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State-of-the-art object detectors are treated as black boxes due to their highly non-linear internal computations. Even with unprecedented advancements in detector performance, the inability to explain how their outputs are generated limits their use in safety-critical applications. Previous work fails to produce explanations for both bounding box and classification decisions, and generally make individual explanations for various detectors. In this paper, we propose an open-source Detector Explanation Toolkit (DExT) which implements the proposed approach to generate a holistic explanation for all detector decisions using certain gradient-based explanation methods. We suggests various multi-object visualization methods to merge the explanations of multiple objects detected in an image as well as the corresponding detections in a single image. The quantitative evaluation show that the Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) is more faithfully explained compared to other detectors regardless of the explanation methods. Both quantitative and human-centric evaluations identify that SmoothGrad with Guided Backpropagation (GBP) provides more trustworthy explanations among selected methods across all detectors. We expect that DExT will motivate practitioners to evaluate object detectors from the interpretability perspective by explaining both bounding box and classification decisions.
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Spatial understanding is a fundamental aspect of computer vision and integral for human-level reasoning about images, making it an important component for grounded language understanding. While recent large-scale text-to-image synthesis (T2I) models have shown unprecedented improvements in photorealism, it is unclear whether they have reliable spatial understanding capabilities. We investigate the ability of T2I models to generate correct spatial relationships among objects and present VISOR, an evaluation metric that captures how accurately the spatial relationship described in text is generated in the image. To benchmark existing models, we introduce a large-scale challenge dataset SR2D that contains sentences describing two objects and the spatial relationship between them. We construct and harness an automated evaluation pipeline that employs computer vision to recognize objects and their spatial relationships, and we employ it in a large-scale evaluation of T2I models. Our experiments reveal a surprising finding that, although recent state-of-the-art T2I models exhibit high image quality, they are severely limited in their ability to generate multiple objects or the specified spatial relations such as left/right/above/below. Our analyses demonstrate several biases and artifacts of T2I models such as the difficulty with generating multiple objects, a bias towards generating the first object mentioned, spatially inconsistent outputs for equivalent relationships, and a correlation between object co-occurrence and spatial understanding capabilities. We conduct a human study that shows the alignment between VISOR and human judgment about spatial understanding. We offer the SR2D dataset and the VISOR metric to the community in support of T2I spatial reasoning research.
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We propose EM-PASTE: an Expectation Maximization(EM) guided Cut-Paste compositional dataset augmentation approach for weakly-supervised instance segmentation using only image-level supervision. The proposed method consists of three main components. The first component generates high-quality foreground object masks. To this end, an EM-like approach is proposed that iteratively refines an initial set of object mask proposals generated by a generic region proposal method. Next, in the second component, high-quality context-aware background images are generated using a text-to-image compositional synthesis method like DALL-E. Finally, the third component creates a large-scale pseudo-labeled instance segmentation training dataset by compositing the foreground object masks onto the original and generated background images. The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art weakly-supervised instance segmentation results on both the PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO datasets by using only image-level, weak label information. In particular, it outperforms the best baseline by +7.4 and +2.8 mAP0.50 on PASCAL and COCO, respectively. Further, the method provides a new solution to the long-tail weakly-supervised instance segmentation problem (when many classes may only have few training samples), by selectively augmenting under-represented classes.
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本文提出了一种新型的非侵入系统故障预测技术,使用来自开发人员的可用信息,以及来自原始日志中的最小信息(而不是挖掘整个日志),但与数据所有者完全保持数据。基于神经网络的多级分类器是为故障预测而开发的,使用人为生成的匿名数据集,应用技术组合,即遗传算法(步骤),模式重复等,以训练和测试网络。提出的机制完全将用于培训过程的数据集与保留私有数据的数据集分解。此外,多标准决策(MCDM)方案用于优先考虑满足业务需求的失败。结果显示在不同参数配置下的故障预测准确性。在更广泛的上下文上,可以使用提出的机制具有人工生成的数据集执行任何分类问题,而无需查看实际数据,只要输入功能可以转换为二进制值(例如,来自私有二进制分类器的输出)并可以提供分类 - 服务。
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在线广告最近已发展成为一个竞争激烈且复杂的数十亿美元行业,广告商在大型和高频上竞标广告插槽。这导致对有效的“自动招标”算法的需求日益增长,这些算法确定了传入查询的投标,以最大程度地提高广告商的目标,但受其指定的约束。这项工作探讨了在日益流行的约束下,为单个价值最大化广告商提供有效的在线算法:返回式增长(ROS)。相对于最佳算法,我们对遗憾进行了量化效率,该算法知道所有查询所有查询都是先验的。我们贡献了一种简单的在线算法,该算法在期望中实现了近乎最佳的遗憾,同时始终尊重指定的ROS约束,当查询的输入顺序为i.i.d.来自某些分布的样本。我们还将结果与Balseiro,Lu和Mirrokni [BLM20]的先前工作相结合,以实现近乎最佳的遗憾,同时尊重ROS和固定的预算限制。我们的算法遵循原始的二重式框架,并使用在线镜像下降(OMD)进行双重更新。但是,我们需要使用非典型的OMD设置,因此需要使用OMD的经典低rebret保证,该保证是用于在线学习中的对抗性环境的,不再存在。尽管如此,在我们的情况下,在更普遍的情况下,在算法设计中应用低纤维动力学的情况下,OMD遇到的梯度可能远非对抗性,但受我们的算法选择的影响。我们利用这一关键见解来显示我们的OMD设置在我们的算法领域中造成了低落的遗憾。
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