Recent years have witnessed significant growth of face alignment. Though dense facial landmark is highly demanded in various scenarios, e.g., cosmetic medicine and facial beautification, most works only consider sparse face alignment. To address this problem, we present a framework that can enrich landmark density by existing sparse landmark datasets, e.g., 300W with 68 points and WFLW with 98 points. Firstly, we observe that the local patches along each semantic contour are highly similar in appearance. Then, we propose a weakly-supervised idea of learning the refinement ability on original sparse landmarks and adapting this ability to enriched dense landmarks. Meanwhile, several operators are devised and organized together to implement the idea. Finally, the trained model is applied as a plug-and-play module to the existing face alignment networks. To evaluate our method, we manually label the dense landmarks on 300W testset. Our method yields state-of-the-art accuracy not only in newly-constructed dense 300W testset but also in the original sparse 300W and WFLW testsets without additional cost.
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The recent progress of CNN has dramatically improved face alignment performance. However, few works have paid attention to the error-bias with respect to error distribution of facial landmarks. In this paper, we investigate the error-bias issue in face alignment, where the distributions of landmark errors tend to spread along the tangent line to landmark curves. This error-bias is not trivial since it is closely connected to the ambiguous landmark labeling task. Inspired by this observation, we seek a way to leverage the error-bias property for better convergence of CNN model. To this end, we propose anisotropic direction loss (ADL) and anisotropic attention module (AAM) for coordinate and heatmap regression, respectively. ADL imposes strong binding force in normal direction for each landmark point on facial boundaries. On the other hand, AAM is an attention module which can get anisotropic attention mask focusing on the region of point and its local edge connected by adjacent points, it has a stronger response in tangent than in normal, which means relaxed constraints in the tangent. These two methods work in a complementary manner to learn both facial structures and texture details. Finally, we integrate them into an optimized end-to-end training pipeline named ADNet. Our ADNet achieves state-of-the-art results on 300W, WFLW and COFW datasets, which demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness.
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In this report, we focus on reconstructing clothed humans in the canonical space given multiple views and poses of a human as the input. To achieve this, we utilize the geometric prior of the SMPLX model in the canonical space to learn the implicit representation for geometry reconstruction. Based on the observation that the topology between the posed mesh and the mesh in the canonical space are consistent, we propose to learn latent codes on the posed mesh by leveraging multiple input images and then assign the latent codes to the mesh in the canonical space. Specifically, we first leverage normal and geometry networks to extract the feature vector for each vertex on the SMPLX mesh. Normal maps are adopted for better generalization to unseen images compared to 2D images. Then, features for each vertex on the posed mesh from multiple images are integrated by MLPs. The integrated features acting as the latent code are anchored to the SMPLX mesh in the canonical space. Finally, latent code for each 3D point is extracted and utilized to calculate the SDF. Our work for reconstructing the human shape on canonical pose achieves 3rd performance on WCPA MVP-Human Body Challenge.
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图形神经网络(GNN)在许多基于图的应用程序中取得了巨大成功。但是,巨大的尺寸和高稀疏度的图表阻碍了其在工业场景下的应用。尽管为大规模图提出了一些可扩展的GNN,但它们为每个节点采用固定的$ k $ hop邻域,因此在稀疏区域内采用大型繁殖深度时面临过度光滑的问题。为了解决上述问题,我们提出了一种新的GNN体系结构 - 图形注意多层感知器(GAMLP),该架构可以捕获不同图形知识范围之间的基本相关性。我们已经与天使平台部署了GAMLP,并进一步评估了现实世界数据集和大规模工业数据集的GAMLP。这14个图数据集的广泛实验表明,GAMLP在享有高可扩展性和效率的同时,达到了最先进的性能。具体来说,在我们的大规模腾讯视频数据集上的预测准确性方面,它的表现优于1.3 \%,同时达到了高达$ 50 \ times $ triending的速度。此外,它在开放图基准的最大同质和异质图(即OGBN-PAPERS100M和OGBN-MAG)的排行榜上排名第一。
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K-Core Deconnosition是一个常用的指标来分析图形结构或研究节点在复杂图中的相对重要性。近年来,图表的规模迅速增长,特别是在工业环境中。例如,我们的工业伙伴以数十亿用户运行流行的社交应用程序,并且能够收集丰富的用户数据。因此,对大型图形的k核分解应用于学术界和行业的越来越多的关注。处理大图的简单但有效的方法是在分布式设置中训练它们,并且还提出了一些分布式k核分解算法。尽管他们有效性,我们在实验和理论上观察到这些算法消耗了太多资源,并在超大型图表上变得不稳定,特别是当给定的资源有限时。在本文中,我们处理那些超大型图形,并在分布式K核分解算法的顶部提出了分行和征服策略。我们在三个大图中评估我们的方法。实验结果表明,资源的消耗可以显着降低,大规模图的计算比现有方法更稳定。例如,分布式K-Core分解算法可以缩放到具有1360亿边缘的大图,而不会与我们的分行和征服技术丢失正确性。
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