Existing 3D-aware image synthesis approaches mainly focus on generating a single canonical object and show limited capacity in composing a complex scene containing a variety of objects. This work presents DisCoScene: a 3Daware generative model for high-quality and controllable scene synthesis. The key ingredient of our method is a very abstract object-level representation (i.e., 3D bounding boxes without semantic annotation) as the scene layout prior, which is simple to obtain, general to describe various scene contents, and yet informative to disentangle objects and background. Moreover, it serves as an intuitive user control for scene editing. Based on such a prior, the proposed model spatially disentangles the whole scene into object-centric generative radiance fields by learning on only 2D images with the global-local discrimination. Our model obtains the generation fidelity and editing flexibility of individual objects while being able to efficiently compose objects and the background into a complete scene. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on many scene datasets, including the challenging Waymo outdoor dataset. Project page: https://snap-research.github.io/discoscene/
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Video generation requires synthesizing consistent and persistent frames with dynamic content over time. This work investigates modeling the temporal relations for composing video with arbitrary length, from a few frames to even infinite, using generative adversarial networks (GANs). First, towards composing adjacent frames, we show that the alias-free operation for single image generation, together with adequately pre-learned knowledge, brings a smooth frame transition without compromising the per-frame quality. Second, by incorporating the temporal shift module (TSM), originally designed for video understanding, into the discriminator, we manage to advance the generator in synthesizing more consistent dynamics. Third, we develop a novel B-Spline based motion representation to ensure temporal smoothness to achieve infinite-length video generation. It can go beyond the frame number used in training. A low-rank temporal modulation is also proposed to alleviate repeating contents for long video generation. We evaluate our approach on various datasets and show substantial improvements over video generation baselines. Code and models will be publicly available at https://genforce.github.io/StyleSV.
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Generative adversarial network (GAN) is formulated as a two-player game between a generator (G) and a discriminator (D), where D is asked to differentiate whether an image comes from real data or is produced by G. Under such a formulation, D plays as the rule maker and hence tends to dominate the competition. Towards a fairer game in GANs, we propose a new paradigm for adversarial training, which makes G assign a task to D as well. Specifically, given an image, we expect D to extract representative features that can be adequately decoded by G to reconstruct the input. That way, instead of learning freely, D is urged to align with the view of G for domain classification. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the substantial superiority of our approach over the baselines. For instance, we improve the FID of StyleGAN2 from 4.30 to 2.55 on LSUN Bedroom and from 4.04 to 2.82 on LSUN Church. We believe that the pioneering attempt present in this work could inspire the community with better designed generator-leading tasks for GAN improvement.
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Diffusion models, which learn to reverse a signal destruction process to generate new data, typically require the signal at each step to have the same dimension. We argue that, considering the spatial redundancy in image signals, there is no need to maintain a high dimensionality in the evolution process, especially in the early generation phase. To this end, we make a theoretical generalization of the forward diffusion process via signal decomposition. Concretely, we manage to decompose an image into multiple orthogonal components and control the attenuation of each component when perturbing the image. That way, along with the noise strength increasing, we are able to diminish those inconsequential components and thus use a lower-dimensional signal to represent the source, barely losing information. Such a reformulation allows to vary dimensions in both training and inference of diffusion models. Extensive experiments on a range of datasets suggest that our approach substantially reduces the computational cost and achieves on-par or even better synthesis performance compared to baseline methods. We also show that our strategy facilitates high-resolution image synthesis and improves FID of diffusion model trained on FFHQ at $1024\times1024$ resolution from 52.40 to 10.46. Code and models will be made publicly available.
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Generative models, as an important family of statistical modeling, target learning the observed data distribution via generating new instances. Along with the rise of neural networks, deep generative models, such as variational autoencoders (VAEs) and generative adversarial network (GANs), have made tremendous progress in 2D image synthesis. Recently, researchers switch their attentions from the 2D space to the 3D space considering that 3D data better aligns with our physical world and hence enjoys great potential in practice. However, unlike a 2D image, which owns an efficient representation (i.e., pixel grid) by nature, representing 3D data could face far more challenges. Concretely, we would expect an ideal 3D representation to be capable enough to model shapes and appearances in details, and to be highly efficient so as to model high-resolution data with fast speed and low memory cost. However, existing 3D representations, such as point clouds, meshes, and recent neural fields, usually fail to meet the above requirements simultaneously. In this survey, we make a thorough review of the development of 3D generation, including 3D shape generation and 3D-aware image synthesis, from the perspectives of both algorithms and more importantly representations. We hope that our discussion could help the community track the evolution of this field and further spark some innovative ideas to advance this challenging task.
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