This paper presents a subsampling-task paradigm for data-driven task-specific experiment design (ED) and a novel method in populationwide supervised feature selection (FS). Optimal ED, the choice of sampling points under constraints of limited acquisition-time, arises in a wide variety of scientific and engineering contexts. However the continuous optimization used in classical approaches depend on a-priori parameter choices and challenging non-convex optimization landscapes. This paper proposes to replace this strategy with a subsampling-task paradigm, analogous to populationwide supervised FS. In particular, we introduce JOFSTO, which performs JOint Feature Selection and Task Optimization. JOFSTO jointly optimizes two coupled networks: one for feature scoring, which provides the ED, the other for execution of a downstream task or process. Unlike most FS problems, e.g. selecting protein expressions for classification, ED problems typically select from highly correlated globally informative candidates rather than seeking a small number of highly informative features among many uninformative features. JOFSTO's construction efficiently identifies potentially correlated, but effective subsets and returns a trained task network. We demonstrate the approach using parameter estimation and mapping problems in clinically-relevant applications in quantitative MRI and in hyperspectral imaging. Results from simulations and empirical data show the subsampling-task paradigm strongly outperforms classical ED, and within our paradigm, JOFSTO outperforms state-of-the-art supervised FS techniques. JOFSTO extends immediately to wider image-based ED problems and other scenarios where the design must be specified globally across large numbers of acquisitions. Code will be released.
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