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A generalized understanding of protein dynamics is an unsolved scientific problem, the solution of which is critical to the interpretation of the structure-function relationships that govern essential biological processes. Here, we approach this problem by constructing coarse-grained molecular potentials based on artificial neural networks and grounded in statistical mechanics. For training, we build a unique dataset of unbiased all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of approximately 9 ms for twelve different proteins with multiple secondary structure arrangements. The coarse-grained models are capable of accelerating the dynamics by more than three orders of magnitude while preserving the thermodynamics of the systems. Coarse-grained simulations identify relevant structural states in the ensemble with comparable energetics to the all-atom systems. Furthermore, we show that a single coarse-grained potential can integrate all twelve proteins and can capture experimental structural features of mutated proteins. These results indicate that machine learning coarse-grained potentials could provide a feasible approach to simulate and understand protein dynamics.
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In recent years, the task of Automatic Music Transcription (AMT), whereby various attributes of music notes are estimated from audio, has received increasing attention. At the same time, the related task of Multi-Pitch Estimation (MPE) remains a challenging but necessary component of almost all AMT approaches, even if only implicitly. In the context of AMT, pitch information is typically quantized to the nominal pitches of the Western music scale. Even in more general contexts, MPE systems typically produce pitch predictions with some degree of quantization. In certain applications of AMT, such as Guitar Tablature Transcription (GTT), it is more meaningful to estimate continuous-valued pitch contours. Guitar tablature has the capacity to represent various playing techniques, some of which involve pitch modulation. Contemporary approaches to AMT do not adequately address pitch modulation, and offer only less quantization at the expense of more model complexity. In this paper, we present a GTT formulation that estimates continuous-valued pitch contours, grouping them according to their string and fret of origin. We demonstrate that for this task, the proposed method significantly improves the resolution of MPE and simultaneously yields tablature estimation results competitive with baseline models.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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反事实解释(CFXS)的使用是机器学习模型越来越流行的解释策略。但是,最近的研究表明,这些解释可能对基础模型的变化(例如,在重新培训之后)的变化可能并不强大,这引发了有关其在现实世界应用中的可靠性的问题。现有的解决此问题的尝试是启发式方法,仅使用少量的重新培训模型来评估所得CFXS的模型变化的鲁棒性,未能提供详尽的保证。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了第一个概念,以正式和确定性地评估神经网络的CFX的鲁棒性(建模更改),我们称为{\ delta} - bubustness。我们引入了基于间隔神经网络的抽象框架,以验证CFXS的{\ delta} - 固定性,以实现模型参数(即权重和偏见)的无限更改。然后,我们以两种不同的方式演示了这种方法的实用性。首先,我们分析了文献中许多CFX生成方法的{\ delta} - 固定性,并表明它们在这方面一致占据了明显的缺陷。其次,我们演示了如何在现有方法中嵌入{\ delta} - bobustness可以提供可证明可靠的CFX。
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最近的工作表明了与解释一致的问题,其方法生成了局部解释,这些解释在实例方面似乎是合理的,但在整个实例中都是不一致的。这不仅表明实例解释可能是不可靠的,而且主要是,当通过多个输入与系统交互时,用户实际上可能会失去对系统的信心。为了更好地分析此问题,在这项工作中,我们将解释视为可能受到推理的对象,并通过输入,输出和解释的序列,对用户和系统之间的交互式场景进行正式模型。我们认为,可以将解释视为承诺某种模型行为(即使只有表面上的表面),这表明了一种形式,我们认为应该将其视为非单调的。这允许:1)在解释中解决了一些考虑的不一致之处,例如通过特异性关系; 2)考虑非单调推理文献中的属性并讨论其可取性,从而对互动解释方案有了更多的了解。
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