Mobile stereo-matching systems have become an important part of many applications, such as automated-driving vehicles and autonomous robots. Accurate stereo-matching methods usually lead to high computational complexity; however, mobile platforms have only limited hardware resources to keep their power consumption low; this makes it difficult to maintain both an acceptable processing speed and accuracy on mobile platforms. To resolve this trade-off, we herein propose a novel acceleration approach for the well-known zero-means normalized cross correlation (ZNCC) matching cost calculation algorithm on a Jetson Tx2 embedded GPU. In our method for accelerating ZNCC, target images are scanned in a zigzag fashion to efficiently reuse one pixel's computation for its neighboring pixels; this reduces the amount of data transmission and increases the utilization of on-chip registers, thus increasing the processing speed. As a result, our method is 2X faster than the traditional image scanning method, and 26% faster than the latest NCC method. By combining this technique with the domain transformation (DT) algorithm, our system show real-time processing speed of 32 fps, on a Jetson Tx2 GPU for 1,280x384 pixel images with a maximum disparity of 128. Additionally, the evaluation results on the KITTI 2015 benchmark show that our combined system is more accurate than the same algorithm combined with census by 7.26%, while maintaining almost the same processing speed.
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We study the problem of estimating latent population flows from aggregated count data. This problem arises when individual trajectories are not available due to privacy issues or measurement fidelity. Instead, the aggregated observations are measured over discrete-time points, for estimating the population flows among states. Most related studies tackle the problems by learning the transition parameters of a time-homogeneous Markov process. Nonetheless, most real-world population flows can be influenced by various uncertainties such as traffic jam and weather conditions. Thus, in many cases, a time-homogeneous Markov model is a poor approximation of the much more complex population flows. To circumvent this difficulty, we resort to a multi-marginal optimal transport (MOT) formulation that can naturally represent aggregated observations with constrained marginals, and encode time-dependent transition matrices by the cost functions. In particular, we propose to estimate the transition flows from aggregated data by learning the cost functions of the MOT framework, which enables us to capture time-varying dynamic patterns. The experiments demonstrate the improved accuracy of the proposed algorithms than the related methods in estimating several real-world transition flows.
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) have received remarkable success in link prediction (GNNLP) tasks. Existing efforts first predefine the subgraph for the whole dataset and then apply GNNs to encode edge representations by leveraging the neighborhood structure induced by the fixed subgraph. The prominence of GNNLP methods significantly relies on the adhoc subgraph. Since node connectivity in real-world graphs is complex, one shared subgraph is limited for all edges. Thus, the choices of subgraphs should be personalized to different edges. However, performing personalized subgraph selection is nontrivial since the potential selection space grows exponentially to the scale of edges. Besides, the inference edges are not available during training in link prediction scenarios, so the selection process needs to be inductive. To bridge the gap, we introduce a Personalized Subgraph Selector (PS2) as a plug-and-play framework to automatically, personally, and inductively identify optimal subgraphs for different edges when performing GNNLP. PS2 is instantiated as a bi-level optimization problem that can be efficiently solved differently. Coupling GNNLP models with PS2, we suggest a brand-new angle towards GNNLP training: by first identifying the optimal subgraphs for edges; and then focusing on training the inference model by using the sampled subgraphs. Comprehensive experiments endorse the effectiveness of our proposed method across various GNNLP backbones (GCN, GraphSage, NGCF, LightGCN, and SEAL) and diverse benchmarks (Planetoid, OGB, and Recommendation datasets). Our code is publicly available at \url{}
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Given a piece of text, a video clip and a reference audio, the movie dubbing (also known as visual voice clone V2C) task aims to generate speeches that match the speaker's emotion presented in the video using the desired speaker voice as reference. V2C is more challenging than conventional text-to-speech tasks as it additionally requires the generated speech to exactly match the varying emotions and speaking speed presented in the video. Unlike previous works, we propose a novel movie dubbing architecture to tackle these problems via hierarchical prosody modelling, which bridges the visual information to corresponding speech prosody from three aspects: lip, face, and scene. Specifically, we align lip movement to the speech duration, and convey facial expression to speech energy and pitch via attention mechanism based on valence and arousal representations inspired by recent psychology findings. Moreover, we design an emotion booster to capture the atmosphere from global video scenes. All these embeddings together are used to generate mel-spectrogram and then convert to speech waves via existing vocoder. Extensive experimental results on the Chem and V2C benchmark datasets demonstrate the favorable performance of the proposed method. The source code and trained models will be released to the public.
