Modern autonomous driving system is characterized as modular tasks in sequential order, i.e., perception, prediction and planning. As sensors and hardware get improved, there is trending popularity to devise a system that can perform a wide diversity of tasks to fulfill higher-level intelligence. Contemporary approaches resort to either deploying standalone models for individual tasks, or designing a multi-task paradigm with separate heads. These might suffer from accumulative error or negative transfer effect. Instead, we argue that a favorable algorithm framework should be devised and optimized in pursuit of the ultimate goal, i.e. planning of the self-driving-car. Oriented at this goal, we revisit the key components within perception and prediction. We analyze each module and prioritize the tasks hierarchically, such that all these tasks contribute to planning (the goal). To this end, we introduce Unified Autonomous Driving (UniAD), the first comprehensive framework up-to-date that incorporates full-stack driving tasks in one network. It is exquisitely devised to leverage advantages of each module, and provide complementary feature abstractions for agent interaction from a global perspective. Tasks are communicated with unified query design to facilitate each other toward planning. We instantiate UniAD on the challenging nuScenes benchmark. With extensive ablations, the effectiveness of using such a philosophy is proven to surpass previous state-of-the-arts by a large margin in all aspects. The full suite of codebase and models would be available to facilitate future research in the community.
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Transforming off-the-shelf deep neural network (DNN) models into dynamic multi-exit architectures can achieve inference and transmission efficiency by fragmenting and distributing a large DNN model in edge computing scenarios (e.g., edge devices and cloud servers). In this paper, we propose a novel backdoor attack specifically on the dynamic multi-exit DNN models. Particularly, we inject a backdoor by poisoning one DNN model's shallow hidden layers targeting not this vanilla DNN model but only its dynamically deployed multi-exit architectures. Our backdoored vanilla model behaves normally on performance and cannot be activated even with the correct trigger. However, the backdoor will be activated when the victims acquire this model and transform it into a dynamic multi-exit architecture at their deployment. We conduct extensive experiments to prove the effectiveness of our attack on three structures (ResNet-56, VGG-16, and MobileNet) with four datasets (CIFAR-10, SVHN, GTSRB, and Tiny-ImageNet) and our backdoor is stealthy to evade multiple state-of-the-art backdoor detection or removal methods.
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To better handle long-tail cases in the sequence labeling (SL) task, in this work, we introduce graph neural networks sequence labeling (GNN-SL), which augments the vanilla SL model output with similar tagging examples retrieved from the whole training set. Since not all the retrieved tagging examples benefit the model prediction, we construct a heterogeneous graph, and leverage graph neural networks (GNNs) to transfer information between the retrieved tagging examples and the input word sequence. The augmented node which aggregates information from neighbors is used to do prediction. This strategy enables the model to directly acquire similar tagging examples and improves the general quality of predictions. We conduct a variety of experiments on three typical sequence labeling tasks: Named Entity Recognition (NER), Part of Speech Tagging (POS), and Chinese Word Segmentation (CWS) to show the significant performance of our GNN-SL. Notably, GNN-SL achieves SOTA results of 96.9 (+0.2) on PKU, 98.3 (+0.4) on CITYU, 98.5 (+0.2) on MSR, and 96.9 (+0.2) on AS for the CWS task, and results comparable to SOTA performances on NER datasets, and POS datasets.
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Photo-realistic style transfer aims at migrating the artistic style from an exemplar style image to a content image, producing a result image without spatial distortions or unrealistic artifacts. Impressive results have been achieved by recent deep models. However, deep neural network based methods are too expensive to run in real-time. Meanwhile, bilateral grid based methods are much faster but still contain artifacts like overexposure. In this work, we propose the \textbf{Adaptive ColorMLP (AdaCM)}, an effective and efficient framework for universal photo-realistic style transfer. First, we find the complex non-linear color mapping between input and target domain can be efficiently modeled by a small multi-layer perceptron (ColorMLP) model. Then, in \textbf{AdaCM}, we adopt a CNN encoder to adaptively predict all parameters for the ColorMLP conditioned on each input content and style image pair. Experimental results demonstrate that AdaCM can generate vivid and high-quality stylization results. Meanwhile, our AdaCM is ultrafast and can process a 4K resolution image in 6ms on one V100 GPU.
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3D人类的姿势和形状估计(又称“人网恢复”)取得了实质性进展。研究人员主要关注新算法的发展,而对涉及的其他关键因素的关注较少。这可能会导致最佳基线,从而阻碍对新设计方法的公平和忠实的评估。为了解决这个问题,这项工作从算法以外的三个探索性观点中提出了首次全面的基准测试研究。 1)数据集。对31个数据集的分析揭示了数据样本的不同影响:具有关键属性的数据集(即多样化的姿势,形状,相机特征,骨干特征)更有效。高质量数据集的战略选择和组合可以显着提高模型性能。 2)骨干。从CNN到变压器的10个骨干的实验表明,从接近任务中学到的知识很容易转移到人网状恢复中。 3)培训策略。正确的增强技术和损失设计至关重要。通过上述发现,我们在具有相对简单的模型的3DPW测试集上实现了47.3 mm的PA-MPJPE。更重要的是,我们为算法的公平比较提供了强大的基准,以及将来建立有效培训配置的建议。代码库可在上获得
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In this paper, we propose a unified whole-body control framework for velocity-controlled mobile collaborative robots which can distribute task motion into the arm and mobile base according to specific task requirements by adjusting weighting factors. Our framework focuses on addressing two challenging issues in whole-body coordination: 1) different dynamic characteristics of the mobile base and the arm; 2) avoidance of violating both safety and configuration constraints. In addition, our controller involves Coupling Dynamic Movement Primitives to enable the essential capabilities for collaboration and interaction applications, such as obstacle avoidance, human teaching, and compliance control. Based on these, we design an adaptive motion mode for intuitive physical human-robot interaction through adjusting the weighting factors. The proposed controller is in closed-form and thus quite computationally efficient. Several typical experiments carried out on a real mobile collaborative robot validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.
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