The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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In this work, we propose a self-supervised multi-agent system, termed a memory-like adaptive modeling multi-agent learning system (MAMMALS), that realizes online learning towards behavioral pattern clustering tasks for time series. Encoding the visual behaviors as discrete time series(DTS), and training and modeling them in the multi-agent system with a bio-memory-like form. We finally implemented a fully decentralized multi-agent system design framework and completed its feasibility verification in a surveillance video application scenario on vehicle path clustering. In multi-agent learning, using learning methods designed for individual agents will typically perform poorly globally because of the behavior of ignoring the synergy between agents.
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Cross-view geo-localization aims to estimate the location of a query ground image by matching it to a reference geo-tagged aerial images database. As an extremely challenging task, its difficulties root in the drastic view changes and different capturing time between two views. Despite these difficulties, recent works achieve outstanding progress on cross-view geo-localization benchmarks. However, existing methods still suffer from poor performance on the cross-area benchmarks, in which the training and testing data are captured from two different regions. We attribute this deficiency to the lack of ability to extract the spatial configuration of visual feature layouts and models' overfitting on low-level details from the training set. In this paper, we propose GeoDTR which explicitly disentangles geometric information from raw features and learns the spatial correlations among visual features from aerial and ground pairs with a novel geometric layout extractor module. This module generates a set of geometric layout descriptors, modulating the raw features and producing high-quality latent representations. In addition, we elaborate on two categories of data augmentations, (i) Layout simulation, which varies the spatial configuration while keeping the low-level details intact. (ii) Semantic augmentation, which alters the low-level details and encourages the model to capture spatial configurations. These augmentations help to improve the performance of the cross-view geo-localization models, especially on the cross-area benchmarks. Moreover, we propose a counterfactual-based learning process to benefit the geometric layout extractor in exploring spatial information. Extensive experiments show that GeoDTR not only achieves state-of-the-art results but also significantly boosts the performance on same-area and cross-area benchmarks.
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Deep Neural Networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Among many defense strategies, adversarial training with untargeted attacks is one of the most effective methods. Theoretically, adversarial perturbation in untargeted attacks can be added along arbitrary directions and the predicted labels of untargeted attacks should be unpredictable. However, we find that the naturally imbalanced inter-class semantic similarity makes those hard-class pairs become virtual targets of each other. This study investigates the impact of such closely-coupled classes on adversarial attacks and develops a self-paced reweighting strategy in adversarial training accordingly. Specifically, we propose to upweight hard-class pair losses in model optimization, which prompts learning discriminative features from hard classes. We further incorporate a term to quantify hard-class pair consistency in adversarial training, which greatly boosts model robustness. Extensive experiments show that the proposed adversarial training method achieves superior robustness performance over state-of-the-art defenses against a wide range of adversarial attacks.
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Self-supervised monocular depth estimation (MDE) models universally suffer from the notorious edge-fattening issue. Triplet loss, as a widespread metric learning strategy, has largely succeeded in many computer vision applications. In this paper, we redesign the patch-based triplet loss in MDE to alleviate the ubiquitous edge-fattening issue. We show two drawbacks of the raw triplet loss in MDE and demonstrate our problem-driven redesigns. First, we present a min. operator based strategy applied to all negative samples, to prevent well-performing negatives sheltering the error of edge-fattening negatives. Second, we split the anchor-positive distance and anchor-negative distance from within the original triplet, which directly optimizes the positives without any mutual effect with the negatives. Extensive experiments show the combination of these two small redesigns can achieve unprecedented results: Our powerful and versatile triplet loss not only makes our model outperform all previous SoTA by a large margin, but also provides substantial performance boosts to a large number of existing models, while introducing no extra inference computation at all.
