传统上,视频异常检测(VAD)以两种主要方法进行了解决:基于重建的方法和基于预测的方法。当基于重建的方法学会概括输入图像时,该模型仅学习身份功能并强烈引起所谓的概括问题。另一方面,由于基于预测的框架学会预测以前几个帧的未来框架,因此它们对概括性问题的敏感性不太敏感。但是,仍然不确定该模型是否可以学习视频的时空上下文。我们的直觉是,对视频的时空环境的理解在VAD中起着至关重要的作用,因为它提供了有关视频剪辑中事件的出现如何变化的精确信息。因此,为了充分利用视频情况下的上下文信息以进行异常检测,我们设计了具有三个不同上下文预测流的变压器模型:掩盖,整体和部分。通过学习预测连续正常帧的缺失帧,我们的模型可以有效地学习视频中的各种正态性模式,这会导致异常情况下不适合学习环境的异常情况。为了验证我们的方法的有效性,我们在公共基准数据集上评估了我们的模型:USCD Pateestrian 2,Cuhk Avenue和Shanghaitech,并以重建错误的异常得分度量评估了性能。结果表明,与现有的视频异常检测方法相比,我们提出的方法实现了竞争性能。
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面部表现攻击检测(PAD)的域适应性(DA)或域概括(DG)最近以其对看不见的攻击情景的鲁棒性引起了人们的注意。但是,现有的基于DA/DG的PAD方法尚未完全探索可以提供有关攻击样式知识(例如材料,背景,照明和分辨率)的知识的特定领域样式信息。在本文中,我们引入了一种新型样式引导的域适应性(SGDA)框架,用于推理时间自适应垫。具体而言,提出了样式选择性归一化(SSN),以探索高阶功能统计信息中特定领域的样式信息。提出的SSN通过减少目标域和源域之间的样式差异,使模型适应目标域。此外,我们仔细设计了风格的元学习(SAML)来增强适应能力,该能力模拟了虚拟测试域上的样式选择过程的推理时间适应。与以前的域适应方法相反,我们的方法不需要其他辅助模型(例如,域适配器)或训练过程中未标记的目标域,这使我们的方法更加实用。为了验证我们的实验,我们使用公共数据集:MSU-MFSD,CASIA-FASD,OULU-NPU和IDIAP REPLAYATTACK。在大多数评估中,与常规的基于DA/DG的PAD方法相比,结果表明性能差距显着。
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In this paper, we propose a diffusion-based face swapping framework for the first time, called DiffFace, composed of training ID conditional DDPM, sampling with facial guidance, and a target-preserving blending. In specific, in the training process, the ID conditional DDPM is trained to generate face images with the desired identity. In the sampling process, we use the off-the-shelf facial expert models to make the model transfer source identity while preserving target attributes faithfully. During this process, to preserve the background of the target image and obtain the desired face swapping result, we additionally propose a target-preserving blending strategy. It helps our model to keep the attributes of the target face from noise while transferring the source facial identity. In addition, without any re-training, our model can flexibly apply additional facial guidance and adaptively control the ID-attributes trade-off to achieve the desired results. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach that applies the diffusion model in face swapping task. Compared with previous GAN-based approaches, by taking advantage of the diffusion model for the face swapping task, DiffFace achieves better benefits such as training stability, high fidelity, diversity of the samples, and controllability. Extensive experiments show that our DiffFace is comparable or superior to the state-of-the-art methods on several standard face swapping benchmarks.
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This study proposes an approach for establishing an optimal multihop ad-hoc network using multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to provide emergency communication in disaster areas. The approach includes two stages, one uses particle swarm optimization (PSO) to find optimal positions to deploy UAVs, and the other uses a behavior-based controller to navigate the UAVs to their assigned positions without colliding with obstacles in an unknown environment. Several constraints related to the UAVs' sensing and communication ranges have been imposed to ensure the applicability of the proposed approach in real-world scenarios. A number of simulation experiments with data loaded from real environments have been conducted. The results show that our proposed approach is not only successful in establishing multihop ad-hoc routes but also meets the requirements for real-time deployment of UAVs.
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Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. One of the prognostic features in prostate cancer is the Gleason grading of histopathology images. The Gleason grade is assigned based on tumor architecture on Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained whole slide images (WSI) by the pathologists. This process is time-consuming and has known interobserver variability. In the past few years, deep learning algorithms have been used to analyze histopathology images, delivering promising results for grading prostate cancer. However, most of the algorithms rely on the fully annotated datasets which are expensive to generate. In this work, we proposed a novel weakly-supervised algorithm to classify prostate cancer grades. The proposed algorithm consists of three steps: (1) extracting discriminative areas in a histopathology image by employing the Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) algorithm based on Transformers, (2) representing the image by constructing a graph using the discriminative patches, and (3) classifying the image into its Gleason grades by developing a Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN) based on the gated attention mechanism. We evaluated our algorithm using publicly available datasets, including TCGAPRAD, PANDA, and Gleason 2019 challenge datasets. We also cross validated the algorithm on an independent dataset. Results show that the proposed model achieved state-of-the-art performance in the Gleason grading task in terms of accuracy, F1 score, and cohen-kappa. The code is available at https://github.com/NabaviLab/Prostate-Cancer.
