我们提出了一种基于深度多实例学习的简单高效的图像分类架构,并将其应用于牙科射线照片中龋齿检测的具有挑战性的任务。从技术上讲,我们的方法有两种方式贡献:首先,尽管使用弱图像级标签培训,它尽管培训了本地补丁分类概率的热线图。其次,它可以从分段标签学习,从而指导培训。与现有方法相比,人类用户可以忠实地解释预测并与模型进行交互以决定参加哪些区域。实验是在$ \ SIM $ 38K Bitewings($ \ SIM $ 316K牙齿)的大型临床数据集上进行的,在那里我们与各种基线相比实现了竞争性能。当由外部龋齿分割模型引导时,观察到分类和定位性能的显着改善。
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We address the challenge of building domain-specific knowledge models for industrial use cases, where labelled data and taxonomic information is initially scarce. Our focus is on inductive link prediction models as a basis for practical tools that support knowledge engineers with exploring text collections and discovering and linking new (so-called open-world) entities to the knowledge graph. We argue that - though neural approaches to text mining have yielded impressive results in the past years - current benchmarks do not reflect the typical challenges encountered in the industrial wild properly. Therefore, our first contribution is an open benchmark coined IRT2 (inductive reasoning with text) that (1) covers knowledge graphs of varying sizes (including very small ones), (2) comes with incidental, low-quality text mentions, and (3) includes not only triple completion but also ranking, which is relevant for supporting experts with discovery tasks. We investigate two neural models for inductive link prediction, one based on end-to-end learning and one that learns from the knowledge graph and text data in separate steps. These models compete with a strong bag-of-words baseline. The results show a significant advance in performance for the neural approaches as soon as the available graph data decreases for linking. For ranking, the results are promising, and the neural approaches outperform the sparse retriever by a wide margin.
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Few-shot learning (FSL) is a central problem in meta-learning, where learners must efficiently learn from few labeled examples. Within FSL, feature pre-training has recently become an increasingly popular strategy to significantly improve generalization performance. However, the contribution of pre-training is often overlooked and understudied, with limited theoretical understanding of its impact on meta-learning performance. Further, pre-training requires a consistent set of global labels shared across training tasks, which may be unavailable in practice. In this work, we address the above issues by first showing the connection between pre-training and meta-learning. We discuss why pre-training yields more robust meta-representation and connect the theoretical analysis to existing works and empirical results. Secondly, we introduce Meta Label Learning (MeLa), a novel meta-learning algorithm that learns task relations by inferring global labels across tasks. This allows us to exploit pre-training for FSL even when global labels are unavailable or ill-defined. Lastly, we introduce an augmented pre-training procedure that further improves the learned meta-representation. Empirically, MeLa outperforms existing methods across a diverse range of benchmarks, in particular under a more challenging setting where the number of training tasks is limited and labels are task-specific. We also provide extensive ablation study to highlight its key properties.
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Large machine learning models with improved predictions have become widely available in the chemical sciences. Unfortunately, these models do not protect the privacy necessary within commercial settings, prohibiting the use of potentially extremely valuable data by others. Encrypting the prediction process can solve this problem by double-blind model evaluation and prohibits the extraction of training or query data. However, contemporary ML models based on fully homomorphic encryption or federated learning are either too expensive for practical use or have to trade higher speed for weaker security. We have implemented secure and computationally feasible encrypted machine learning models using oblivious transfer enabling and secure predictions of molecular quantum properties across chemical compound space. However, we find that encrypted predictions using kernel ridge regression models are a million times more expensive than without encryption. This demonstrates a dire need for a compact machine learning model architecture, including molecular representation and kernel matrix size, that minimizes model evaluation costs.
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我们研究了线性上下文的匪徒问题,其中代理必须从池中选择一个候选者,每个候选者属于敏感组。在这种情况下,候选人的奖励可能无法直接可比,例如,当代理人是雇主雇用来自不同种族的候选人时,由于歧视性偏见和/或社会不公正,有些群体的奖励较低。我们提出了一个公平的概念,该概念指出,当代理人选择一个相对排名最高的候选人时,它是公平的,这可以衡量与同一组的候选人相比,奖励的良好程度。这是一个非常强烈的公平概念,因为代理没有直接观察到相对等级,而取决于基本的奖励模型和奖励的分布。因此,我们研究了学习政策的问题,该策略在背景之间是独立的,而每个小组之间的奖励分配是绝对连续的。特别是,我们设计了一个贪婪的策略,在每个回合中,从观察到的上下文奖励对构建了脊回归估计器,然后使用经验累积分布函数计算每个候选者的相对等级的估计值。我们证明,贪婪的策略在$ t $ rounds之后达到了日志因素,并且以高概率为止,订单$ \ sqrt {dt} $的合理伪regret,其中$ d $是上下文矢量的尺寸。 The policy also satisfies demographic parity at each round when averaged over all possible information available before the selection.我们最终通过概念模拟证明,我们的政策在实践中也可以实现次线性公平伪rebret。
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