The ubiquity of edge devices has led to a growing amount of unlabeled data produced at the edge. Deep learning models deployed on edge devices are required to learn from these unlabeled data to continuously improve accuracy. Self-supervised representation learning has achieved promising performances using centralized unlabeled data. However, the increasing awareness of privacy protection limits centralizing the distributed unlabeled image data on edge devices. While federated learning has been widely adopted to enable distributed machine learning with privacy preservation, without a data selection method to efficiently select streaming data, the traditional federated learning framework fails to handle these huge amounts of decentralized unlabeled data with limited storage resources on edge. To address these challenges, we propose a Federated on-device Contrastive learning framework with Coreset selection, which we call FedCoCo, to automatically select a coreset that consists of the most representative samples into the replay buffer on each device. It preserves data privacy as each client does not share raw data while learning good visual representations. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and significance of the proposed method in visual representation learning.
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联合学习(FL)使分布式客户端能够学习共享模型以进行预测,同时保留每个客户端的培训数据本地。然而,现有的FL需要完全标记的培训数据,这是由于高标签成本和专业要求的要求而不方便或有时不可行。在许多现实设置中,缺乏标签会使流行不切实际。自我监督学习可以通过从未标记的数据学习来解决这一挑战,从而可以广泛使用FL。对比学习(CL)是一种自我监督的学习方法,可以有效地学习来自未标记数据的数据表示。然而,Clipers上收集的分布式数据通常在客户端之间通常不是独立和相同分布(非IID),并且每个客户端只有很少的数据类,这会降低CL和学习的表示的性能。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了由两种方法组成的联邦对比学习框架:特征融合和邻居匹配,通过该邻居匹配,以便获得更好的数据表示来实现客户端之间的统一特征空间。特征融合提供远程功能,作为每个客户端的准确对比信息,以获得更好的本地学习。邻域匹配进一步将每个客户端的本地功能对齐至远程功能,从而可以了解客户端之间的群集功能。广泛的实验表明了拟议框架的有效性。它在IID数据上以11 \%的方式表达了其他方法,并匹配集中学习的性能。
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文本和视频之间交叉模态检索的任务旨在了解视觉和语言之间的对应关系。现有研究遵循基于文本和视频嵌入的测量文本视频相似度的趋势。在常见的做法中,通过将视频帧馈送到用于全球视觉特征提取的视频帧或仅通过使用图形卷积网络使用本地细粒度的框架区域来实现简单的语义关系来构造视频表示。然而,这些视频表示在学习视频表示中的视觉组件之间没有充分利用时空关系,从而无法区分具有相同视觉组件但具有不同关系的视频。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种视觉时空关系增强的网络(VSR-Net),这是一种新的跨模型检索框架,其考虑组件之间的空间视觉关系,以增强桥接文本 - 视频模型中的全局视频表示。具体地,使用多层时空变压器来编码视觉时空关系,以学习视觉关系特征。我们将全局视觉和细粒度的关系功能与两个嵌入空格上的文本功能对齐,用于交叉模态文本 - 视频检索。在MSR-VTT和MSVD数据集中进行了广泛的实验。结果表明了我们提出的模型的有效性。我们将发布促进未来研究的代码。
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Transformer has achieved impressive successes for various computer vision tasks. However, most of existing studies require to pretrain the Transformer backbone on a large-scale labeled dataset (e.g., ImageNet) for achieving satisfactory performance, which is usually unavailable for medical images. Additionally, due to the gap between medical and natural images, the improvement generated by the ImageNet pretrained weights significantly degrades while transferring the weights to medical image processing tasks. In this paper, we propose Bootstrap Own Latent of Transformer (BOLT), a self-supervised learning approach specifically for medical image classification with the Transformer backbone. Our BOLT consists of two networks, namely online and target branches, for self-supervised representation learning. Concretely, the online network is trained to predict the target network representation of the same patch embedding tokens with a different perturbation. To maximally excavate the impact of Transformer from limited medical data, we propose an auxiliary difficulty ranking task. The Transformer is enforced to identify which branch (i.e., online/target) is processing the more difficult perturbed tokens. Overall, the Transformer endeavours itself to distill the transformation-invariant features from the perturbed tokens to simultaneously achieve difficulty measurement and maintain the consistency of self-supervised representations. The proposed BOLT is evaluated on three medical image processing tasks, i.e., skin lesion classification, knee fatigue fracture grading and diabetic retinopathy grading. The experimental results validate the superiority of our BOLT for medical image classification, compared to ImageNet pretrained weights and state-of-the-art self-supervised learning approaches.
