This paper revisits a fundamental problem in statistical inference from a non-asymptotic theoretical viewpoint $\unicode{x2013}$ the construction of confidence sets. We establish a finite-sample bound for the estimator, characterizing its asymptotic behavior in a non-asymptotic fashion. An important feature of our bound is that its dimension dependency is captured by the effective dimension $\unicode{x2013}$ the trace of the limiting sandwich covariance $\unicode{x2013}$ which can be much smaller than the parameter dimension in some regimes. We then illustrate how the bound can be used to obtain a confidence set whose shape is adapted to the optimization landscape induced by the loss function. Unlike previous works that rely heavily on the strong convexity of the loss function, we only assume the Hessian is lower bounded at optimum and allow it to gradually becomes degenerate. This property is formalized by the notion of generalized self-concordance which originated from convex optimization. Moreover, we demonstrate how the effective dimension can be estimated from data and characterize its estimation accuracy. We apply our results to maximum likelihood estimation with generalized linear models, score matching with exponential families, and hypothesis testing with Rao's score test.
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Generative AI has matured to a point where large-scale models can generate text that seems indistinguishable from human-written text and remarkably photorealistic images. Automatically measuring how close the distribution of generated data is to the target real data distribution is a key step in diagnosing existing models and developing better models. We present MAUVE, a family of comparison measures between pairs of distributions such as those encountered in the generative modeling of text or images. These scores are statistical summaries of divergence frontiers capturing two types of errors in generative modeling. We explore four approaches to statistically estimate these scores: vector quantization, non-parametric estimation, classifier-based estimation, and parametric Gaussian approximations. We provide statistical bounds for the vector quantization approach. Empirically, we find that the proposed scores paired with a range of $f$-divergences and statistical estimation methods can quantify the gaps between the distributions of human-written text and those of modern neural language models by correlating with human judgments and identifying known properties of the generated texts. We conclude the paper by demonstrating its applications to other AI domains and discussing practical recommendations.
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Spectral risk objectives - also called $L$-risks - allow for learning systems to interpolate between optimizing average-case performance (as in empirical risk minimization) and worst-case performance on a task. We develop stochastic algorithms to optimize these quantities by characterizing their subdifferential and addressing challenges such as biasedness of subgradient estimates and non-smoothness of the objective. We show theoretically and experimentally that out-of-the-box approaches such as stochastic subgradient and dual averaging are hindered by bias and that our approach outperforms them.
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Influence diagnostics such as influence functions and approximate maximum influence perturbations are popular in machine learning and in AI domain applications. Influence diagnostics are powerful statistical tools to identify influential datapoints or subsets of datapoints. We establish finite-sample statistical bounds, as well as computational complexity bounds, for influence functions and approximate maximum influence perturbations using efficient inverse-Hessian-vector product implementations. We illustrate our results with generalized linear models and large attention based models on synthetic and real data.
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We consider stochastic gradient descents on the space of large symmetric matrices of suitable functions that are invariant under permuting the rows and columns using the same permutation. We establish deterministic limits of these random curves as the dimensions of the matrices go to infinity while the entries remain bounded. Under a "small noise" assumption the limit is shown to be the gradient flow of functions on graphons whose existence was established in arXiv:2111.09459. We also consider limits of stochastic gradient descents with added properly scaled reflected Brownian noise. The limiting curve of graphons is characterized by a family of stochastic differential equations with reflections and can be thought of as an extension of the classical McKean-Vlasov limit for interacting diffusions. The proofs introduce a family of infinite-dimensional exchangeable arrays of reflected diffusions and a novel notion of propagation of chaos for large matrices of interacting diffusions.
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我们介绍了基于目标观点的线性和二次近似值的非线性控制算法的实现。我们提出了一种梯度下降,一种高斯 - 纽顿方法,一种牛顿方法,具有线性二次或二次近似值的差分动态编程方法,各种线路搜索策略以及这些算法的正则变体。我们在可区分的编程框架中得出所有算法的计算复杂性,并提出足够的最佳条件。我们比较了几个基准的算法,例如使用汽车的自行车模型进行自动驾驶。该算法用公开可用的软件包中的可区分编程语言进行编码。
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三角形流量,也称为kn \“{o}的Rosenblatt测量耦合,包括用于生成建模和密度估计的归一化流模型的重要构建块,包括诸如实值的非体积保存变换模型的流行自回归流模型(真实的NVP)。我们提出了三角形流量统计模型的统计保证和样本复杂性界限。特别是,我们建立了KN的统计一致性和kullback-leibler估算器的rospblatt的kullback-leibler估计的有限样本会聚率使用实证过程理论的工具测量耦合。我们的结果突出了三角形流动下播放功能类的各向异性几何形状,优化坐标排序,并导致雅各比比流动的统计保证。我们对合成数据进行数值实验,以说明我们理论发现的实际意义。
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