Vizier是Google的DeCACTO BlackBox和Hyper参数优化服务,它优化了Google一些最大的产品和研究工作。为了按照调整数千个用户的关键系统的规模运行,Google Vizier在提供多个不同的功能方面解决了关键的设计挑战,同时保持完全容忍。在本文中,我们介绍了基于Google内部Vizier基础架构和框架的基于Python的独立界面开源(OSS)Vizier。 OSS Vizier提供了一个能够定义和解决各种优化问题的API,包括多样性,早期停止,转移学习和条件搜索。此外,它被设计为可确保可靠性的分布式系统,并允许对用户的目标函数进行多次平行评估。基于RPC的灵活基础架构使用户可以从任何语言编写的二进制文件中访问OSS Vizier。 OSS Vizier还提供了一个后端(“ Pythia”)API,该API为算法作者提供了一种与Core OSS Vizier系统接口新算法的方法。 OSS Vizier可从获得。
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Many dialogue systems (DSs) lack characteristics humans have, such as emotion perception, factuality, and informativeness. Enhancing DSs with knowledge alleviates this problem, but, as many ways of doing so exist, keeping track of all proposed methods is difficult. Here, we present the first survey of knowledge-enhanced DSs. We define three categories of systems - internal, external, and hybrid - based on the knowledge they use. We survey the motivation for enhancing DSs with knowledge, used datasets, and methods for knowledge search, knowledge encoding, and knowledge incorporation. Finally, we propose how to improve existing systems based on theories from linguistics and cognitive science.
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We present MatSim: a synthetic dataset, a benchmark, and a method for computer vision based recognition of similarities and transitions between materials and textures, focusing on identifying any material under any conditions using one or a few examples (one-shot learning). The visual recognition of materials is essential to everything from examining food while cooking to inspecting agriculture, chemistry, and industrial products. In this work, we utilize giant repositories used by computer graphics artists to generate a new CGI dataset for material similarity. We use physics-based rendering (PBR) repositories for visual material simulation, assign these materials random 3D objects, and render images with a vast range of backgrounds and illumination conditions (HDRI). We add a gradual transition between materials to support applications with a smooth transition between states (like gradually cooked food). We also render materials inside transparent containers to support beverage and chemistry lab use cases. We then train a contrastive learning network to generate a descriptor that identifies unfamiliar materials using a single image. We also present a new benchmark for a few-shot material recognition that contains a wide range of real-world examples, including the state of a chemical reaction, rotten/fresh fruits, states of food, different types of construction materials, types of ground, and many other use cases involving material states, transitions and subclasses. We show that a network trained on the MatSim synthetic dataset outperforms state-of-the-art models like Clip on the benchmark, despite being tested on material classes that were not seen during training. The dataset, benchmark, code and trained models are available online.
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Open Arms是一个新型的开源平台,该平台具有现实的人类机器人手和手臂硬件,并具有28个自由度(DOF),旨在扩展人形机器人抓握和操纵的能力和可访问性。敞开的武器框架包括开放的SDK和开发环境,仿真工具和应用程序开发工具,以构建和操作敞开的武器。本文描述了这些手控制,感应,机制,美学设计以及制造业及其现实世界的应用,并使用远程手工护理机器人进行了现实应用。从2015年到2022年,作者设计并确定了敞开的武器的制造作为低成本,高功能机器人手臂硬件和软件框架,以服务类人机器人的机器人应用以及对低成本假肢的紧急需求,作为一部分汉森机器人索菲亚机器人平台。使用消费产品制造的技术,我们着手定义模块化的低成本技术,以近似人类手的灵敏性和灵敏度。为了证明我们的手的敏捷性和控制,我们提出了一种生成握把残留的CNN(GGR-CNN)模型,该模型可以从实时速度(22ms)的各种对象的输入图像中生成强大的抗抑制剂。我们使用在标准的康奈尔(Cornell)握把数据集上使用模型体系结构实现了92.4%的最新准确性,该数据集包含各种各样的家庭对象。
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