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Swarm learning (SL) is an emerging promising decentralized machine learning paradigm and has achieved high performance in clinical applications. SL solves the problem of a central structure in federated learning by combining edge computing and blockchain-based peer-to-peer network. While there are promising results in the assumption of the independent and identically distributed (IID) data across participants, SL suffers from performance degradation as the degree of the non-IID data increases. To address this problem, we propose a generative augmentation framework in swarm learning called SL-GAN, which augments the non-IID data by generating the synthetic data from participants. SL-GAN trains generators and discriminators locally, and periodically aggregation via a randomly elected coordinator in SL network. Under the standard assumptions, we theoretically prove the convergence of SL-GAN using stochastic approximations. Experimental results demonstrate that SL-GAN outperforms state-of-art methods on three real world clinical datasets including Tuberculosis, Leukemia, COVID-19.
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The use of multilingual language models for tasks in low and high-resource languages has been a success story in deep learning. In recent times, Arabic has been receiving widespread attention on account of its dialectal variance. While prior research studies have tried to adapt these multilingual models for dialectal variants of Arabic, it still remains a challenging problem owing to the lack of sufficient monolingual dialectal data and parallel translation data of such dialectal variants. It remains an open problem on whether the limited dialectical data can be used to improve the models trained in Arabic on its dialectal variants. First, we show that multilingual-BERT (mBERT) incrementally pretrained on Arabic monolingual data takes less training time and yields comparable accuracy when compared to our custom monolingual Arabic model and beat existing models (by an avg metric of +$6.41$). We then explore two continual pre-training methods-- (1) using small amounts of dialectical data for continual finetuning and (2) parallel Arabic to English data and a Translation Language Modeling loss function. We show that both approaches help improve performance on dialectal classification tasks ($+4.64$ avg. gain) when used on monolingual models.
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学习不平衡是数据挖掘的基本挑战,在每个课程中,培训样本的比例不成比例。过度采样是通过为少数族裔生成合成样本来解决不平衡学习的有效技术。尽管已经提出了许多过采样算法,但它们在很大程度上依赖启发式方法,这可能是最佳选择的,因为我们可能需要针对不同数据集和基本分类器的不同采样策略,并且无法直接优化性能指标。在此激励的情况下,我们研究了开发一种基于学习的过采样算法以优化分类性能,这是一项艰巨的任务,因为庞大和等级的决策空间。在高水平上,我们需要确定要生成多少合成样品。在低级别,我们需要确定合成样品的位置,这取决于高级决策,因为样品的最佳位置在不同数量的样品中可能有所不同。为了应对挑战,我们提出了一种自动采样算法,可以共同优化不同级别的决策。由Smote〜 \ cite {Chawla2002smote}的成功的动机及其扩展,我们将生成过程作为Markov决策过程(MDP),由三个级别的策略组成,以在Smote搜索空间内生成合成样本。然后,我们利用深层的层次加强学习来优化验证数据的性能指标。在六个现实世界数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,自动变量极大地超过了最新的重新采样算法。该代码在上
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嵌入学习是深度建议模型中的重要技术,可以将分类特征映射到密集的矢量。但是,嵌入表通常需要大量参数,这些参数成为存储和效率瓶颈。已经采用了分布式培训解决方案将嵌入表分配到多个设备中。但是,如果不仔细分区,则嵌入表很容易导致失衡。这是名为“嵌入桌碎片”的分布式系统的重大设计挑战,即,我们应该如何对嵌入表进行分配以平衡跨设备的成本,这是一项非平凡的任务,因为1)很难有效,精确地衡量成本,和2)已知分区问题是NP-HARD。在这项工作中,我们在Meta中介绍了新颖的实践,即Autoshard,该实践使用神经成本模型直接预测多桌成本和利用深度强化学习以解决分区问题。开源的大规模合成数据集和Meta生产数据集的实验结果证明了Autoshard的优越性优于启发式方法。此外,Autoshard的学习政策可以转移到具有不同数量的表和不同表格比率的碎片任务中,而无需进行任何微调。此外,Autoshard可以在几秒钟内有效地将数百张桌子碎片。 Autoshard的有效性,可转移性和效率使其适合生产使用。我们的算法已在元生产环境中部署。可以在上获得原型
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