模仿学习在有效地学习政策方面对复杂的决策问题有着巨大的希望。当前的最新算法经常使用逆增强学习(IRL),在给定一组专家演示的情况下,代理会替代奖励功能和相关的最佳策略。但是,这种IRL方法通常需要在复杂控制问题上进行实质性的在线互动。在这项工作中,我们提出了正规化的最佳运输(ROT),这是一种新的模仿学习算法,基于最佳基于最佳运输轨迹匹配的最新进展。我们的主要技术见解是,即使只有少量演示,即使只有少量演示,也可以自适应地将轨迹匹配的奖励与行为克隆相结合。我们对横跨DeepMind Control Suite,OpenAI Robotics和Meta-World基准的20个视觉控制任务进行的实验表明,与先前最新的方法相比,平均仿真达到了90%的专家绩效的速度,达到了90%的专家性能。 。在现实世界的机器人操作中,只有一次演示和一个小时的在线培训,ROT在14个任务中的平均成功率为90.1%。
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Differentiable Search Indices (DSIs) encode a corpus of documents in the parameters of a model and use the same model to map queries directly to relevant document identifiers. Despite the strong performance of DSI models, deploying them in situations where the corpus changes over time is computationally expensive because reindexing the corpus requires re-training the model. In this work, we introduce DSI++, a continual learning challenge for DSI to incrementally index new documents while being able to answer queries related to both previously and newly indexed documents. Across different model scales and document identifier representations, we show that continual indexing of new documents leads to considerable forgetting of previously indexed documents. We also hypothesize and verify that the model experiences forgetting events during training, leading to unstable learning. To mitigate these issues, we investigate two approaches. The first focuses on modifying the training dynamics. Flatter minima implicitly alleviate forgetting, so we optimize for flatter loss basins and show that the model stably memorizes more documents (+12\%). Next, we introduce a generative memory to sample pseudo-queries for documents and supplement them during continual indexing to prevent forgetting for the retrieval task. Extensive experiments on novel continual indexing benchmarks based on Natural Questions (NQ) and MS MARCO demonstrate that our proposed solution mitigates forgetting by a significant margin. Concretely, it improves the average Hits@10 by $+21.1\%$ over competitive baselines for NQ and requires $6$ times fewer model updates compared to re-training the DSI model for incrementally indexing five corpora in a sequence.
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We present DyFOS, an active perception method that Dynamically Finds Optimal States to minimize localization error while avoiding obstacles and occlusions. We consider the scenario where a ground target without any exteroceptive sensors must rely on an aerial observer for pose and uncertainty estimates to localize itself along an obstacle-filled path. The observer uses a downward-facing camera to estimate the target's pose and uncertainty. However, the pose uncertainty is a function of the states of the observer, target, and surrounding environment. To find an optimal state that minimizes the target's localization uncertainty, DyFOS uses a localization error prediction pipeline in an optimization search. Given the states mentioned above, the pipeline predicts the target's localization uncertainty with the help of a trained, complex state-dependent sensor measurement model (which is a probabilistic neural network in our case). Our pipeline also predicts target occlusion and obstacle collision to remove undesirable observer states. The output of the optimization search is an optimal observer state that minimizes target localization uncertainty while avoiding occlusion and collision. We evaluate the proposed method using numerical and simulated (Gazebo) experiments. Our results show that DyFOS is almost 100x faster than yet as good as brute force. Furthermore, DyFOS yielded lower localization errors than random and heuristic searches.
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The domain of joint vision-language understanding, especially in the context of reasoning in Visual Question Answering (VQA) models, has garnered significant attention in the recent past. While most of the existing VQA models focus on improving the accuracy of VQA, the way models arrive at an answer is oftentimes a black box. As a step towards making the VQA task more explainable and interpretable, our method is built upon the SOTA VQA framework by augmenting it with an end-to-end explanation generation module. In this paper, we investigate two network architectures, including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Transformer decoder, as the explanation generator. Our method generates human-readable textual explanations while maintaining SOTA VQA accuracy on the GQA-REX (77.49%) and VQA-E (71.48%) datasets. Approximately 65.16% of the generated explanations are approved by humans as valid. Roughly 60.5% of the generated explanations are valid and lead to the correct answers.
