Over-parameterization of deep neural networks (DNNs) has shown high prediction accuracy for many applications. Although effective, the large number of parameters hinders its popularity on resource-limited devices and has an outsize environmental impact. Sparse training (using a fixed number of nonzero weights in each iteration) could significantly mitigate the training costs by reducing the model size. However, existing sparse training methods mainly use either random-based or greedy-based drop-and-grow strategies, resulting in local minimal and low accuracy. In this work, to assist explainable sparse training, we propose important weights Exploitation and coverage Exploration to characterize Dynamic Sparse Training (DST-EE), and provide quantitative analysis of these two metrics. We further design an acquisition function and provide the theoretical guarantees for the proposed method and clarify its convergence property. Experimental results show that sparse models (up to 98\% sparsity) obtained by our proposed method outperform the SOTA sparse training methods on a wide variety of deep learning tasks. On VGG-19 / CIFAR-100, ResNet-50 / CIFAR-10, ResNet-50 / CIFAR-100, our method has even higher accuracy than dense models. On ResNet-50 / ImageNet, the proposed method has up to 8.2\% accuracy improvement compared to SOTA sparse training methods.
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Traffic state prediction in a transportation network is paramount for effective traffic operations and management, as well as informed user and system-level decision-making. However, long-term traffic prediction (beyond 30 minutes into the future) remains challenging in current research. In this work, we integrate the spatio-temporal dependencies in the transportation network from network modeling, together with the graph convolutional network (GCN) and graph attention network (GAT). To further tackle the dramatic computation and memory cost caused by the giant model size (i.e., number of weights) caused by multiple cascaded layers, we propose sparse training to mitigate the training cost, while preserving the prediction accuracy. It is a process of training using a fixed number of nonzero weights in each layer in each iteration. We consider the problem of long-term traffic speed forecasting for a real large-scale transportation network data from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Performance Measurement System (PeMS). Experimental results show that the proposed GCN-STGT and GAT-STGT models achieve low prediction errors on short-, mid- and long-term prediction horizons, of 15, 30 and 45 minutes in duration, respectively. Using our sparse training, we could train from scratch with high sparsity (e.g., up to 90%), equivalent to 10 times floating point operations per second (FLOPs) reduction on computational cost using the same epochs as dense training, and arrive at a model with very small accuracy loss compared with the original dense training
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深度学习(DL)的快速增长和部署目睹了新兴的隐私和安全问题。为了减轻这些问题,已经讨论了安全的多方计算(MPC),以实现隐私保护DL计算。在实践中,它们通常是在很高的计算和沟通开销中,并有可能禁止其在大规模系统中的受欢迎程度。两种正交研究趋势吸引了人们对安全深度学习的能源效率的巨大兴趣,即MPC比较方案的高架降低和硬件加速度。但是,他们要么达到较低的减少比率,因此由于计算和通信节省有限而遭受了高潜伏期,或者是渴望的,因为现有的作品主要集中在CPU和GPU等一般计算平台上。在这项工作中,作为第一次尝试,我们通过将加密构件构建块的硬件延迟整合到DNN损耗功能中,以实现高能量效率,开发了一个系统的polympcnet,以减少MPC比较协议和硬件加速的联合额外降低的系统框架Polympcnet。和安全保证。我们的关键设计原理不是在DNN进行良好训练之后(通过删除或删除某些非物质操作员)训练(通过删除或删除某些非物质操作员)之后检查模型敏感性,而是要准确地执行DNN设计中的假设 - 培训DNN既是DNN都硬件有效且安全,同时逃脱了当地的最小值和鞍点并保持高精度。更具体地说,我们提出了通过多项式激活初始化方法直接提出的加密硬件友好的可训练多项式激活功能,以替代昂贵的2P-RELU操作员。我们开发了一个密码硬件调度程序和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)平台的相应性能模型。
