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Deep image prior (DIP) has recently attracted attention owing to its unsupervised positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction, which does not require any prior training dataset. In this paper, we present the first attempt to implement an end-to-end DIP-based fully 3D PET image reconstruction method that incorporates a forward-projection model into a loss function. To implement a practical fully 3D PET image reconstruction, which could not be performed due to a graphics processing unit memory limitation, we modify the DIP optimization to block-iteration and sequentially learn an ordered sequence of block sinograms. Furthermore, the relative difference penalty (RDP) term was added to the loss function to enhance the quantitative PET image accuracy. We evaluated our proposed method using Monte Carlo simulation with [$^{18}$F]FDG PET data of a human brain and a preclinical study on monkey brain [$^{18}$F]FDG PET data. The proposed method was compared with the maximum-likelihood expectation maximization (EM), maximum-a-posterior EM with RDP, and hybrid DIP-based PET reconstruction methods. The simulation results showed that the proposed method improved the PET image quality by reducing statistical noise and preserved a contrast of brain structures and inserted tumor compared with other algorithms. In the preclinical experiment, finer structures and better contrast recovery were obtained by the proposed method. This indicated that the proposed method can produce high-quality images without a prior training dataset. Thus, the proposed method is a key enabling technology for the straightforward and practical implementation of end-to-end DIP-based fully 3D PET image reconstruction.
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Diagnostic radiologists need artificial intelligence (AI) for medical imaging, but access to medical images required for training in AI has become increasingly restrictive. To release and use medical images, we need an algorithm that can simultaneously protect privacy and preserve pathologies in medical images. To develop such an algorithm, here, we propose DP-GLOW, a hybrid of a local differential privacy (LDP) algorithm and one of the flow-based deep generative models (GLOW). By applying a GLOW model, we disentangle the pixelwise correlation of images, which makes it difficult to protect privacy with straightforward LDP algorithms for images. Specifically, we map images onto the latent vector of the GLOW model, each element of which follows an independent normal distribution, and we apply the Laplace mechanism to the latent vector. Moreover, we applied DP-GLOW to chest X-ray images to generate LDP images while preserving pathologies.
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In recent years, various service robots have been introduced in stores as recommendation systems. Previous studies attempted to increase the influence of these robots by improving their social acceptance and trust. However, when such service robots recommend a product to customers in real environments, the effect on the customers is influenced not only by the robot itself, but also by the social influence of the surrounding people such as store clerks. Therefore, leveraging the social influence of the clerks may increase the influence of the robots on the customers. Hence, we compared the influence of robots with and without collaborative customer service between the robots and clerks in two bakery stores. The experimental results showed that collaborative customer service increased the purchase rate of the recommended bread and improved the impression regarding the robot and store experience of the customers. Because the results also showed that the workload required for the clerks to collaborate with the robot was not high, this study suggests that all stores with service robots may show high effectiveness in introducing collaborative customer service.
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In the process of materials discovery, chemists currently need to perform many laborious, time-consuming, and often dangerous lab experiments. To accelerate this process, we propose a framework for robots to assist chemists by performing lab experiments autonomously. The solution allows a general-purpose robot to perform diverse chemistry experiments and efficiently make use of available lab tools. Our system can load high-level descriptions of chemistry experiments, perceive a dynamic workspace, and autonomously plan the required actions and motions to perform the given chemistry experiments with common tools found in the existing lab environment. Our architecture uses a modified PDDLStream solver for integrated task and constrained motion planning, which generates plans and motions that are guaranteed to be safe by preventing collisions and spillage. We present a modular framework that can scale to many different experiments, actions, and lab tools. In this work, we demonstrate the utility of our framework on three pouring skills and two foundational chemical experiments for materials synthesis: solubility and recrystallization. More experiments and updated evaluations can be found at https://ac-rad.github.io/arc-icra2023.
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The black-box nature of end-to-end speech translation (E2E ST) systems makes it difficult to understand how source language inputs are being mapped to the target language. To solve this problem, we would like to simultaneously generate automatic speech recognition (ASR) and ST predictions such that each source language word is explicitly mapped to a target language word. A major challenge arises from the fact that translation is a non-monotonic sequence transduction task due to word ordering differences between languages -- this clashes with the monotonic nature of ASR. Therefore, we propose to generate ST tokens out-of-order while remembering how to re-order them later. We achieve this by predicting a sequence of tuples consisting of a source word, the corresponding target words, and post-editing operations dictating the correct insertion points for the target word. We examine two variants of such operation sequences which enable generation of monotonic transcriptions and non-monotonic translations from the same speech input simultaneously. We apply our approach to offline and real-time streaming models, demonstrating that we can provide explainable translations without sacrificing quality or latency. In fact, the delayed re-ordering ability of our approach improves performance during streaming. As an added benefit, our method performs ASR and ST simultaneously, making it faster than using two separate systems to perform these tasks.
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联合学习(FL)是以分散的方式共同训练机器学习算法的范式。 FL中的大多数研究都集中在基于神经网络的方法上,但是,由于克服算法的迭代和添加性特征的挑战,在联合学习中基于XGBoost的方法(例如XGBOOST)在联合学习中没有得到反应。基于决策树的模型,尤其是XGBoost,可以处理非IID数据,这对于联合学习框架中使用的算法很重要,因为数据的基本特征是分散的,并且具有本质上非IID的风险。在本文中,我们专注于研究通过对各种基于样本量的数据偏斜方案进行实验以及这些模型在各种非IID方案下的性能,通过非IID分布的影响如何受到非IID分布的影响。我们在多个不同的数据集中进行了一组广泛的实验,并进行了不同的数据偏斜分区。我们的实验结果表明,尽管有各种分区比率,但模型的性能保持一致,并且与以集中式方式训练的模型接近或同样良好。
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黑盒优化在许多应用中具有潜力,例如在实验设计中的机器学习和优化中的超参数优化。 ISING机器对二进制优化问题很有用,因为变量可以由Ising机器的单个二进制变量表示。但是,使用ISING机器的常规方法无法处理具有非二进制值的黑框优化问题。为了克服这一限制,我们通过与三种不同的整数编码方法合作,通过使用ISING/退火计算机和分解计算机来提出一种用于整数变量的黑盒优化问题的方法。使用不同的编码方法,使用一个简单的问题来计算最稳定状态下的氢分子能量,以不同的编码方法进行数值评估。提出的方法可以使用任何整数编码方法来计算能量。但是,单次编码对于小尺寸的问题很有用。
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