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Catastrophic forgetting (CF) happens whenever a neural network overwrites past knowledge while being trained on new tasks. Common techniques to handle CF include regularization of the weights (using, e.g., their importance on past tasks), and rehearsal strategies, where the network is constantly re-trained on past data. Generative models have also been applied for the latter, in order to have endless sources of data. In this paper, we propose a novel method that combines the strengths of regularization and generative-based rehearsal approaches. Our generative model consists of a normalizing flow (NF), a probabilistic and invertible neural network, trained on the internal embeddings of the network. By keeping a single NF throughout the training process, we show that our memory overhead remains constant. In addition, exploiting the invertibility of the NF, we propose a simple approach to regularize the network's embeddings with respect to past tasks. We show that our method performs favorably with respect to state-of-the-art approaches in the literature, with bounded computational power and memory overheads.
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In this paper, we investigate the degree of explainability of graph neural networks (GNNs). Existing explainers work by finding global/local subgraphs to explain a prediction, but they are applied after a GNN has already been trained. Here, we propose a meta-learning framework for improving the level of explainability of a GNN directly at training time, by steering the optimization procedure towards what we call `interpretable minima'. Our framework (called MATE, MetA-Train to Explain) jointly trains a model to solve the original task, e.g., node classification, and to provide easily processable outputs for downstream algorithms that explain the model's decisions in a human-friendly way. In particular, we meta-train the model's parameters to quickly minimize the error of an instance-level GNNExplainer trained on-the-fly on randomly sampled nodes. The final internal representation relies upon a set of features that can be `better' understood by an explanation algorithm, e.g., another instance of GNNExplainer. Our model-agnostic approach can improve the explanations produced for different GNN architectures and use any instance-based explainer to drive this process. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets for node and graph classification show that we can produce models that are consistently easier to explain by different algorithms. Furthermore, this increase in explainability comes at no cost for the accuracy of the model.
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图表表示学习已经成为许多情景中的无处不在的组成部分,从社会网络分析到智能电网的能量预测。在几个应用程序中,确保关于某些受保护属性的节点(或图形)表示的公平对其正确部署至关重要。然而,图表深度学习的公平仍然在探索,很少有解决方案。特别地,在若干真实世界图(即同声源性)上相似节点对簇的趋势可以显着恶化这些程序的公平性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的偏见边缘辍学算法(Fairdrop)来反击精神剧并改善图形表示学习中的公平性。 Fairdrop可以在许多现有算法上轻松插入,具有高效,适应性,并且可以与其他公平诱导的解决方案结合。在描述了一般算法之后,我们在两个基准任务中展示其应用,具体地,作为用于生产节点嵌入的随机步道模型,以及用于链路预测的图形卷积网络。我们证明,所提出的算法可以成功地改善所有型号的公平,直到精度小或可忽略的降低,并与现有的最先进的解决方案相比。在一个消融研究中,我们证明我们的算法可以灵活地在偏置公平性和无偏见的边缘辍学之间插入。此外,为了更好地评估增益,我们提出了一种新的二元组定义,以测量与基于组的公平度量配对时的链路预测任务的偏差。特别是,我们扩展了用于测量节点嵌入的偏差的指标,以考虑图形结构。
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Linguists distinguish between novel and conventional metaphor, a distinction which the metaphor detection task in NLP does not take into account. Instead, metaphoricity is formulated as a property of a token in a sentence, regardless of metaphor type. In this paper, we investigate the limitations of treating conventional metaphors in this way, and advocate for an alternative which we name 'metaphorical polysemy detection' (MPD). In MPD, only conventional metaphoricity is treated, and it is formulated as a property of word senses in a lexicon. We develop the first MPD model, which learns to identify conventional metaphors in the English WordNet. To train it, we present a novel training procedure that combines metaphor detection with word sense disambiguation (WSD). For evaluation, we manually annotate metaphor in two subsets of WordNet. Our model significantly outperforms a strong baseline based on a state-of-the-art metaphor detection model, attaining an ROC-AUC score of .78 (compared to .65) on one of the sets. Additionally, when paired with a WSD model, our approach outperforms a state-of-the-art metaphor detection model at identifying conventional metaphors in text (.659 F1 compared to .626).
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A widely acknowledged shortcoming of WordNet is that it lacks a distinction between word meanings which are systematically related (polysemy), and those which are coincidental (homonymy). Several previous works have attempted to fill this gap, by inferring this information using computational methods. We revisit this task, and exploit recent advances in language modelling to synthesise homonymy annotation for Princeton WordNet. Previous approaches treat the problem using clustering methods; by contrast, our method works by linking WordNet to the Oxford English Dictionary, which contains the information we need. To perform this alignment, we pair definitions based on their proximity in an embedding space produced by a Transformer model. Despite the simplicity of this approach, our best model attains an F1 of .97 on an evaluation set that we annotate. The outcome of our work is a high-quality homonymy annotation layer for Princeton WordNet, which we release.
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Binarized Neural Networks (BNNs) are receiving increasing attention due to their lightweight architecture and ability to run on low-power devices. The state-of-the-art for training classification BNNs restricted to few-shot learning is based on a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) approach. This paper proposes the BeMi ensemble, a structured architecture of BNNs based on training a single BNN for each possible pair of classes and applying a majority voting scheme to predict the final output. The training of a single BNN discriminating between two classes is achieved by a MIP model that optimizes a lexicographic multi-objective function according to robustness and simplicity principles. This approach results in training networks whose output is not affected by small perturbations on the input and whose number of active weights is as small as possible, while good accuracy is preserved. We computationally validate our model using the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets using up to 40 training images per class. Our structured ensemble outperforms both BNNs trained by stochastic gradient descent and state-of-the-art MIP-based approaches. While the previous approaches achieve an average accuracy of 51.1% on the MNIST dataset, the BeMi ensemble achieves an average accuracy of 61.7% when trained with 10 images per class and 76.4% when trained with 40 images per class.
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One of the common traits of past and present approaches for Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) is that they rely upon discrete labels drawn from a predefined linguistic inventory to classify predicate senses and their arguments. However, we argue this need not be the case. In this paper, we present an approach that leverages Definition Modeling to introduce a generalized formulation of SRL as the task of describing predicate-argument structures using natural language definitions instead of discrete labels. Our novel formulation takes a first step towards placing interpretability and flexibility foremost, and yet our experiments and analyses on PropBank-style and FrameNet-style, dependency-based and span-based SRL also demonstrate that a flexible model with an interpretable output does not necessarily come at the expense of performance. We release our software for research purposes at https://github.com/SapienzaNLP/dsrl.
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