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Many dynamical systems -- from robots interacting with their surroundings to large-scale multiphysics systems -- involve a number of interacting subsystems. Toward the objective of learning composite models of such systems from data, we present i) a framework for compositional neural networks, ii) algorithms to train these models, iii) a method to compose the learned models, iv) theoretical results that bound the error of the resulting composite models, and v) a method to learn the composition itself, when it is not known a prior. The end result is a modular approach to learning: neural network submodels are trained on trajectory data generated by relatively simple subsystems, and the dynamics of more complex composite systems are then predicted without requiring additional data generated by the composite systems themselves. We achieve this compositionality by representing the system of interest, as well as each of its subsystems, as a port-Hamiltonian neural network (PHNN) -- a class of neural ordinary differential equations that uses the port-Hamiltonian systems formulation as inductive bias. We compose collections of PHNNs by using the system's physics-informed interconnection structure, which may be known a priori, or may itself be learned from data. We demonstrate the novel capabilities of the proposed framework through numerical examples involving interacting spring-mass-damper systems. Models of these systems, which include nonlinear energy dissipation and control inputs, are learned independently. Accurate compositions are learned using an amount of training data that is negligible in comparison with that required to train a new model from scratch. Finally, we observe that the composite PHNNs enjoy properties of port-Hamiltonian systems, such as cyclo-passivity -- a property that is useful for control purposes.
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我们提出了一种新的算法,用于在几何环境中学习隐藏的马尔可夫模型(HMM)的参数,其中观测值在Riemannian歧管中采用值。特别是,我们提升了一种瞬间算法的二阶方法,该方法将非统一的相关性纳入了更通用的环境,在该环境中,观察结果在非阳性面力的Riemannian对称空间中进行,观察可能性是Riemannian Gaussians。所得算法将其分解为Riemannian高斯混合模型估计算法,然后是一系列凸优化程序。我们通过示例证明,与现有学习者相比,学习者可以显着提高速度和数值准确性。
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Riemannian Gaussian distributions were initially introduced as basic building blocks for learning models which aim to capture the intrinsic structure of statistical populations of positive-definite matrices (here called covariance matrices). While the potential applications of such models have attracted significant attention, a major obstacle still stands in the way of these applications: there seems to exist no practical method of computing the normalising factors associated with Riemannian Gaussian distributions on spaces of high-dimensional covariance matrices. The present paper shows that this missing method comes from an unexpected new connection with random matrix theory. Its main contribution is to prove that Riemannian Gaussian distributions of real, complex, or quaternion covariance matrices are equivalent to orthogonal, unitary, or symplectic log-normal matrix ensembles. This equivalence yields a highly efficient approximation of the normalising factors, in terms of a rather simple analytic expression. The error due to this approximation decreases like the inverse square of dimension. Numerical experiments are conducted which demonstrate how this new approximation can unlock the difficulties which have impeded applications to real-world datasets of high-dimensional covariance matrices. The paper then turns to Riemannian Gaussian distributions of block-Toeplitz covariance matrices. These are equivalent to yet another kind of random matrix ensembles, here called "acosh-normal" ensembles. Orthogonal and unitary "acosh-normal" ensembles correspond to the cases of block-Toeplitz with Toeplitz blocks, and block-Toeplitz (with general blocks) covariance matrices, respectively.
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Neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs) -- parametrizations of differential equations using neural networks -- have shown tremendous promise in learning models of unknown continuous-time dynamical systems from data. However, every forward evaluation of a NODE requires numerical integration of the neural network used to capture the system dynamics, making their training prohibitively expensive. Existing works rely on off-the-shelf adaptive step-size numerical integration schemes, which often require an excessive number of evaluations of the underlying dynamics network to obtain sufficient accuracy for training. By contrast, we accelerate the evaluation and the training of NODEs by proposing a data-driven approach to their numerical integration. The proposed Taylor-Lagrange NODEs (TL-NODEs) use a fixed-order Taylor expansion for numerical integration, while also learning to estimate the expansion's approximation error. As a result, the proposed approach achieves the same accuracy as adaptive step-size schemes while employing only low-order Taylor expansions, thus greatly reducing the computational cost necessary to integrate the NODE. A suite of numerical experiments, including modeling dynamical systems, image classification, and density estimation, demonstrate that TL-NODEs can be trained more than an order of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art approaches, without any loss in performance.
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我们提出了一种降低概率图形模型中普遍存在的吉布斯(Boltzmann)分布的分区功能(标准化常数)的计算复杂性的新方法。 Gibbs分布的实际应用的主要障碍是需要估计其分区功能。在解决该问题的情况下,本领域的状态是多级算法,其包括冷却时间表,以及时间表的每个步骤中的平均估计器。虽然这些算法中的冷却时间表是自适应的,但平均估计计算使用MCMC作为黑盒以绘制近似样本。我们开发了一种双重自适应方法,将自适应冷却时间与自适应MCMC平均估计器相结合,其数量的马尔可夫链步骤动态地适应下面的链条。通过严格的理论分析,我们证明了我们的方法在几个因素中优于最新的技术算法:(1)我们方法的计算复杂性较小; (2)我们的方法对混合时间的松散界限敏感,这些算法中的固有组成部分; (3)我们方法获得的改进在高精度估计的最具挑战性方案中特别显着。我们展示了我们在经典因素图中运行的实验中的方法的优势,例如投票模型和ising模型。
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Effective inclusion of physics-based knowledge into deep neural network models of dynamical systems can greatly improve data efficiency and generalization. Such a-priori knowledge might arise from physical principles (e.g., conservation laws) or from the system's design (e.g., the Jacobian matrix of a robot), even if large portions of the system dynamics remain unknown. We develop a framework to learn dynamics models from trajectory data while incorporating a-priori system knowledge as inductive bias. More specifically, the proposed framework uses physics-based side information to inform the structure of the neural network itself, and to place constraints on the values of the outputs and the internal states of the model. It represents the system's vector field as a composition of known and unknown functions, the latter of which are parametrized by neural networks. The physics-informed constraints are enforced via the augmented Lagrangian method during the model's training. We experimentally demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach on a variety of dynamical systems -- including a benchmark suite of robotics environments featuring large state spaces, non-linear dynamics, external forces, contact forces, and control inputs. By exploiting a-priori system knowledge during training, the proposed approach learns to predict the system dynamics two orders of magnitude more accurately than a baseline approach that does not include prior knowledge, given the same training dataset.
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