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Algorithms that involve both forecasting and optimization are at the core of solutions to many difficult real-world problems, such as in supply chains (inventory optimization), traffic, and in the transition towards carbon-free energy generation in battery/load/production scheduling in sustainable energy systems. Typically, in these scenarios we want to solve an optimization problem that depends on unknown future values, which therefore need to be forecast. As both forecasting and optimization are difficult problems in their own right, relatively few research has been done in this area. This paper presents the findings of the ``IEEE-CIS Technical Challenge on Predict+Optimize for Renewable Energy Scheduling," held in 2021. We present a comparison and evaluation of the seven highest-ranked solutions in the competition, to provide researchers with a benchmark problem and to establish the state of the art for this benchmark, with the aim to foster and facilitate research in this area. The competition used data from the Monash Microgrid, as well as weather data and energy market data. It then focused on two main challenges: forecasting renewable energy production and demand, and obtaining an optimal schedule for the activities (lectures) and on-site batteries that lead to the lowest cost of energy. The most accurate forecasts were obtained by gradient-boosted tree and random forest models, and optimization was mostly performed using mixed integer linear and quadratic programming. The winning method predicted different scenarios and optimized over all scenarios jointly using a sample average approximation method.
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Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have demonstrated the potential of coordinate-based neural representation (neural fields or implicit neural representation) in neural rendering. However, using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to represent a 3D scene or object requires enormous computational resources and time. There have been recent studies on how to reduce these computational inefficiencies by using additional data structures, such as grids or trees. Despite the promising performance, the explicit data structure necessitates a substantial amount of memory. In this work, we present a method to reduce the size without compromising the advantages of having additional data structures. In detail, we propose using the wavelet transform on grid-based neural fields. Grid-based neural fields are for fast convergence, and the wavelet transform, whose efficiency has been demonstrated in high-performance standard codecs, is to improve the parameter efficiency of grids. Furthermore, in order to achieve a higher sparsity of grid coefficients while maintaining reconstruction quality, we present a novel trainable masking approach. Experimental results demonstrate that non-spatial grid coefficients, such as wavelet coefficients, are capable of attaining a higher level of sparsity than spatial grid coefficients, resulting in a more compact representation. With our proposed mask and compression pipeline, we achieved state-of-the-art performance within a memory budget of 2 MB. Our code is available at https://github.com/daniel03c1/masked_wavelet_nerf.
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Symmetry arises in many optimization and decision-making problems, and has attracted considerable attention from the optimization community: By utilizing the existence of such symmetries, the process of searching for optimal solutions can be improved significantly. Despite its success in (offline) optimization, the utilization of symmetries has not been well examined within the online optimization settings, especially in the bandit literature. As such, in this paper we study the invariant Lipschitz bandit setting, a subclass of the Lipschitz bandits where the reward function and the set of arms are preserved under a group of transformations. We introduce an algorithm named \texttt{UniformMesh-N}, which naturally integrates side observations using group orbits into the \texttt{UniformMesh} algorithm (\cite{Kleinberg2005_UniformMesh}), which uniformly discretizes the set of arms. Using the side-observation approach, we prove an improved regret upper bound, which depends on the cardinality of the group, given that the group is finite. We also prove a matching regret's lower bound for the invariant Lipschitz bandit class (up to logarithmic factors). We hope that our work will ignite further investigation of symmetry in bandit theory and sequential decision-making theory in general.
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There is no settled universal 3D representation for geometry with many alternatives such as point clouds, meshes, implicit functions, and voxels to name a few. In this work, we present a new, compelling alternative for representing shapes using a sequence of cross-sectional closed loops. The loops across all planes form an organizational hierarchy which we leverage for autoregressive shape synthesis and editing. Loops are a non-local description of the underlying shape, as simple loop manipulations (such as shifts) result in significant structural changes to the geometry. This is in contrast to manipulating local primitives such as points in a point cloud or a triangle in a triangle mesh. We further demonstrate that loops are intuitive and natural primitive for analyzing and editing shapes, both computationally and for users.
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For low-level computer vision and image processing ML tasks, training on large datasets is critical for generalization. However, the standard practice of relying on real-world images primarily from the Internet comes with image quality, scalability, and privacy issues, especially in commercial contexts. To address this, we have developed a procedural synthetic data generation pipeline and dataset tailored to low-level vision tasks. Our Unreal engine-based synthetic data pipeline populates large scenes algorithmically with a combination of random 3D objects, materials, and geometric transformations. Then, we calibrate the camera noise profiles to synthesize the noisy images. From this pipeline, we generated a fully synthetic image denoising dataset (FSID) which consists of 175,000 noisy/clean image pairs. We then trained and validated a CNN-based denoising model, and demonstrated that the model trained on this synthetic data alone can achieve competitive denoising results when evaluated on real-world noisy images captured with smartphone cameras.
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