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Federated learning (FL) on deep neural networks facilitates new applications at the edge, especially for wearable and Internet-of-Thing devices. Such devices capture a large and diverse amount of data, but they have memory, compute, power, and connectivity constraints which hinder their participation in FL. We propose Centaur, a multitier FL framework, enabling ultra-constrained devices to efficiently participate in FL on large neural nets. Centaur combines two major ideas: (i) a data selection scheme to choose a portion of samples that accelerates the learning, and (ii) a partition-based training algorithm that integrates both constrained and powerful devices owned by the same user. Evaluations, on four benchmark neural nets and three datasets, show that Centaur gains ~10% higher accuracy than local training on constrained devices with ~58% energy saving on average. Our experimental results also demonstrate the superior efficiency of Centaur when dealing with imbalanced data, client participation heterogeneity, and various network connection probabilities.
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Explainable AI (XAI) is widely viewed as a sine qua non for ever-expanding AI research. A better understanding of the needs of XAI users, as well as human-centered evaluations of explainable models are both a necessity and a challenge. In this paper, we explore how HCI and AI researchers conduct user studies in XAI applications based on a systematic literature review. After identifying and thoroughly analyzing 85 core papers with human-based XAI evaluations over the past five years, we categorize them along the measured characteristics of explanatory methods, namely trust, understanding, fairness, usability, and human-AI team performance. Our research shows that XAI is spreading more rapidly in certain application domains, such as recommender systems than in others, but that user evaluations are still rather sparse and incorporate hardly any insights from cognitive or social sciences. Based on a comprehensive discussion of best practices, i.e., common models, design choices, and measures in user studies, we propose practical guidelines on designing and conducting user studies for XAI researchers and practitioners. Lastly, this survey also highlights several open research directions, particularly linking psychological science and human-centered XAI.
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我们假设现有的句子级机器翻译(MT)指标在人类参考包含歧义时会效率降低。为了验证这一假设,我们提出了一种非常简单的方法,用于扩展预审计的指标以在文档级别合并上下文。我们将我们的方法应用于三个流行的指标,即Bertscore,Prism和Comet,以及无参考的公制Comet-QE。我们使用提供的MQM注释评估WMT 2021指标共享任务的扩展指标。我们的结果表明,扩展指标的表现在约85%的测试条件下优于其句子级别的级别,而在排除低质量人类参考的结果时。此外,我们表明我们的文档级扩展大大提高了其对话语现象任务的准确性,从而优于专用基线高达6.1%。我们的实验结果支持我们的初始假设,并表明对指标的简单扩展使他们能够利用上下文来解决参考中的歧义。
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现代社会有兴趣由于复杂的相机的激增而捕获高分辨率和优质图像。但是,如果在计算机视觉任务中使用了此类图像,则图像中的噪声污染不仅较低,而且相反会影响随后的过程,例如遥感,对象跟踪等。高分辨率图像的时间处理受图像捕获仪器的硬件限制的限制。 Geodesic Gramian denoising(GGD)是一种基于多种噪声滤波方法,我们在过去的研究中介绍了该方法,它利用了Geodesics的Gramian Gramian矩阵的一些突出的奇异向量进行噪声滤波过程。 GDD遇到$ \ MATHCAL {O}(n^6)$时,GDD的适用性受到限制^2 $数据矩阵由单数值分解(SVD)实现。在这项研究中,我们通过用四种不同的单数矢量近似技术代替其SVD步骤来提高GGD框架的效率。在这里,我们比较集成到GGD中的四个技术之间的计算时间和噪声过滤性能。
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