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如今,自定进度的学习(SPL)是模仿人类和动物的认知过程的重要机器学习范式。 SPL制度涉及自定进度的正常化程序和逐渐增加的年龄参数,该参数在SPL中起着关键作用,但最佳地终止此过程仍然是不平凡的。一个自然的想法是计算解决方案路径W.R.T.年龄参数(即年龄 - 路径)。但是,当前的年龄段算法要么仅限于最简单的正常器,要么缺乏牢固的理论理解以及计算效率。为了应对这一挑战,我们提出了一个小说\下划线{g} Eneralized \ suespline {ag} e-path \ usewassline {a} lgorithm(gaga)spl,用于带基于普通微分方程(ODES)的各种自定为常规器的SPL,并设置控制,可以学习整个解决方案频谱W.R.T.一系列年龄参数。据我们所知,GAGA是第一个确切的途径遵循算法,该算法可以解决一般的自定为常规器的年龄段。最后,详细描述了经典SVM和Lasso的算法步骤。我们证明了GAGA在现实世界数据集上的性能,并在我们的算法和竞争基线之间找到相当大的加速。
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自适应梯度算法借用重球加速度的移动平均思想,以估计梯度的准确梯度矩和二阶矩,以加速收敛。然而,在理论上,在理论上,在许多经验情况下,在自适应梯度环境下,Nesterov加速度比重球加速度快的速度快得多。在这项工作中,我们提出了Adan的自适应Nesterov动量算法,以有效加快深层神经网络的训练。 Adan首先重新制定了Nesterov加速度,以开发新的Nesterov动量估计(NME)方法,该方法避免了外推点上计算梯度的额外计算和内存开销。然后,Adan采用NME来估计自适应梯度算法中梯度的一阶和二阶时刻,以进行收敛加速。此外,我们证明Adan在$ O(\ epsilon^{ - 3.5})内找到了$ \ epsilon $ - 附近的一阶固定点,$最著名的下限。广泛的实验结果表明,Adan超过了视觉变压器(VIT)和CNN上的相应SOTA优化器,并为许多流行网络设置了新的SOTA,例如Resnet,Convnext,Vit,Vit,Swin,Mae,Mae,LSTM,LSTM,Transformer-XL和BERT,以及BERT和BERT和BERT 。更令人惊讶的是,Adan可以利用SOTA优化器的一半培训成本(时代)在E.T.C. Vit和Resnet上获得更高或可比的性能,并且还显示出对大型Minibatch尺寸的宽容,例如1K到32K。我们希望Adan能够通过降低培训成本并减轻尝试各种架构的不同优化者的工程负担来为深度学习的发展做出贡献。代码将在上发布。
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虽然最近出现了类别级的9DOF对象姿势估计,但由于较大的对象形状和颜色等类别内差异,因此,先前基于对应的或直接回归方法的准确性均受到限制。 - 级别的物体姿势和尺寸炼油机Catre,能够迭代地增强点云的姿势估计以产生准确的结果。鉴于初始姿势估计,Catre通过对齐部分观察到的点云和先验的抽象形状来预测初始姿势和地面真理之间的相对转换。具体而言,我们提出了一种新颖的分离体系结构,以了解旋转与翻译/大小估计之间的固有区别。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法在REAL275,Camera25和LM基准测试中的最先进方法高达〜85.32Hz,并在类别级别跟踪上取得了竞争成果。我们进一步证明,Catre可以对看不见的类别进行姿势改进。可以使用代码和训练有素的型号。
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在本文中,我们仅使用部分分布式反馈来研究全球奖励最大化的问题。这个问题是由几个现实世界应用程序(例如蜂窝网络配置,动态定价和政策选择)激发的,其中中央实体采取的行动会影响有助于全球奖励的大量人群。但是,从整个人群那里收集此类奖励反馈不仅会产生高昂的成本,而且经常导致隐私问题。为了解决此问题,我们考虑了差异的私有分布式线性土匪,其中只选择了来自人群的一部分用户(称为客户)来参与学习过程,并且中央服务器通过迭代地汇总这些部分从这种部分反馈中学习了全局模型客户的本地反馈以差异化的方式。然后,我们提出了一个统一的算法学习框架,称为差异性分布式分布式消除(DP-DPE),该框架可以与流行的差异隐私(DP)模型(包括中央DP,Local DP,Local DP和Shuffle DP)自然集成。此外,我们证明DP-DPE既可以达到统一的遗憾,又实现了额定性沟通成本。有趣的是,DP-DPE也可以“免费”获得隐私保护,这是因为由于隐私保证是一个较低的加法术语。此外,作为我们技术的副产品,对于标准的差异私有线性匪徒,也可以实现“自由”隐私的相同结果。最后,我们进行模拟以证实我们的理论结果并证明DP-DPE的有效性。
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