在本文中,我们提出了端到端的水疗形式,以从单个阴影图像中恢复无阴影的图像。与需要两个步骤进行阴影检测然后再删除阴影的传统方法不同,Spa-Former将这些步骤统一为一个,这是一个单阶段网络,能够直接学习阴影和无阴影之间的映射功能,不需要一个单独的阴影检测。因此,SPA形式适应于实际图像去阴影,以适应投影在不同语义区域上的阴影。SPA形式由变压器层和一系列关节傅立叶变压残留块和两轮关节空间注意力组成。本文中的网络能够在达到非常快速的处理效率的同时处理任务。我们的代码在https://github.com/ zhangbaijin/spatial-transformer-shadow-removal上重新发布
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Recent CLIP-guided 3D optimization methods, e.g., DreamFields and PureCLIPNeRF achieve great success in zero-shot text-guided 3D synthesis. However, due to the scratch training and random initialization without any prior knowledge, these methods usually fail to generate accurate and faithful 3D structures that conform to the corresponding text. In this paper, we make the first attempt to introduce the explicit 3D shape prior to CLIP-guided 3D optimization methods. Specifically, we first generate a high-quality 3D shape from input texts in the text-to-shape stage as the 3D shape prior. We then utilize it as the initialization of a neural radiance field and then optimize it with the full prompt. For the text-to-shape generation, we present a simple yet effective approach that directly bridges the text and image modalities with a powerful text-to-image diffusion model. To narrow the style domain gap between images synthesized by the text-to-image model and shape renderings used to train the image-to-shape generator, we further propose to jointly optimize a learnable text prompt and fine-tune the text-to-image diffusion model for rendering-style image generation. Our method, namely, Dream3D, is capable of generating imaginative 3D content with better visual quality and shape accuracy than state-of-the-art methods.
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To reproduce the success of text-to-image (T2I) generation, recent works in text-to-video (T2V) generation employ large-scale text-video dataset for fine-tuning. However, such paradigm is computationally expensive. Humans have the amazing ability to learn new visual concepts from just one single exemplar. We hereby study a new T2V generation problem$\unicode{x2014}$One-Shot Video Generation, where only a single text-video pair is presented for training an open-domain T2V generator. Intuitively, we propose to adapt the T2I diffusion model pretrained on massive image data for T2V generation. We make two key observations: 1) T2I models are able to generate images that align well with the verb terms; 2) extending T2I models to generate multiple images concurrently exhibits surprisingly good content consistency. To further learn continuous motion, we propose Tune-A-Video with a tailored Sparse-Causal Attention, which generates videos from text prompts via an efficient one-shot tuning of pretrained T2I diffusion models. Tune-A-Video is capable of producing temporally-coherent videos over various applications such as change of subject or background, attribute editing, style transfer, demonstrating the versatility and effectiveness of our method.