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变压器被认为是自2018年以来最重要的深度学习模型之一,部分原因是它建立了最先进的记录(SOTA)记录,并有可能取代现有的深神经网络(DNNS)。尽管取得了显着的胜利,但变压器模型的延长周转时间是公认的障碍。序列长度的多样性施加了其他计算开销,其中需要将输入零填充到批处理中的最大句子长度,以容纳并行计算平台。本文针对现场可编程的门阵列(FPGA),并提出了一个连贯的序列长度自适应算法 - 硬件与变压器加速度的共同设计。特别是,我们开发了一个适合硬件的稀疏注意操作员和长度意识的硬件资源调度算法。提出的稀疏注意操作员将基于注意力的模型的复杂性降低到线性复杂性,并减轻片外记忆流量。提出的长度感知资源硬件调度算法动态分配了硬件资源以填充管道插槽并消除了NLP任务的气泡。实验表明,与CPU和GPU实施相比,我们的设计准确度损失很小,并且具有80.2 $ \ times $和2.6 $ \ times $速度,并且比先进的GPU加速器高4 $ \ times $ $ $ \ times $通过Cublas Gemm优化。
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随着对深度学习民主化的向往,在资源约束设备上实施基于变压器的自然语言处理(NLP)模型的需求越来越大,以实施低延迟和高准确性。现有的BERT修剪方法要求域专家启发手工制作超参数,以在模型大小,延迟和准确性之间取得平衡。在这项工作中,我们提出了AE-Bert,这是一种具有有效评估的自动和高效的BERT修剪框架,以选择“良好”子网络候选(高精度),鉴于整体修剪比率的约束。我们提出的方法不需要人类专家的经验,并且可以在许多NLP任务上取得更好的准确性能。我们关于一般语言理解评估(胶水)基准的实验结果表明,AE-Bert优于Bert $ _ {\ Mathrm {base}} $的最先进的(SOTA)手工制作的修剪方法。在QNLI和RTE上,我们获得75 \%和42.8%的总体修剪比,同时获得更高的精度。在MRPC上,我们的得分比SOTA高4.6,在相同的整体修剪比为0.5。在STS-B上,与SOTA手工制作的修剪方法相比,我们可以达到40 \%的修剪比,而Spearman相关性的损失非常小。实验结果还表明,在模型压缩之后,单个bert $ _ {\ mathrm {base}} $ coder的推理时间在xilinx alveo u200 fpga板上具有1.83 $ \ times $ speedup,与intel(r)xeon相比)Gold 5218(2.30GHz)CPU,它显示了部署BERT $ _ {\ MATHRM {base}} $模型在计算限制设备上生成的方法生成的子网的合理性。
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In this paper, we target at the problem of learning a generalizable dynamic radiance field from monocular videos. Different from most existing NeRF methods that are based on multiple views, monocular videos only contain one view at each timestamp, thereby suffering from ambiguity along the view direction in estimating point features and scene flows. Previous studies such as DynNeRF disambiguate point features by positional encoding, which is not transferable and severely limits the generalization ability. As a result, these methods have to train one independent model for each scene and suffer from heavy computational costs when applying to increasing monocular videos in real-world applications. To address this, We propose MonoNeRF to simultaneously learn point features and scene flows with point trajectory and feature correspondence constraints across frames. More specifically, we learn an implicit velocity field to estimate point trajectory from temporal features with Neural ODE, which is followed by a flow-based feature aggregation module to obtain spatial features along the point trajectory. We jointly optimize temporal and spatial features by training the network in an end-to-end manner. Experiments show that our MonoNeRF is able to learn from multiple scenes and support new applications such as scene editing, unseen frame synthesis, and fast novel scene adaptation.
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联合超分辨率和反音调映射(SR-ITM)旨在提高具有分辨率和动态范围具有质量缺陷的视频的视觉质量。当使用4K高动态范围(HDR)电视来观看低分辨率标准动态范围(LR SDR)视频时,就会出现此问题。以前依赖于学习本地信息的方法通常在保留颜色合规性和远程结构相似性方面做得很好,从而导致了不自然的色彩过渡和纹理伪像。为了应对这些挑战,我们建议联合SR-ITM的全球先验指导的调制网络(GPGMNET)。特别是,我们设计了一个全球先验提取模块(GPEM),以提取颜色合规性和结构相似性,分别对ITM和SR任务有益。为了进一步利用全球先验并保留空间信息,我们使用一些用于中间特征调制的参数,设计多个全球先验的指导空间调制块(GSMB),其中调制参数由共享的全局先验和空间特征生成来自空间金字塔卷积块(SPCB)的地图。通过这些精心设计的设计,GPGMNET可以通过较低的计算复杂性实现更高的视觉质量。广泛的实验表明,我们提出的GPGMNET优于最新方法。具体而言,我们提出的模型在PSNR中超过了0.64 dB的最新模型,其中69 $ \%$ $ $较少,3.1 $ \ times $ speedup。该代码将很快发布。
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在实际人群计算应用程序中,图像中的人群密度差异很大。当面对密度变化时,人类倾向于在低密度区域定位和计数目标,并推理高密度区域的数量。我们观察到,CNN使用固定大小的卷积内核专注于局部信息相关性,而变压器可以通过使用全球自我注意机制有效地提取语义人群信息。因此,CNN可以在低密度区域中准确定位和估计人群,而在高密度区域中很难正确感知密度。相反,变压器在高密度区域具有很高的可靠性,但未能在稀疏区域定位目标。 CNN或变压器都无法很好地处理这种密度变化。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一个CNN和变压器自适应选择网络(CTASNET),该网络可以自适应地为不同密度区域选择适当的计数分支。首先,CTASNET生成CNN和变压器的预测结果。然后,考虑到CNN/变压器适用于低/高密度区域,密度引导的自适应选择模块被设计为自动结合CNN和Transformer的预测。此外,为了减少注释噪声的影响,我们引入了基于Correntropy的最佳运输损失。对四个挑战的人群计数数据集进行了广泛的实验,已经验证了该方法。
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