随着垂直起飞和着陆和长航时的特点,倾转旋翼吸引了相当多的关注近几十年来其在民用和科研应用潜力。然而,强耦合,非线性特性和不匹配的干扰的问题,不可避免地存在于倾转旋翼机,它带来的过渡模式控制器的设计极大的挑战。在本文中,我们结合一个超扭曲扩张状态观测器(STESO)具有自适应递归滑模控制(ARSMC)一起使用STESO-ARSMC(SAC)来设计以过渡模式倾转旋翼飞行器姿态系统控制器。首先,六个自由度的倾转旋翼的(DOF)的非线性数学模型被建立。其次,美国和干扰是由STES观察者估计。第三,ARSM控制器旨在实现有限时间内收敛。 Lyapunov函数用来作证的倾转旋翼无人机系统的融合。新的方面是,状态的评估被并入控制规则来调整中断。相较于先前技术,控制系统,这项工作可以大大提高抗干扰性能提出。最后,模拟试验,是要证明建议的技术的有效性。
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Deploying reliable deep learning techniques in interdisciplinary applications needs learned models to output accurate and ({even more importantly}) explainable predictions. Existing approaches typically explicate network outputs in a post-hoc fashion, under an implicit assumption that faithful explanations come from accurate predictions/classifications. We have an opposite claim that explanations boost (or even determine) classification. That is, end-to-end learning of explanation factors to augment discriminative representation extraction could be a more intuitive strategy to inversely assure fine-grained explainability, e.g., in those neuroimaging and neuroscience studies with high-dimensional data containing noisy, redundant, and task-irrelevant information. In this paper, we propose such an explainable geometric deep network dubbed as NeuroExplainer, with applications to uncover altered infant cortical development patterns associated with preterm birth. Given fundamental cortical attributes as network input, our NeuroExplainer adopts a hierarchical attention-decoding framework to learn fine-grained attentions and respective discriminative representations to accurately recognize preterm infants from term-born infants at term-equivalent age. NeuroExplainer learns the hierarchical attention-decoding modules under subject-level weak supervision coupled with targeted regularizers deduced from domain knowledge regarding brain development. These prior-guided constraints implicitly maximizes the explainability metrics (i.e., fidelity, sparsity, and stability) in network training, driving the learned network to output detailed explanations and accurate classifications. Experimental results on the public dHCP benchmark suggest that NeuroExplainer led to quantitatively reliable explanation results that are qualitatively consistent with representative neuroimaging studies.
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In the field of cross-modal retrieval, single encoder models tend to perform better than dual encoder models, but they suffer from high latency and low throughput. In this paper, we present a dual encoder model called BagFormer that utilizes a cross modal interaction mechanism to improve recall performance without sacrificing latency and throughput. BagFormer achieves this through the use of bag-wise interactions, which allow for the transformation of text to a more appropriate granularity and the incorporation of entity knowledge into the model. Our experiments demonstrate that BagFormer is able to achieve results comparable to state-of-the-art single encoder models in cross-modal retrieval tasks, while also offering efficient training and inference with 20.72 times lower latency and 25.74 times higher throughput.
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Body Mass Index (BMI), age, height and weight are important indicators of human health conditions, which can provide useful information for plenty of practical purposes, such as health care, monitoring and re-identification. Most existing methods of health indicator prediction mainly use front-view body or face images. These inputs are hard to be obtained in daily life and often lead to the lack of robustness for the models, considering their strict requirements on view and pose. In this paper, we propose to employ gait videos to predict health indicators, which are more prevalent in surveillance and home monitoring scenarios. However, the study of health indicator prediction from gait videos using deep learning was hindered due to the small amount of open-sourced data. To address this issue, we analyse the similarity and relationship between pose estimation and health indicator prediction tasks, and then propose a paradigm enabling deep learning for small health indicator datasets by pre-training on the pose estimation task. Furthermore, to better suit the health indicator prediction task, we bring forward Global-Local Aware aNd Centrosymmetric Encoder (GLANCE) module. It first extracts local and global features by progressive convolutions and then fuses multi-level features by a centrosymmetric double-path hourglass structure in two different ways. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed paradigm achieves state-of-the-art results for predicting health indicators on MoVi, and that the GLANCE module is also beneficial for pose estimation on 3DPW.
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The mechanism of existing style transfer algorithms is by minimizing a hybrid loss function to push the generated image toward high similarities in both content and style. However, this type of approach cannot guarantee visual fidelity, i.e., the generated artworks should be indistinguishable from real ones. In this paper, we devise a new style transfer framework called QuantArt for high visual-fidelity stylization. QuantArt pushes the latent representation of the generated artwork toward the centroids of the real artwork distribution with vector quantization. By fusing the quantized and continuous latent representations, QuantArt allows flexible control over the generated artworks in terms of content preservation, style similarity, and visual fidelity. Experiments on various style transfer settings show that our QuantArt framework achieves significantly higher visual fidelity compared with the existing style transfer methods.
