探针车的使用日益增长会产生大量的GNS数据。受卫星定位技术的限制,进一步提高地图匹配的准确性是具有挑战性的工作,尤其是对于低频轨迹。当与轨迹匹配时,自我车辆的当前旅行时空信息对于数据量最少而言最有用。此外,还有大量其他数据,例如其他车辆的状态和过去的预测结果,但是很难提取有用的信息来匹配地图和推断路径。大多数地图匹配研究仅使用自我车辆的数据,而忽略了其他车辆的数据。基于它,本文设计了一种新的地图匹配方法,以充分利用“大数据”。首先,我们根据与本匹配探针的空间和时间距离将所有数据分为四组,这使我们能够对其有用性进行排序。然后,我们设计了三种不同的方法来从它们中提取有价值的信息(分数):速度和轴承的分数,历史用法的分数以及使用光谱图马尔可夫中立网络的交通状态分数。最后,我们使用修改后的TOP-K最短路径方法来搜索椭圆区域内的候选路径,然后使用Fused分数推断路径(投影位置)。我们使用中国的现实世界数据集测试了针对基线算法的建议方法。结果表明,所有评分方法都可以增强地图匹配的精度。此外,我们的方法优于其他方法,尤其是当GNSS探测频率小于0.01 Hz时。
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Existing measures and representations for trajectories have two longstanding fundamental shortcomings, i.e., they are computationally expensive and they can not guarantee the `uniqueness' property of a distance function: dist(X,Y) = 0 if and only if X=Y, where $X$ and $Y$ are two trajectories. This paper proposes a simple yet powerful way to represent trajectories and measure the similarity between two trajectories using a distributional kernel to address these shortcomings. It is a principled approach based on kernel mean embedding which has a strong theoretical underpinning. It has three distinctive features in comparison with existing approaches. (1) A distributional kernel is used for the very first time for trajectory representation and similarity measurement. (2) It does not rely on point-to-point distances which are used in most existing distances for trajectories. (3) It requires no learning, unlike existing learning and deep learning approaches. We show the generality of this new approach in three applications: (a) trajectory anomaly detection, (b) anomalous sub-trajectory detection, and (c) trajectory pattern mining. We identify that the distributional kernel has (i) a unique data-dependent property and the above uniqueness property which are the key factors that lead to its superior task-specific performance; and (ii) runtime orders of magnitude faster than existing distance measures.
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Detecting abrupt changes in data distribution is one of the most significant tasks in streaming data analysis. Although many unsupervised Change-Point Detection (CPD) methods have been proposed recently to identify those changes, they still suffer from missing subtle changes, poor scalability, or/and sensitive to noise points. To meet these challenges, we are the first to generalise the CPD problem as a special case of the Change-Interval Detection (CID) problem. Then we propose a CID method, named iCID, based on a recent Isolation Distributional Kernel (IDK). iCID identifies the change interval if there is a high dissimilarity score between two non-homogeneous temporal adjacent intervals. The data-dependent property and finite feature map of IDK enabled iCID to efficiently identify various types of change points in data streams with the tolerance of noise points. Moreover, the proposed online and offline versions of iCID have the ability to optimise key parameter settings. The effectiveness and efficiency of iCID have been systematically verified on both synthetic and real-world datasets.
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Semantic segmentation works on the computer vision algorithm for assigning each pixel of an image into a class. The task of semantic segmentation should be performed with both accuracy and efficiency. Most of the existing deep FCNs yield to heavy computations and these networks are very power hungry, unsuitable for real-time applications on portable devices. This project analyzes current semantic segmentation models to explore the feasibility of applying these models for emergency response during catastrophic events. We compare the performance of real-time semantic segmentation models with non-real-time counterparts constrained by aerial images under oppositional settings. Furthermore, we train several models on the Flood-Net dataset, containing UAV images captured after Hurricane Harvey, and benchmark their execution on special classes such as flooded buildings vs. non-flooded buildings or flooded roads vs. non-flooded roads. In this project, we developed a real-time UNet based model and deployed that network on Jetson AGX Xavier module.
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We present the Recurrent Interface Network (RIN), a neural net architecture that allocates computation adaptively to the input according to the distribution of information, allowing it to scale to iterative generation of high-dimensional data. Hidden units of RINs are partitioned into the interface, which is locally connected to inputs, and latents, which are decoupled from inputs and can exchange information globally. The RIN block selectively reads from the interface into latents for high-capacity processing, with incremental updates written back to the interface. Stacking multiple blocks enables effective routing across local and global levels. While routing adds overhead, the cost can be amortized in recurrent computation settings where inputs change gradually while more global context persists, such as iterative generation using diffusion models. To this end, we propose a latent self-conditioning technique that "warm-starts" the latents at each iteration of the generation process. When applied to diffusion models operating directly on pixels, RINs yield state-of-the-art image and video generation without cascades or guidance, while being domain-agnostic and up to 10$\times$ more efficient compared to specialized 2D and 3D U-Nets.
