Speech-to-speech translation directly translates a speech utterance to another between different languages, and has great potential in tasks such as simultaneous interpretation. State-of-art models usually contains an auxiliary module for phoneme sequences prediction, and this requires textual annotation of the training dataset. We propose a direct speech-to-speech translation model which can be trained without any textual annotation or content information. Instead of introducing an auxiliary phoneme prediction task in the model, we propose to use bottleneck features as intermediate training objectives for our model to ensure the translation performance of the system. Experiments on Mandarin-Cantonese speech translation demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach and the performance can match a cascaded system with respect of translation and synthesis qualities.
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Image instance segmentation is a fundamental research topic in autonomous driving, which is crucial for scene understanding and road safety. Advanced learning-based approaches often rely on the costly 2D mask annotations for training. In this paper, we present a more artful framework, LiDAR-guided Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation (LWSIS), which leverages the off-the-shelf 3D data, i.e., Point Cloud, together with the 3D boxes, as natural weak supervisions for training the 2D image instance segmentation models. Our LWSIS not only exploits the complementary information in multimodal data during training, but also significantly reduces the annotation cost of the dense 2D masks. In detail, LWSIS consists of two crucial modules, Point Label Assignment (PLA) and Graph-based Consistency Regularization (GCR). The former module aims to automatically assign the 3D point cloud as 2D point-wise labels, while the latter further refines the predictions by enforcing geometry and appearance consistency of the multimodal data. Moreover, we conduct a secondary instance segmentation annotation on the nuScenes, named nuInsSeg, to encourage further research on multimodal perception tasks. Extensive experiments on the nuInsSeg, as well as the large-scale Waymo, show that LWSIS can substantially improve existing weakly supervised segmentation models by only involving 3D data during training. Additionally, LWSIS can also be incorporated into 3D object detectors like PointPainting to boost the 3D detection performance for free. The code and dataset are available at https://github.com/Serenos/LWSIS.
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数据处理的最新进展刺激了对非常大尺度的学习图的需求。众所周知,图形神经网络(GNN)是解决图形学习任务的一种新兴和有力的方法,很难扩大规模。大多数可扩展模型应用基于节点的技术来简化GNN的昂贵图形消息传播过程。但是,我们发现当应用于百万甚至数十亿尺度的图表时,这种加速度不足。在这项工作中,我们提出了Scara,这是一种可扩展的GNN,具有针对图形计算的特征优化。 Scara有效地计算出从节点功能中嵌入的图形,并进一步选择和重用功能计算结果以减少开销。理论分析表明,我们的模型在传播过程以及GNN培训和推理中具有确保精度,实现了子线性时间的复杂性。我们在各种数据集上进行了广泛的实验,以评估圣aca的功效和效率。与基线的性能比较表明,与快速收敛和可比精度相比,与当前的最新方法相比,圣aca最高可达到100倍的图形传播加速度。最值得注意的是,在100秒内处理最大的十亿个GNN数据集纸100m(1.11亿节点,1.6B边缘)上的预先计算是有效的。
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中文方言文本到语音(TTS)系统通常只能由本地语言学家使用,因为中文方言的书面形式具有不同的字符,成语,语法和使用普通话,甚至本地扬声器也无法输入正确的句子。对于普通话的文本输入,中国方言TT只能产生部分挑剔的语音,而韵律和自然性相对较差。为了降低使用栏并使其在商业广告中更实用,我们提出了一种新型的中国方言TTS前端,并带有翻译模块。它有助于使用正确的拼字法和语法将普通话文本转换为惯用表达式,以便可以改善合成语音的清晰度和自然性。为翻译任务提出了一种具有浏览抽样策略的非自动入围神经机器翻译模型。这是将翻译与TTS Frontend合并的第一项已知作品。我们对广东话的实验批准,拟议的前端可以帮助广东TTS系统通过普通话输入来提高0.27的MOS。
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In this paper, we investigate the optimal robot path planning problem for high-level specifications described by co-safe linear temporal logic (LTL) formulae. We consider the scenario where the map geometry of the workspace is partially-known. Specifically, we assume that there are some unknown regions, for which the robot does not know their successor regions a priori unless it reaches these regions physically. In contrast to the standard game-based approach that optimizes the worst-case cost, in the paper, we propose to use regret as a new metric for planning in such a partially-known environment. The regret of a plan under a fixed but unknown environment is the difference between the actual cost incurred and the best-response cost the robot could have achieved if it realizes the actual environment with hindsight. We provide an effective algorithm for finding an optimal plan that satisfies the LTL specification while minimizing its regret. A case study on firefighting robots is provided to illustrate the proposed framework. We argue that the new metric is more suitable for the scenario of partially-known environment since it captures the trade-off between the actual cost spent and the potential benefit one may obtain for exploring an unknown region.
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拍卖设计中的主要问题之一是开发一种兼容激励兼容的机制,可最大程度地提高拍卖师的预期收入。尽管理论方法在多项目拍卖中遇到了瓶颈,但最近在通过深度学习找到最佳机制方面取得了很多进展。但是,这些作品要么着重于固定的竞标者和项目,要么将拍卖限制为对称。在这项工作中,我们通过将投标人和项目的上下文信息考虑到拍卖学习框架中来克服此类限制。我们提出了$ \ mathtt {Citransnet} $,这是一种基于上下文集成变压器的神经网络,用于最佳拍卖设计,该网络在竞标和上下文上保持了置换率 - 等值,同时能够找到不对称的解决方案。我们通过广泛的实验表明,$ \ mathtt {citransnet} $可以在单项设置中恢复已知的最佳解决方案,在多项目拍卖中优于强大的基线,并且可以很好地推广到培训中的案例以外的其他案例。
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分子表示学习有助于多个下游任务,例如分子性质预测和药物设计。为了适当地代表分子,图形对比学习是一个有前途的范式,因为它利用自我监督信号并没有人类注释要求。但是,先前的作品未能将基本域名知识纳入图表语义,因此忽略了具有共同属性的原子之间的相关性,但不通过键连接连接。为了解决这些问题,我们构建化学元素知识图(KG),总结元素之间的微观关联,并提出了一种用于分子代表学习的新颖知识增强的对比学习(KCL)框架。 KCL框架由三个模块组成。第一个模块,知识引导的图形增强,基于化学元素kg增强原始分子图。第二模块,知识意识的图形表示,利用用于原始分子图的公共曲线图编码器和通过神经网络(KMPNN)的知识感知消息来提取分子表示来编码增强分子图中的复杂信息。最终模块是一种对比目标,在那里我们在分子图的这两个视图之间最大化协议。广泛的实验表明,KCL获得了八个分子数据集上的最先进基线的优异性能。可视化实验适当地解释了在增强分子图中从原子和属性中了解的KCL。我们的代码和数据可用于补充材料。
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