Differential privacy (DP) provides a formal privacy guarantee that prevents adversaries with access to machine learning models from extracting information about individual training points. Differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DPSGD) is the most popular training method with differential privacy in image recognition. However, existing DPSGD schemes lead to significant performance degradation, which prevents the application of differential privacy. In this paper, we propose a simulated annealing-based differentially private stochastic gradient descent scheme (SA-DPSGD) which accepts a candidate update with a probability that depends both on the update quality and on the number of iterations. Through this random update screening, we make the differentially private gradient descent proceed in the right direction in each iteration, and result in a more accurate model finally. In our experiments, under the same hyperparameters, our scheme achieves test accuracies 98.35%, 87.41% and 60.92% on datasets MNIST, FashionMNIST and CIFAR10, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art result of 98.12%, 86.33% and 59.34%. Under the freely adjusted hyperparameters, our scheme achieves even higher accuracies, 98.89%, 88.50% and 64.17%. We believe that our method has a great contribution for closing the accuracy gap between private and non-private image classification.
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Domain adaptive detection aims to improve the generalization of detectors on target domain. To reduce discrepancy in feature distributions between two domains, recent approaches achieve domain adaption through feature alignment in different granularities via adversarial learning. However, they neglect the relationship between multiple granularities and different features in alignment, degrading detection. Addressing this, we introduce a unified multi-granularity alignment (MGA)-based detection framework for domain-invariant feature learning. The key is to encode the dependencies across different granularities including pixel-, instance-, and category-levels simultaneously to align two domains. Specifically, based on pixel-level features, we first develop an omni-scale gated fusion (OSGF) module to aggregate discriminative representations of instances with scale-aware convolutions, leading to robust multi-scale detection. Besides, we introduce multi-granularity discriminators to identify where, either source or target domains, different granularities of samples come from. Note that, MGA not only leverages instance discriminability in different categories but also exploits category consistency between two domains for detection. Furthermore, we present an adaptive exponential moving average (AEMA) strategy that explores model assessments for model update to improve pseudo labels and alleviate local misalignment problem, boosting detection robustness. Extensive experiments on multiple domain adaption scenarios validate the superiority of MGA over other approaches on FCOS and Faster R-CNN detectors. Code will be released at https://github.com/tiankongzhang/MGA.
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Function approximation (FA) has been a critical component in solving large zero-sum games. Yet, little attention has been given towards FA in solving \textit{general-sum} extensive-form games, despite them being widely regarded as being computationally more challenging than their fully competitive or cooperative counterparts. A key challenge is that for many equilibria in general-sum games, no simple analogue to the state value function used in Markov Decision Processes and zero-sum games exists. In this paper, we propose learning the \textit{Enforceable Payoff Frontier} (EPF) -- a generalization of the state value function for general-sum games. We approximate the optimal \textit{Stackelberg extensive-form correlated equilibrium} by representing EPFs with neural networks and training them by using appropriate backup operations and loss functions. This is the first method that applies FA to the Stackelberg setting, allowing us to scale to much larger games while still enjoying performance guarantees based on FA error. Additionally, our proposed method guarantees incentive compatibility and is easy to evaluate without having to depend on self-play or approximate best-response oracles.
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Correlated Equilibrium is a solution concept that is more general than Nash Equilibrium (NE) and can lead to outcomes with better social welfare. However, its natural extension to the sequential setting, the \textit{Extensive Form Correlated Equilibrium} (EFCE), requires a quadratic amount of space to solve, even in restricted settings without randomness in nature. To alleviate these concerns, we apply \textit{subgame resolving}, a technique extremely successful in finding NE in zero-sum games to solving general-sum EFCEs. Subgame resolving refines a correlation plan in an \textit{online} manner: instead of solving for the full game upfront, it only solves for strategies in subgames that are reached in actual play, resulting in significant computational gains. In this paper, we (i) lay out the foundations to quantify the quality of a refined strategy, in terms of the \textit{social welfare} and \textit{exploitability} of correlation plans, (ii) show that EFCEs possess a sufficient amount of independence between subgames to perform resolving efficiently, and (iii) provide two algorithms for resolving, one using linear programming and the other based on regret minimization. Both methods guarantee \textit{safety}, i.e., they will never be counterproductive. Our methods are the first time an online method has been applied to the correlated, general-sum setting.
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Face manipulation detection has been receiving a lot of attention for the reliability and security of the face images. Recent studies focus on using auxiliary information or prior knowledge to capture robust manipulation traces, which are shown to be promising. As one of the important face features, the face depth map, which has shown to be effective in other areas such as the face recognition or face detection, is unfortunately paid little attention to in literature for detecting the manipulated face images. In this paper, we explore the possibility of incorporating the face depth map as auxiliary information to tackle the problem of face manipulation detection in real world applications. To this end, we first propose a Face Depth Map Transformer (FDMT) to estimate the face depth map patch by patch from a RGB face image, which is able to capture the local depth anomaly created due to manipulation. The estimated face depth map is then considered as auxiliary information to be integrated with the backbone features using a Multi-head Depth Attention (MDA) mechanism that is newly designed. Various experiments demonstrate the advantage of our proposed method for face manipulation detection.
