渠道并摆脱不必要的渠道怎么办?目前,与计算机视觉中的有监督的对手相比,通过自我训练预先训练的Convnet在下游任务上获得了可比的性能。但是,有一些自我监督模型的缺点,包括大量参数,计算昂贵的培训策略以及对下游任务更快推断的明确需求。在这项工作中,我们的目标是通过研究如何将用于监督学习的标准渠道选择方法应用于经过自学训练的网络。我们验证我们在一系列目标预算上验证我们的发现$ t_ {d} $,用于跨不同数据集的图像分类任务的频道计算,特别是CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100和IMAGENET-100,获得了与原始网络的可比性性能when selecting all channels but at a significant reduction in computation reported in terms of FLOPs.
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