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The recurrent structure is a prevalent framework for the task of video super-resolution, which models the temporal dependency between frames via hidden states. When applied to real-world scenarios with unknown and complex degradations, hidden states tend to contain unpleasant artifacts and propagate them to restored frames. In this circumstance, our analyses show that such artifacts can be largely alleviated when the hidden state is replaced with a cleaner counterpart. Based on the observations, we propose a Hidden State Attention (HSA) module to mitigate artifacts in real-world video super-resolution. Specifically, we first adopt various cheap filters to produce a hidden state pool. For example, Gaussian blur filters are for smoothing artifacts while sharpening filters are for enhancing details. To aggregate a new hidden state that contains fewer artifacts from the hidden state pool, we devise a Selective Cross Attention (SCA) module, in which the attention between input features and each hidden state is calculated. Equipped with HSA, our proposed method, namely FastRealVSR, is able to achieve 2x speedup while obtaining better performance than Real-BasicVSR. Codes will be available at https://github.com/TencentARC/FastRealVSR
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Vector-Quantized (VQ-based) generative models usually consist of two basic components, i.e., VQ tokenizers and generative transformers. Prior research focuses on improving the reconstruction fidelity of VQ tokenizers but rarely examines how the improvement in reconstruction affects the generation ability of generative transformers. In this paper, we surprisingly find that improving the reconstruction fidelity of VQ tokenizers does not necessarily improve the generation. Instead, learning to compress semantic features within VQ tokenizers significantly improves generative transformers' ability to capture textures and structures. We thus highlight two competing objectives of VQ tokenizers for image synthesis: semantic compression and details preservation. Different from previous work that only pursues better details preservation, we propose Semantic-Quantized GAN (SeQ-GAN) with two learning phases to balance the two objectives. In the first phase, we propose a semantic-enhanced perceptual loss for better semantic compression. In the second phase, we fix the encoder and codebook, but enhance and finetune the decoder to achieve better details preservation. The proposed SeQ-GAN greatly improves VQ-based generative models and surpasses the GAN and Diffusion Models on both unconditional and conditional image generation. Our SeQ-GAN (364M) achieves Frechet Inception Distance (FID) of 6.25 and Inception Score (IS) of 140.9 on 256x256 ImageNet generation, a remarkable improvement over VIT-VQGAN (714M), which obtains 11.2 FID and 97.2 IS.
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Recently, a surge of high-quality 3D-aware GANs have been proposed, which leverage the generative power of neural rendering. It is natural to associate 3D GANs with GAN inversion methods to project a real image into the generator's latent space, allowing free-view consistent synthesis and editing, referred as 3D GAN inversion. Although with the facial prior preserved in pre-trained 3D GANs, reconstructing a 3D portrait with only one monocular image is still an ill-pose problem. The straightforward application of 2D GAN inversion methods focuses on texture similarity only while ignoring the correctness of 3D geometry shapes. It may raise geometry collapse effects, especially when reconstructing a side face under an extreme pose. Besides, the synthetic results in novel views are prone to be blurry. In this work, we propose a novel method to promote 3D GAN inversion by introducing facial symmetry prior. We design a pipeline and constraints to make full use of the pseudo auxiliary view obtained via image flipping, which helps obtain a robust and reasonable geometry shape during the inversion process. To enhance texture fidelity in unobserved viewpoints, pseudo labels from depth-guided 3D warping can provide extra supervision. We design constraints aimed at filtering out conflict areas for optimization in asymmetric situations. Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations on image reconstruction and editing demonstrate the superiority of our method.
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High-fidelity facial avatar reconstruction from a monocular video is a significant research problem in computer graphics and computer vision. Recently, Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has shown impressive novel view rendering results and has been considered for facial avatar reconstruction. However, the complex facial dynamics and missing 3D information in monocular videos raise significant challenges for faithful facial reconstruction. In this work, we propose a new method for NeRF-based facial avatar reconstruction that utilizes 3D-aware generative prior. Different from existing works that depend on a conditional deformation field for dynamic modeling, we propose to learn a personalized generative prior, which is formulated as a local and low dimensional subspace in the latent space of 3D-GAN. We propose an efficient method to construct the personalized generative prior based on a small set of facial images of a given individual. After learning, it allows for photo-realistic rendering with novel views and the face reenactment can be realized by performing navigation in the latent space. Our proposed method is applicable for different driven signals, including RGB images, 3DMM coefficients, and audios. Compared with existing works, we obtain superior novel view synthesis results and faithfully face reenactment performance.
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In this study, we explore the representation mapping from the domain of visual arts to the domain of music, with which we can use visual arts as an effective handle to control music generation. Unlike most studies in multimodal representation learning that are purely data-driven, we adopt an analysis-by-synthesis approach that combines deep music representation learning with user studies. Such an approach enables us to discover \textit{interpretable} representation mapping without a huge amount of paired data. In particular, we discover that visual-to-music mapping has a nice property similar to equivariant. In other words, we can use various image transformations, say, changing brightness, changing contrast, style transfer, to control the corresponding transformations in the music domain. In addition, we released the Vis2Mus system as a controllable interface for symbolic music generation.
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