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The recent success of pre-trained 2D vision models is mostly attributable to learning from large-scale datasets. However, compared with 2D image datasets, the current pre-training data of 3D point cloud is limited. To overcome this limitation, we propose a knowledge distillation method for 3D point cloud pre-trained models to acquire knowledge directly from the 2D representation learning model, particularly the image encoder of CLIP, through concept alignment. Specifically, we introduce a cross-attention mechanism to extract concept features from 3D point cloud and compare them with the semantic information from 2D images. In this scheme, the point cloud pre-trained models learn directly from rich information contained in 2D teacher models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed knowledge distillation scheme achieves higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art 3D pre-training methods for synthetic and real-world datasets on downstream tasks, including object classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and part segmentation.
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We present IMAS, a method that segments the primary objects in videos without manual annotation in training or inference. Previous methods in unsupervised video object segmentation (UVOS) have demonstrated the effectiveness of motion as either input or supervision for segmentation. However, motion signals may be uninformative or even misleading in cases such as deformable objects and objects with reflections, causing unsatisfactory segmentation. In contrast, IMAS achieves Improved UVOS with Motion-Appearance Synergy. Our method has two training stages: 1) a motion-supervised object discovery stage that deals with motion-appearance conflicts through a learnable residual pathway; 2) a refinement stage with both low- and high-level appearance supervision to correct model misconceptions learned from misleading motion cues. Additionally, we propose motion-semantic alignment as a model-agnostic annotation-free hyperparam tuning method. We demonstrate its effectiveness in tuning critical hyperparams previously tuned with human annotation or hand-crafted hyperparam-specific metrics. IMAS greatly improves the segmentation quality on several common UVOS benchmarks. For example, we surpass previous methods by 8.3% on DAVIS16 benchmark with only standard ResNet and convolutional heads. We intend to release our code for future research and applications.
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Structure-guided image completion aims to inpaint a local region of an image according to an input guidance map from users. While such a task enables many practical applications for interactive editing, existing methods often struggle to hallucinate realistic object instances in complex natural scenes. Such a limitation is partially due to the lack of semantic-level constraints inside the hole region as well as the lack of a mechanism to enforce realistic object generation. In this work, we propose a learning paradigm that consists of semantic discriminators and object-level discriminators for improving the generation of complex semantics and objects. Specifically, the semantic discriminators leverage pretrained visual features to improve the realism of the generated visual concepts. Moreover, the object-level discriminators take aligned instances as inputs to enforce the realism of individual objects. Our proposed scheme significantly improves the generation quality and achieves state-of-the-art results on various tasks, including segmentation-guided completion, edge-guided manipulation and panoptically-guided manipulation on Places2 datasets. Furthermore, our trained model is flexible and can support multiple editing use cases, such as object insertion, replacement, removal and standard inpainting. In particular, our trained model combined with a novel automatic image completion pipeline achieves state-of-the-art results on the standard inpainting task.
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Current audio-visual separation methods share a standard architecture design where an audio encoder-decoder network is fused with visual encoding features at the encoder bottleneck. This design confounds the learning of multi-modal feature encoding with robust sound decoding for audio separation. To generalize to a new instrument: one must finetune the entire visual and audio network for all musical instruments. We re-formulate visual-sound separation task and propose Instrument as Query (iQuery) with a flexible query expansion mechanism. Our approach ensures cross-modal consistency and cross-instrument disentanglement. We utilize "visually named" queries to initiate the learning of audio queries and use cross-modal attention to remove potential sound source interference at the estimated waveforms. To generalize to a new instrument or event class, drawing inspiration from the text-prompt design, we insert an additional query as an audio prompt while freezing the attention mechanism. Experimental results on three benchmarks demonstrate that our iQuery improves audio-visual sound source separation performance.
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Learning generalizable insertion skills in a data-efficient manner has long been a challenge in the robot learning community. While the current state-of-the-art methods with reinforcement learning (RL) show promising performance in acquiring manipulation skills, the algorithms are data-hungry and hard to generalize. To overcome the issues, in this paper we present Prim-LAfD, a simple yet effective framework to learn and adapt primitive-based insertion skills from demonstrations. Prim-LAfD utilizes black-box function optimization to learn and adapt the primitive parameters leveraging prior experiences. Human demonstrations are modeled as dense rewards guiding parameter learning. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed method on eight peg-hole and connector-socket insertion tasks. The experimental results show that our proposed framework takes less than one hour to acquire the insertion skills and as few as fifteen minutes to adapt to an unseen insertion task on a physical robot.
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