ML-AS-A-Service继续增长,对非常强大的隐私保证的需求也在继续增长。安全推断已成为潜在的解决方案,其中加密原始图允许推理不向用户向用户揭示用户的输入或模型的权重。例如,模型提供商可以是一家诊断公司,该公司已经培训了一种最先进的Densenet-121模型来解释胸部X射线,并且用户可以在医院成为患者。尽管对于这种环境,确保推理原则上是可行的,但没有现有的技术使其大规模实用。 Cryptflow2框架提供了一种潜在的解决方案,其能力自动,正确地将清晰文本推理转换为安全模型的推断。但是,从Cryptflow2产生的安全推断在不切实际上很昂贵:在Densenet-121上解释单个X射线需要几乎3TB的通信。在本文中,我们解决了针对三项贡献的安全推断效率低下的重大挑战。首先,我们证明安全推理中的主要瓶颈是大型线性层,可以通过选择网络骨干的选择来优化,并使用用于有效的清晰文本推理开发的操作员。这一发现和强调与许多最近的作品偏离,这些作品着重于在执行较小网络的安全推断时优化非线性激活层。其次,基于对瓶颈卷积层的分析,我们设计了一个更有效的倒入替代品的X操作器。第三,我们表明,快速的Winograd卷积算法进一步提高了安全推断的效率。结合使用,这三个优化被证明对在CHEXPERT数据集中训练的X射线解释问题非常有效。
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End-to-end text-to-speech (TTS) systems have been developed for European languages like English and Spanish with state-of-the-art speech quality, prosody, and naturalness. However, development of end-to-end TTS for Indian languages is lagging behind in terms of quality. The challenges involved in such a task are: 1) scarcity of quality training data; 2) low efficiency during training and inference; 3) slow convergence in the case of large vocabulary size. In our work reported in this paper, we have investigated the use of fine-tuning the English-pretrained Tacotron2 model with limited Sanskrit data to synthesize natural sounding speech in Sanskrit in low resource settings. Our experiments show encouraging results, achieving an overall MOS of 3.38 from 37 evaluators with good Sanskrit spoken knowledge. This is really a very good result, considering the fact that the speech data we have used is of duration 2.5 hours only.
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Entity matching in Customer 360 is the task of determining if multiple records represent the same real world entity. Entities are typically people, organizations, locations, and events represented as attributed nodes in a graph, though they can also be represented as records in relational data. While probabilistic matching engines and artificial neural network models exist for this task, explaining entity matching has received less attention. In this demo, we present our Explainable Entity Matching (xEM) system and discuss the different AI/ML considerations that went into its implementation.
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Collecting sufficient labeled data for spoken language understanding (SLU) is expensive and time-consuming. Recent studies achieved promising results by using pre-trained models in low-resource scenarios. Inspired by this, we aim to ask: which (if any) pre-training strategies can improve performance across SLU benchmarks? To answer this question, we employ four types of pre-trained models and their combinations for SLU. We leverage self-supervised speech and language models (LM) pre-trained on large quantities of unpaired data to extract strong speech and text representations. We also explore using supervised models pre-trained on larger external automatic speech recognition (ASR) or SLU corpora. We conduct extensive experiments on the SLU Evaluation (SLUE) benchmark and observe self-supervised pre-trained models to be more powerful, with pre-trained LM and speech models being most beneficial for the Sentiment Analysis and Named Entity Recognition task, respectively.
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Recently, Robey et al. propose a notion of probabilistic robustness, which, at a high-level, requires a classifier to be robust to most but not all perturbations. They show that for certain hypothesis classes where proper learning under worst-case robustness is \textit{not} possible, proper learning under probabilistic robustness \textit{is} possible with sample complexity exponentially smaller than in the worst-case robustness setting. This motivates the question of whether proper learning under probabilistic robustness is always possible. In this paper, we show that this is \textit{not} the case. We exhibit examples of hypothesis classes $\mathcal{H}$ with finite VC dimension that are \textit{not} probabilistically robustly PAC learnable with \textit{any} proper learning rule. However, if we compare the output of the learner to the best hypothesis for a slightly \textit{stronger} level of probabilistic robustness, we show that not only is proper learning \textit{always} possible, but it is possible via empirical risk minimization.
