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An important class of techniques for resonant anomaly detection in high energy physics builds models that can distinguish between reference and target datasets, where only the latter has appreciable signal. Such techniques, including Classification Without Labels (CWoLa) and Simulation Assisted Likelihood-free Anomaly Detection (SALAD) rely on a single reference dataset. They cannot take advantage of commonly-available multiple datasets and thus cannot fully exploit available information. In this work, we propose generalizations of CWoLa and SALAD for settings where multiple reference datasets are available, building on weak supervision techniques. We demonstrate improved performance in a number of settings with realistic and synthetic data. As an added benefit, our generalizations enable us to provide finite-sample guarantees, improving on existing asymptotic analyses.
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In this paper a global reactive motion planning framework for robotic manipulators in complex dynamic environments is presented. In particular, the circular field predictions (CFP) planner from Becker et al. (2021) is extended to ensure obstacle avoidance of the whole structure of a robotic manipulator. Towards this end, a motion planning framework is developed that leverages global information about promising avoidance directions from arbitrary configuration space motion planners, resulting in improved global trajectories while reactively avoiding dynamic obstacles and decreasing the required computational power. The resulting motion planning framework is tested in multiple simulations with complex and dynamic obstacles and demonstrates great potential compared to existing motion planning approaches.
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The introductory programming sequence has been the focus of much research in computing education. The recent advent of several viable and freely-available AI-driven code generation tools present several immediate opportunities and challenges in this domain. In this position paper we argue that the community needs to act quickly in deciding what possible opportunities can and should be leveraged and how, while also working on how to overcome or otherwise mitigate the possible challenges. Assuming that the effectiveness and proliferation of these tools will continue to progress rapidly, without quick, deliberate, and concerted efforts, educators will lose advantage in helping shape what opportunities come to be, and what challenges will endure. With this paper we aim to seed this discussion within the computing education community.
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We present a new convolution layer for deep learning architectures which we call QuadConv -- an approximation to continuous convolution via quadrature. Our operator is developed explicitly for use on unstructured data, and accomplishes this by learning a continuous kernel that can be sampled at arbitrary locations. In the setting of neural compression, we show that a QuadConv-based autoencoder, resulting in a Quadrature Convolutional Neural Network (QCNN), can match the performance of standard discrete convolutions on structured uniform data, as in CNNs, and maintain this accuracy on unstructured data.
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Natural laws are often described through differential equations yet finding a differential equation that describes the governing law underlying observed data is a challenging and still mostly manual task. In this paper we make a step towards the automation of this process: we propose a transformer-based sequence-to-sequence model that recovers scalar autonomous ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in symbolic form from time-series data of a single observed solution of the ODE. Our method is efficiently scalable: after one-time pretraining on a large set of ODEs, we can infer the governing laws of a new observed solution in a few forward passes of the model. Then we show that our model performs better or on par with existing methods in various test cases in terms of accurate symbolic recovery of the ODE, especially for more complex expressions.
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Following the advent of immersive technologies and the increasing interest in representing interactive geometrical format, 3D Point Clouds (PC) have emerged as a promising solution and effective means to display 3D visual information. In addition to other challenges in immersive applications, objective and subjective quality assessments of compressed 3D content remain open problems and an area of research interest. Yet most of the efforts in the research area ignore the local geometrical structures between points representation. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by introducing a novel and efficient objective metric for Point Clouds Quality Assessment, by learning local intrinsic dependencies using Graph Neural Network (GNN). To evaluate the performance of our method, two well-known datasets have been used. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of our solution compared to state-of-the-art metrics.
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Despite the recent success of multi-task learning and pre-finetuning for natural language understanding, few works have studied the effects of task families on abstractive text summarization. Task families are a form of task grouping during the pre-finetuning stage to learn common skills, such as reading comprehension. To close this gap, we analyze the influence of multi-task learning strategies using task families for the English abstractive text summarization task. We group tasks into one of three strategies, i.e., sequential, simultaneous, and continual multi-task learning, and evaluate trained models through two downstream tasks. We find that certain combinations of task families (e.g., advanced reading comprehension and natural language inference) positively impact downstream performance. Further, we find that choice and combinations of task families influence downstream performance more than the training scheme, supporting the use of task families for abstractive text summarization.
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Humans intuitively solve tasks in versatile ways, varying their behavior in terms of trajectory-based planning and for individual steps. Thus, they can easily generalize and adapt to new and changing environments. Current Imitation Learning algorithms often only consider unimodal expert demonstrations and act in a state-action-based setting, making it difficult for them to imitate human behavior in case of versatile demonstrations. Instead, we combine a mixture of movement primitives with a distribution matching objective to learn versatile behaviors that match the expert's behavior and versatility. To facilitate generalization to novel task configurations, we do not directly match the agent's and expert's trajectory distributions but rather work with concise geometric descriptors which generalize well to unseen task configurations. We empirically validate our method on various robot tasks using versatile human demonstrations and compare to imitation learning algorithms in a state-action setting as well as a trajectory-based setting. We find that the geometric descriptors greatly help in generalizing to new task configurations and that combining them with our distribution-matching objective is crucial for representing and reproducing versatile behavior.
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Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) provide a flexible representation for real-world decision and control problems. However, POMDPs are notoriously difficult to solve, especially when the state and observation spaces are continuous or hybrid, which is often the case for physical systems. While recent online sampling-based POMDP algorithms that plan with observation likelihood weighting have shown practical effectiveness, a general theory characterizing the approximation error of the particle filtering techniques that these algorithms use has not previously been proposed. Our main contribution is bounding the error between any POMDP and its corresponding finite sample particle belief MDP (PB-MDP) approximation. This fundamental bridge between PB-MDPs and POMDPs allows us to adapt any sampling-based MDP algorithm to a POMDP by solving the corresponding particle belief MDP, thereby extending the convergence guarantees of the MDP algorithm to the POMDP. Practically, this is implemented by using the particle filter belief transition model as the generative model for the MDP solver. While this requires access to the observation density model from the POMDP, it only increases the transition sampling complexity of the MDP solver by a factor of $\mathcal{O}(C)$, where $C$ is the number of particles. Thus, when combined with sparse sampling MDP algorithms, this approach can yield algorithms for POMDPs that have no direct theoretical dependence on the size of the state and observation spaces. In addition to our theoretical contribution, we perform five numerical experiments on benchmark POMDPs to demonstrate that a simple MDP algorithm adapted using PB-MDP approximation, Sparse-PFT, achieves performance competitive with other leading continuous observation POMDP solvers.
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