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This paper describes a Relevance-Zone pattern table (RZT) that can be used to replace a traditional transposition table. An RZT stores exact game values for patterns that are discovered during a Relevance-Zone-Based Search (RZS), which is the current state-of-the-art in solving L&D problems in Go. Positions that share the same pattern can reuse the same exact game value in the RZT. The pattern matching scheme for RZTs is implemented using a radix tree, taking into consideration patterns with different shapes. To improve the efficiency of table lookups, we designed a heuristic that prevents redundant lookups. The heuristic can safely skip previously queried patterns for a given position, reducing the overhead to 10% of the original cost. We also analyze the time complexity of the RZT both theoretically and empirically. Experiments show the overhead of traversing the radix tree in practice during lookup remain flat logarithmically in relation to the number of entries stored in the table. Experiments also show that the use of an RZT instead of a traditional transposition table significantly reduces the number of searched nodes on two data sets of 7x7 and 19x19 L&D Go problems.
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Continuous formulations of trajectory planning problems have two main benefits. First, constraints are guaranteed to be satisfied at all times. Secondly, dynamic obstacles can be naturally considered with time. This paper introduces a novel B-spline based trajectory optimization method for multi-jointed robots that provides a continuous trajectory with guaranteed continuous constraints satisfaction. At the core of this method, B-spline basic operations, like addition, multiplication, and derivative, are rigorously defined and applied for problem formulation. B-spline unique characteristics, such as the convex hull and smooth curves properties, are utilized to reformulate the original continuous optimization problem into a finite-dimensional problem. Collision avoidance with static obstacles is achieved using the signed distance field, while that with dynamic obstacles is accomplished via constructing time-varying separating hyperplanes. Simulation results on various robots validate the effectiveness of the algorithm. In addition, this paper provides experimental validations with a 6-link FANUC robot avoiding static and moving obstacles.
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Identifying named entities such as a person, location or organization, in documents can highlight key information to readers. Training Named Entity Recognition (NER) models requires an annotated data set, which can be a time-consuming labour-intensive task. Nevertheless, there are publicly available NER data sets for general English. Recently there has been interest in developing NER for legal text. However, prior work and experimental results reported here indicate that there is a significant degradation in performance when NER methods trained on a general English data set are applied to legal text. We describe a publicly available legal NER data set, called E-NER, based on legal company filings available from the US Securities and Exchange Commission's EDGAR data set. Training a number of different NER algorithms on the general English CoNLL-2003 corpus but testing on our test collection confirmed significant degradations in accuracy, as measured by the F1-score, of between 29.4\% and 60.4\%, compared to training and testing on the E-NER collection.
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Recent studies have shown that CLIP has achieved remarkable success in performing zero-shot inference while its fine-tuning performance is not satisfactory. In this paper, we identify that fine-tuning performance is significantly impacted by hyper-parameter choices. We examine various key hyper-parameters and empirically evaluate their impact in fine-tuning CLIP for classification tasks through a comprehensive study. We find that the fine-tuning performance of CLIP is substantially underestimated. Equipped with hyper-parameter refinement, we demonstrate CLIP itself is better or at least competitive in fine-tuning compared with large-scale supervised pre-training approaches or latest works that use CLIP as prediction targets in Masked Image Modeling. Specifically, CLIP ViT-Base/16 and CLIP ViT-Large/14 can achieve 85.7%,88.0% finetuning Top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet-1K dataset . These observations challenge the conventional conclusion that CLIP is not suitable for fine-tuning, and motivate us to rethink recently proposed improvements based on CLIP. We will release our code publicly at \url{https://github.com/LightDXY/FT-CLIP}.
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This paper presents a 3D generative model that uses diffusion models to automatically generate 3D digital avatars represented as neural radiance fields. A significant challenge in generating such avatars is that the memory and processing costs in 3D are prohibitive for producing the rich details required for high-quality avatars. To tackle this problem we propose the roll-out diffusion network (Rodin), which represents a neural radiance field as multiple 2D feature maps and rolls out these maps into a single 2D feature plane within which we perform 3D-aware diffusion. The Rodin model brings the much-needed computational efficiency while preserving the integrity of diffusion in 3D by using 3D-aware convolution that attends to projected features in the 2D feature plane according to their original relationship in 3D. We also use latent conditioning to orchestrate the feature generation for global coherence, leading to high-fidelity avatars and enabling their semantic editing based on text prompts. Finally, we use hierarchical synthesis to further enhance details. The 3D avatars generated by our model compare favorably with those produced by existing generative techniques. We can generate highly detailed avatars with realistic hairstyles and facial hair like beards. We also demonstrate 3D avatar generation from image or text as well as text-guided editability.
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