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Increasing research interests focus on sequential recommender systems, aiming to model dynamic sequence representation precisely. However, the most commonly used loss function in state-of-the-art sequential recommendation models has essential limitations. To name a few, Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) loss suffers the vanishing gradient problem from numerous negative sampling and predictionbiases; Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE) loss subjects to negative sampling numbers, thereby it is likely to ignore valuable negative examples and reduce the training efficiency; Cross-Entropy (CE) loss only focuses on the last timestamp of the training sequence, which causes low utilization of sequence information and results in inferior user sequence representation. To avoid these limitations, in this paper, we propose to calculate Cumulative Cross-Entropy (CCE) loss over the sequence. CCE is simple and direct, which enjoys the virtues of painless deployment, no negative sampling, and effective and efficient training. We conduct extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of CCE. The results show that employing CCE loss on three state-of-the-art models GRU4Rec, SASRec, and S3-Rec can reach 125.63%, 69.90%, and 33.24% average improvement of full ranking NDCG@5, respectively. Using CCE, the performance curve of the models on the test data increases rapidly with the wall clock time, and is superior to that of other loss functions in almost the whole process of model training.
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The utilization of large-scale distributed renewable energy promotes the development of the multi-microgrid (MMG), which raises the need of developing an effective energy management method to minimize economic costs and keep self energy-sufficiency. The multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) has been widely used for the energy management problem because of its real-time scheduling ability. However, its training requires massive energy operation data of microgrids (MGs), while gathering these data from different MGs would threaten their privacy and data security. Therefore, this paper tackles this practical yet challenging issue by proposing a federated multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (F-MADRL) algorithm via the physics-informed reward. In this algorithm, the federated learning (FL) mechanism is introduced to train the F-MADRL algorithm thus ensures the privacy and the security of data. In addition, a decentralized MMG model is built, and the energy of each participated MG is managed by an agent, which aims to minimize economic costs and keep self energy-sufficiency according to the physics-informed reward. At first, MGs individually execute the self-training based on local energy operation data to train their local agent models. Then, these local models are periodically uploaded to a server and their parameters are aggregated to build a global agent, which will be broadcasted to MGs and replace their local agents. In this way, the experience of each MG agent can be shared and the energy operation data is not explicitly transmitted, thus protecting the privacy and ensuring data security. Finally, experiments are conducted on Oak Ridge national laboratory distributed energy control communication lab microgrid (ORNL-MG) test system, and the comparisons are carried out to verify the effectiveness of introducing the FL mechanism and the outperformance of our proposed F-MADRL.
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This paper presents a safety-critical locomotion control framework for quadrupedal robots. Our goal is to enable quadrupedal robots to safely navigate in cluttered environments. To tackle this, we introduce exponential Discrete Control Barrier Functions (exponential DCBFs) with duality-based obstacle avoidance constraints into a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) with Whole-Body Control (WBC) framework for quadrupedal locomotion control. This enables us to use polytopes to describe the shapes of the robot and obstacles for collision avoidance while doing locomotion control of quadrupedal robots. Compared to most prior work, especially using CBFs, that utilize spherical and conservative approximation for obstacle avoidance, this work demonstrates a quadrupedal robot autonomously and safely navigating through very tight spaces in the real world. (Our open-source code is available at, and the video is available at
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Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound imaging technique has been applied for scoliosis assessment, but current assessment method only uses coronal projection image and cannot illustrate the 3D deformity and vertebra rotation. The vertebra detection is essential to reveal 3D spine information, but the detection task is challenging due to complex data and limited annotations. We propose VertMatch, a two-step framework to detect vertebral structures in 3D ultrasound volume by utilizing unlabeled data in semi-supervised manner. The first step is to detect the possible positions of structures on transverse slice globally, and then the local patches are cropped based on detected positions. The second step is to distinguish whether the patches contain real vertebral structures and screen the predicted positions from the first step. VertMatch develops three novel components for semi-supervised learning: for position detection in the first step, (1) anatomical prior is used to screen pseudo labels generated from confidence threshold method; (2) multi-slice consistency is used to utilize more unlabeled data by inputting multiple adjacent slices; (3) for patch identification in the second step, the categories are rebalanced in each batch to solve imbalance problem. Experimental results demonstrate that VertMatch can detect vertebra accurately in ultrasound volume and outperforms state-of-the-art methods. VertMatch is also validated in clinical application on forty ultrasound scans, and it can be a promising approach for 3D assessment of scoliosis.
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