Within an operational framework, covers used by a steganographer are likely to come from different sensors and different processing pipelines than the ones used by researchers for training their steganalysis models. Thus, a performance gap is unavoidable when it comes to out-of-distributions covers, an extremely frequent scenario called Cover Source Mismatch (CSM). Here, we explore a grid of processing pipelines to study the origins of CSM, to better understand it, and to better tackle it. A set-covering greedy algorithm is used to select representative pipelines minimizing the maximum regret between the representative and the pipelines within the set. Our main contribution is a methodology for generating relevant bases able to tackle operational CSM. Experimental validation highlights that, for a given number of training samples, our set covering selection is a better strategy than selecting random pipelines or using all the available pipelines. Our analysis also shows that parameters as denoising, sharpening, and downsampling are very important to foster diversity. Finally, different benchmarks for classical and wild databases show the good generalization property of the extracted databases. Additional resources are available at github.com/RonyAbecidan/HolisticSteganalysisWithSetCovering.
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Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is an algorithm originally developed for finding separate sources in a mixed signal, such as a recording of multiple people in the same room speaking at the same time. It has also been used to find linguistic features in distributional representations. In this paper, we used ICA to analyze words embeddings. We have found that ICA can be used to find semantic features of the words and these features can easily be combined to search for words that satisfy the combination. We show that only some of the independent components represent such features, but those that do are stable with regard to random initialization of the algorithm.
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This paper presents a conversational AI platform called Flowstorm. Flowstorm is an open-source SaaS project suitable for creating, running, and analyzing conversational applications. Thanks to the fast and fully automated build process, the dialogues created within the platform can be executed in seconds. Furthermore, we propose a novel dialogue architecture that uses a combination of tree structures with generative models. The tree structures are also used for training NLU models suitable for specific dialogue scenarios. However, the generative models are globally used across applications and extend the functionality of the dialogue trees. Moreover, the platform functionality benefits from out-of-the-box components, such as the one responsible for extracting data from utterances or working with crawled data. Additionally, it can be extended using a custom code directly in the platform. One of the essential features of the platform is the possibility to reuse the created assets across applications. There is a library of prepared assets where each developer can contribute. All of the features are available through a user-friendly visual editor.
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时间序列的异常提供了各个行业的关键方案的见解,从银行和航空航天到信息技术,安全和医学。但是,由于异常的定义,经常缺乏标签以及此类数据中存在的极为复杂的时间相关性,因此识别时间序列数据中的异常尤其具有挑战性。LSTM自动编码器是基于长期短期内存网络的异常检测的编码器传统方案,该方案学会重建时间序列行为,然后使用重建错误来识别异常。我们将Denoising Architecture作为对该LSTM编码模型模型的补充,并研究其对现实世界以及人为生成的数据集的影响。我们证明了所提出的体系结构既提高了准确性和训练速度,从而使LSTM自动编码器更有效地用于无监督的异常检测任务。
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在非结构化环境中工作的机器人必须能够感知和解释其周围环境。机器人技术领域基于深度学习模型的主要障碍之一是缺乏针对不同工业应用的特定领域标记数据。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于域随机化的SIM2REAL传输学习方法,用于对象检测,可以自动生成任意大小和对象类型的标记的合成数据集。随后,对最先进的卷积神经网络Yolov4进行了训练,以检测不同类型的工业对象。通过提出的域随机化方法,我们可以在零射击和单次转移的情况下分别缩小现实差距,分别达到86.32%和97.38%的MAP50分数,其中包含190个真实图像。在GEFORCE RTX 2080 TI GPU上,数据生成过程的每图像少于0.5 s,培训持续约12H,这使其方便地用于工业使用。我们的解决方案符合工业需求,因为它可以通过仅使用1个真实图像进行培训来可靠地区分相似的对象类别。据我们所知,这是迄今为止满足这些约束的唯一工作。
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