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Supervised learning methods have been suffering from the fact that a large-scale labeled dataset is mandatory, which is difficult to obtain. This has been a more significant issue for fashion compatibility prediction because compatibility aims to capture people's perception of aesthetics, which are sparse and changing. Thus, the labeled dataset may become outdated quickly due to fast fashion. Moreover, labeling the dataset always needs some expert knowledge; at least they should have a good sense of aesthetics. However, there are limited self/semi-supervised learning techniques in this field. In this paper, we propose a general color distortion prediction task forcing the baseline to recognize low-level image information to learn more discriminative representation for fashion compatibility prediction. Specifically, we first propose to distort the image by adjusting the image color balance, contrast, sharpness, and brightness. Then, we propose adding Gaussian noise to the distorted image before passing them to the convolutional neural network (CNN) backbone to learn a probability distribution over all possible distortions. The proposed pretext task is adopted in the state-of-the-art methods in fashion compatibility and shows its effectiveness in improving these methods' ability in extracting better feature representations. Applying the proposed pretext task to the baseline can consistently outperform the original baseline.
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Continual Learning is considered a key step toward next-generation Artificial Intelligence. Among various methods, replay-based approaches that maintain and replay a small episodic memory of previous samples are one of the most successful strategies against catastrophic forgetting. However, since forgetting is inevitable given bounded memory and unbounded tasks, how to forget is a problem continual learning must address. Therefore, beyond simply avoiding catastrophic forgetting, an under-explored issue is how to reasonably forget while ensuring the merits of human memory, including 1. storage efficiency, 2. generalizability, and 3. some interpretability. To achieve these simultaneously, our paper proposes a new saliency-augmented memory completion framework for continual learning, inspired by recent discoveries in memory completion separation in cognitive neuroscience. Specifically, we innovatively propose to store the part of the image most important to the tasks in episodic memory by saliency map extraction and memory encoding. When learning new tasks, previous data from memory are inpainted by an adaptive data generation module, which is inspired by how humans complete episodic memory. The module's parameters are shared across all tasks and it can be jointly trained with a continual learning classifier as bilevel optimization. Extensive experiments on several continual learning and image classification benchmarks demonstrate the proposed method's effectiveness and efficiency.
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We are introducing a multi-scale predictive model for video prediction here, whose design is inspired by the "Predictive Coding" theories and "Coarse to Fine" approach. As a predictive coding model, it is updated by a combination of bottom-up and top-down information flows, which is different from traditional bottom-up training style. Its advantage is to reduce the dependence on input information and improve its ability to predict and generate images. Importantly, we achieve with a multi-scale approach -- higher level neurons generate coarser predictions (lower resolution), while the lower level generate finer predictions (higher resolution). This is different from the traditional predictive coding framework in which higher level predict the activity of neurons in lower level. To improve the predictive ability, we integrate an encoder-decoder network in the LSTM architecture and share the final encoded high-level semantic information between different levels. Additionally, since the output of each network level is an RGB image, a smaller LSTM hidden state can be used to retain and update the only necessary hidden information, avoiding being mapped to an overly discrete and complex space. In this way, we can reduce the difficulty of prediction and the computational overhead. Finally, we further explore the training strategies, to address the instability in adversarial training and mismatch between training and testing in long-term prediction. Code is available at https://github.com/Ling-CF/MSPN.
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There is increasing adoption of artificial intelligence in drug discovery. However, existing works use machine learning to mainly utilize the chemical structures of molecules yet ignore the vast textual knowledge available in chemistry. Incorporating textual knowledge enables us to realize new drug design objectives, adapt to text-based instructions, and predict complex biological activities. We present a multi-modal molecule structure-text model, MoleculeSTM, by jointly learning molecule's chemical structures and textual descriptions via a contrastive learning strategy. To train MoleculeSTM, we construct the largest multi-modal dataset to date, namely PubChemSTM, with over 280K chemical structure-text pairs. To demonstrate the effectiveness and utility of MoleculeSTM, we design two challenging zero-shot tasks based on text instructions, including structure-text retrieval and molecule editing. MoleculeSTM possesses two main properties: open vocabulary and compositionality via natural language. In experiments, MoleculeSTM obtains the state-of-the-art generalization ability to novel biochemical concepts across various benchmarks.
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Most previous unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods for question answering(QA) require access to source domain data while fine-tuning the model for the target domain. Source domain data may, however, contain sensitive information and may be restricted. In this study, we investigate a more challenging setting, source-free UDA, in which we have only the pretrained source model and target domain data, without access to source domain data. We propose a novel self-training approach to QA models that integrates a unique mask module for domain adaptation. The mask is auto-adjusted to extract key domain knowledge while trained on the source domain. To maintain previously learned domain knowledge, certain mask weights are frozen during adaptation, while other weights are adjusted to mitigate domain shifts with pseudo-labeled samples generated in the target domain. %As part of the self-training process, we generate pseudo-labeled samples in the target domain based on models trained in the source domain. Our empirical results on four benchmark datasets suggest that our approach significantly enhances the performance of pretrained QA models on the target domain, and even outperforms models that have access to the source data during adaptation.
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