Surgery is the only viable treatment for cataract patients with visual acuity (VA) impairment. Clinically, to assess the necessity of cataract surgery, accurately predicting postoperative VA before surgery by analyzing multi-view optical coherence tomography (OCT) images is crucially needed. Unfortunately, due to complicated fundus conditions, determining postoperative VA remains difficult for medical experts. Deep learning methods for this problem were developed in recent years. Although effective, these methods still face several issues, such as not efficiently exploring potential relations between multi-view OCT images, neglecting the key role of clinical prior knowledge (e.g., preoperative VA value), and using only regression-based metrics which are lacking reference. In this paper, we propose a novel Cross-token Transformer Network (CTT-Net) for postoperative VA prediction by analyzing both the multi-view OCT images and preoperative VA. To effectively fuse multi-view features of OCT images, we develop cross-token attention that could restrict redundant/unnecessary attention flow. Further, we utilize the preoperative VA value to provide more information for postoperative VA prediction and facilitate fusion between views. Moreover, we design an auxiliary classification loss to improve model performance and assess VA recovery more sufficiently, avoiding the limitation by only using the regression metrics. To evaluate CTT-Net, we build a multi-view OCT image dataset collected from our collaborative hospital. A set of extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our model compared to existing methods in various metrics. Code is available at: OCT.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have attracted increasing attention in recent years and have achieved excellent performance in semi-supervised node classification tasks. The success of most GNNs relies on one fundamental assumption, i.e., the original graph structure data is available. However, recent studies have shown that GNNs are vulnerable to the complex underlying structure of the graph, making it necessary to learn comprehensive and robust graph structures for downstream tasks, rather than relying only on the raw graph structure. In light of this, we seek to learn optimal graph structures for downstream tasks and propose a novel framework for semi-supervised classification. Specifically, based on the structural context information of graph and node representations, we encode the complex interactions in semantics and generate semantic graphs to preserve the global structure. Moreover, we develop a novel multi-measure attention layer to optimize the similarity rather than prescribing it a priori, so that the similarity can be adaptively evaluated by integrating measures. These graphs are fused and optimized together with GNN towards semi-supervised classification objective. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on six real-world datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model and the contribution of each component.
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联合学习(FL)在中央服务器的帮助下支持多个客户的全球机器学习模型的分布式培训。每个客户端持有的本地数据集从未在FL中交换,因此保护本地数据集隐私受到保护。尽管FL越来越流行,但不同客户的数据异质性导致客户模型漂移问题,并导致模型性能降级和模型公平不佳。为了解决这个问题,我们在本文中使用全球本地知识融合(FEDKF)计划设计联合学习。 FEDKF中的关键思想是让服务器返回每个训练回合中的全局知识,以与本地知识融合,以便可以将本地模型正规化为全球最佳选择。因此,可以缓解客户模型漂移问题。在FEDKF中,我们首先提出了支持精确的全球知识表示形式的主动模型聚合技术。然后,我们提出了一种无数据的知识蒸馏(KD)方法,以促进KD从全局模型到本地模型,而本地模型仍然可以同时学习本地知识(嵌入本地数据集中),从而实现了全局 - 本地知识融合过程。理论分析和密集实验表明,FEDKF同时实现高模型性能,高公平性和隐私性。纸质审查后,项目源代码将在GitHub上发布。
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Knowledge distillation is often used to transfer knowledge from a strong teacher model to a relatively weak student model. Traditional knowledge distillation methods include response-based methods and feature-based methods. Response-based methods are used the most widely but suffer from lower upper limit of model performance, while feature-based methods have constraints on the vocabularies and tokenizers. In this paper, we propose a tokenizer-free method liberal feature-based distillation (LEAD). LEAD aligns the distribution between teacher model and student model, which is effective, extendable, portable and has no requirements on vocabularies, tokenizer, or model architecture. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of LEAD on several widely-used benchmarks, including MS MARCO Passage, TREC Passage 19, TREC Passage 20, MS MARCO Document, TREC Document 19 and TREC Document 20.
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Visual place recognition (VPR) is usually considered as a specific image retrieval problem. Limited by existing training frameworks, most deep learning-based works cannot extract sufficiently stable global features from RGB images and rely on a time-consuming re-ranking step to exploit spatial structural information for better performance. In this paper, we propose StructVPR, a novel training architecture for VPR, to enhance structural knowledge in RGB global features and thus improve feature stability in a constantly changing environment. Specifically, StructVPR uses segmentation images as a more definitive source of structural knowledge input into a CNN network and applies knowledge distillation to avoid online segmentation and inference of seg-branch in testing. Considering that not all samples contain high-quality and helpful knowledge, and some even hurt the performance of distillation, we partition samples and weigh each sample's distillation loss to enhance the expected knowledge precisely. Finally, StructVPR achieves impressive performance on several benchmarks using only global retrieval and even outperforms many two-stage approaches by a large margin. After adding additional re-ranking, ours achieves state-of-the-art performance while maintaining a low computational cost.
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User-generated-content (UGC) videos have dominated the Internet during recent years. While many methods attempt to objectively assess the quality of these UGC videos, the mechanisms of human quality perception in the UGC-VQA problem is still yet to be explored. To better explain the quality perception mechanisms and learn more robust representations, we aim to disentangle the effects of aesthetic quality issues and technical quality issues risen by the complicated video generation processes in the UGC-VQA problem. To overcome the absence of respective supervisions during disentanglement, we propose the Limited View Biased Supervisions (LVBS) scheme where two separate evaluators are trained with decomposed views specifically designed for each issue. Composed of an Aesthetic Quality Evaluator (AQE) and a Technical Quality Evaluator (TQE) under the LVBS scheme, the proposed Disentangled Objective Video Quality Evaluator (DOVER) reach excellent performance (0.91 SRCC for KoNViD-1k, 0.89 SRCC for LSVQ, 0.88 SRCC for YouTube-UGC) in the UGC-VQA problem. More importantly, our blind subjective studies prove that the separate evaluators in DOVER can effectively match human perception on respective disentangled quality issues. Codes and demos are released in
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知识蒸馏是将知识从强大的教师转移到有效的学生模型的有效方法。理想情况下,我们希望老师越好,学生越好。但是,这种期望并不总是成真。通常,由于教师和学生之间的不可忽略的差距,更好的教师模型通过蒸馏导致不良学生。为了弥合差距,我们提出了一种渐进式蒸馏方法,以进行致密检索。产品由教师渐进式蒸馏和数据进行渐进的蒸馏组成,以逐步改善学生。我们对五个广泛使用的基准,MARCO通道,TREC Passage 19,TREC文档19,MARCO文档和自然问题进行了广泛的实验,其中POD在蒸馏方法中实现了密集检索的最新方法。代码和模型将发布。
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