We study how to convert OpenStreetMap data to road networks for downstream applications. OpenStreetMap data has different formats. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is one of them. OSM data consist of nodes, ways, and relations. We process OSM XML data to extract the information of nodes and ways to obtain the map of streets of the Memphis area. We can use this map for different downstream applications.
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The task of locating and classifying different types of vehicles has become a vital element in numerous applications of automation and intelligent systems ranging from traffic surveillance to vehicle identification and many more. In recent times, Deep Learning models have been dominating the field of vehicle detection. Yet, Bangladeshi vehicle detection has remained a relatively unexplored area. One of the main goals of vehicle detection is its real-time application, where `You Only Look Once' (YOLO) models have proven to be the most effective architecture. In this work, intending to find the best-suited YOLO architecture for fast and accurate vehicle detection from traffic images in Bangladesh, we have conducted a performance analysis of different variants of the YOLO-based architectures such as YOLOV3, YOLOV5s, and YOLOV5x. The models were trained on a dataset containing 7390 images belonging to 21 types of vehicles comprising samples from the DhakaAI dataset, the Poribohon-BD dataset, and our self-collected images. After thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis, we found the YOLOV5x variant to be the best-suited model, performing better than YOLOv3 and YOLOv5s models respectively by 7 & 4 percent in mAP, and 12 & 8.5 percent in terms of Accuracy.
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Handwriting Recognition has been a field of great interest in the Artificial Intelligence domain. Due to its broad use cases in real life, research has been conducted widely on it. Prominent work has been done in this field focusing mainly on Latin characters. However, the domain of Arabic handwritten character recognition is still relatively unexplored. The inherent cursive nature of the Arabic characters and variations in writing styles across individuals makes the task even more challenging. We identified some probable reasons behind this and proposed a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network-based architecture for recognizing Arabic characters and digits. The proposed pipeline consists of a total of 18 layers containing four layers each for convolution, pooling, batch normalization, dropout, and finally one Global average pooling and a Dense layer. Furthermore, we thoroughly investigated the different choices of hyperparameters such as the choice of the optimizer, kernel initializer, activation function, etc. Evaluating the proposed architecture on the publicly available 'Arabic Handwritten Character Dataset (AHCD)' and 'Modified Arabic handwritten digits Database (MadBase)' datasets, the proposed model respectively achieved an accuracy of 96.93% and 99.35% which is comparable to the state-of-the-art and makes it a suitable solution for real-life end-level applications.
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Accurate recognition of food items along with quality assessment is of paramount importance in the agricultural industry. Such automated systems can speed up the wheel of the food processing sector and save tons of manual labor. In this connection, the recent advancement of Deep learning-based architectures has introduced a wide variety of solutions offering remarkable performance in several classification tasks. In this work, we have exploited the concept of Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Networks (DenseNets) for fruit quality assessment. The feature propagation towards the deeper layers has enabled the network to tackle the vanishing gradient problems and ensured the reuse of features to learn meaningful insights. Evaluating on a dataset of 19,526 images containing six fruits having three quality grades for each, the proposed pipeline achieved a remarkable accuracy of 99.67%. The robustness of the model was further tested for fruit classification and quality assessment tasks where the model produced a similar performance, which makes it suitable for real-life applications.
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社交网络的快速发展以及互联网可用性的便利性加剧了虚假新闻和社交媒体网站上的谣言的泛滥。在共同19的流行病中,这种误导性信息通过使人们的身心生命处于危险之中,从而加剧了这种情况。为了限制这种不准确性的传播,从在线平台上确定虚假新闻可能是第一步。在这项研究中,作者通过实施了五个基于变压器的模型,例如Bert,Bert没有LSTM,Albert,Roberta和Bert&Albert的混合体,以检测Internet的Covid 19欺诈新闻。Covid 19假新闻数据集已用于培训和测试模型。在所有这些模型中,Roberta模型的性能优于其他模型,通过在真实和虚假类中获得0.98的F1分数。
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由于其在非洲以外的40多个国家 /地区的迅速传播,最近的蒙基托克斯爆发已成为公共卫生问题。由于与水痘和麻疹的相似之处,蒙基托斯在早期的临床诊断是具有挑战性的。如果不容易获得验证性聚合酶链反应(PCR)测试,那么计算机辅助检测蒙基氧基病变可能对可疑病例的监视和快速鉴定有益。只要有足够的训练示例,深度学习方法在自动检测皮肤病变中有效。但是,截至目前,此类数据集尚未用于猴蛋白酶疾病。在当前的研究中,我们首先开发``Monkeypox皮肤病变数据集(MSLD)。用于增加样本量,并建立了3倍的交叉验证实验。在下一步中,采用了几种预训练的深度学习模型,即VGG-16,Resnet50和InceptionV3用于对Monkeypox和Monkeypox和Monkeypox和其他疾病。还开发了三种型号的合奏。RESNET50达到了82.96美元(\ pm4.57 \%)$的最佳总体准确性,而VGG16和整体系统的准确性达到了81.48美元(\ pm6.87 \%)$和$ 79.26(\ pm1.05 \%)$。还开发了一个原型网络应用程序作为在线蒙基蛋白筛选工具。虽然该有限数据集的初始结果是有希望的,但需要更大的人口统计学多样化的数据集来进一步增强性增强性。这些的普遍性 楷模。
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由于对人工智能的大量解释,我们日常生活的各个领域都使用了机器学习技术。在世界上,在许多情况下,可以预防简单的犯罪,甚至可能发生或找到对此负责的人。面孔是我们拥有的一个独特特征,并且可以轻松区分许多其他物种。但是,不仅不同的物种,它在确定与我们同一物种的人的人类中也起着重要作用。关于这个关键功能,如今最常发生一个问题。当相机指向时,它无法检测到一个人的脸,并且变成了糟糕的图像。另一方面,在安装了抢劫和安全摄像头的地方,由于较低的摄像头,强盗的身份几乎无法区分。但是,仅制作出出色的算法来工作和检测面部就会降低硬件的成本,而专注于该领域的成本并不多。面部识别,小部件控制等可以通过正确检测到面部来完成。这项研究旨在创建和增强正确识别面孔的机器学习模型。总共有627个数据是从孟加拉国不同的四个天使的面孔中收集的。在这项工作中,CNN,Harr Cascade,Cascaded CNN,Deep CNN和MTCNN是实施的五种机器学习方法,以获得我们数据集的最佳准确性。创建和运行模型后,多任务卷积神经网络(MTCNN)通过培训数据而不是其他机器学习模型实现了96.2%的最佳模型精度。
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