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The inception of large language models has helped advance state-of-the-art performance on numerous natural language tasks. This has also opened the door for the development of foundation models for other domains and data modalities such as images, code, and music. In this paper, we argue that business process data representations have unique characteristics that warrant the development of a new class of foundation models to handle tasks like process mining, optimization, and decision making. These models should also tackle the unique challenges of applying AI to business processes which include data scarcity, multi-modal representations, domain specific terminology, and privacy concerns.
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Observational studies have recently received significant attention from the machine learning community due to the increasingly available non-experimental observational data and the limitations of the experimental studies, such as considerable cost, impracticality, small and less representative sample sizes, etc. In observational studies, de-confounding is a fundamental problem of individualised treatment effects (ITE) estimation. This paper proposes disentangled representations with adversarial training to selectively balance the confounders in the binary treatment setting for the ITE estimation. The adversarial training of treatment policy selectively encourages treatment-agnostic balanced representations for the confounders and helps to estimate the ITE in the observational studies via counterfactual inference. Empirical results on synthetic and real-world datasets, with varying degrees of confounding, prove that our proposed approach improves the state-of-the-art methods in achieving lower error in the ITE estimation.
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自然界中多元化的生态学在许多物种中具有各种形式的群体行为。蝴蝶物种是随机飞行的突出物种之一,有点有见地,并将其转化为人造隐喻将导致巨大的可能性。本文认为一种这种隐喻称为蝴蝶交配优化(BMO)。在BMO中,BFLE遵循巡逻的交配现象,并同时捕获了多模式函数的所有局部优势。为了模仿该算法,设计了一个移动机器人(BFlyBot),以满足BMO算法中BFLE的功能。此外,多Bflybot群的设计旨在像蝴蝶本质上的作用,并遵循该算法的规则。实时实验是在多动物领域的BMO算法上进行的,并将信号源视为光源。实验结果表明,BMO算法适用于检测多个信号源,其运动的变化显着,即静态和动态。在静态信号源的情况下,随着BFlybot的初始位置的不同,收敛性在时间和平稳性方面受到影响。而具有不同阶梯尺寸的实验会导致它们在机器人的执行时间和速度方面的变化。在这项工作中,在动态环境中进行了实验,在该环境中,信号源在操纵和非操作场景中的运动。 Bflybot群能够检测到单个和多信号源,在两个固定点之间在两个固定点之间进行线性移动,以圆形,向上和向下运动。评估BMO现象,各种正在进行的和前瞻性的作品,例如中海船舶检测,讨论了空中搜索应用和地震预测。
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饮食摄入量的评估主要依赖于自我报告工具,后者容易出现测量错误。饮食评估方法越来越多地纳入了技术进步,特别是基于图像的方法,以解决这些局限性和进一步的自动化。基于图像的方法可以通过自动估算由移动设备捕获的图像来自动估算饮食摄入量来减轻用户负担和偏见。在本文中,我们提出了一个“能量密度图”,该图是从RGB图像到食物的能量密度的像素到像素映射。然后,我们将“能量密度图”与相关的深度图合并在一起,该图由深度传感器捕获以估计食物能量。在Nutrition5K数据集上评估了所提出的方法。实验结果表明,与基线方法相比,结果的改善,平均误差为13.29 kcal,平均误差的平均百分比误差为13.57%,而食物的估计能量的平均百分比误差为13.57%。
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基于决策树(DT)的分类和回归思想,最近提议在总体分类和回归任务中提供更高的性能。以更高的计算复杂性为代价,达到了其性能的改进。在这项工作中,我们研究了两种加速SLM的方法。首先,我们采用粒子群优化(PSO)算法来加快对当前尺寸的线性组合表示的判别尺寸的搜索。线性组合中最佳权重的搜索在计算上很重。它是通过原始SLM中的概率搜索来完成的。 PSO的SLM加速需要减少10-20倍的迭代。其次,我们利用SLM实施中的并行处理。实验结果表明,加速的SLM方法在训练时间中达到577的速度系数,同时保持原始SLM的可比分类/回归性能。
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