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We estimate the general influence functions for spatio-temporal Hawkes processes using a tensor recovery approach by formulating the location dependent influence function that captures the influence of historical events as a tensor kernel. We assume a low-rank structure for the tensor kernel and cast the estimation problem as a convex optimization problem using the Fourier transformed nuclear norm (TNN). We provide theoretical performance guarantees for our approach and present an algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Moreover, we demonstrate the efficiency of our estimation with numerical simulations.
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Audio-Visual scene understanding is a challenging problem due to the unstructured spatial-temporal relations that exist in the audio signals and spatial layouts of different objects and various texture patterns in the visual images. Recently, many studies have focused on abstracting features from convolutional neural networks while the learning of explicit semantically relevant frames of sound signals and visual images has been overlooked. To this end, we present an end-to-end framework, namely attentional graph convolutional network (AGCN), for structure-aware audio-visual scene representation. First, the spectrogram of sound and input image is processed by a backbone network for feature extraction. Then, to build multi-scale hierarchical information of input features, we utilize an attention fusion mechanism to aggregate features from multiple layers of the backbone network. Notably, to well represent the salient regions and contextual information of audio-visual inputs, the salient acoustic graph (SAG) and contextual acoustic graph (CAG), salient visual graph (SVG), and contextual visual graph (CVG) are constructed for the audio-visual scene representation. Finally, the constructed graphs pass through a graph convolutional network for structure-aware audio-visual scene recognition. Extensive experimental results on the audio, visual and audio-visual scene recognition datasets show that promising results have been achieved by the AGCN methods. Visualizing graphs on the spectrograms and images have been presented to show the effectiveness of proposed CAG/SAG and CVG/SVG that could focus on the salient and semantic relevant regions.
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Mitosis nuclei count is one of the important indicators for the pathological diagnosis of breast cancer. The manual annotation needs experienced pathologists, which is very time-consuming and inefficient. With the development of deep learning methods, some models with good performance have emerged, but the generalization ability should be further strengthened. In this paper, we propose a two-stage mitosis segmentation and classification method, named SCMitosis. Firstly, the segmentation performance with a high recall rate is achieved by the proposed depthwise separable convolution residual block and channel-spatial attention gate. Then, a classification network is cascaded to further improve the detection performance of mitosis nuclei. The proposed model is verified on the ICPR 2012 dataset, and the highest F-score value of 0.8687 is obtained compared with the current state-of-the-art algorithms. In addition, the model also achieves good performance on GZMH dataset, which is prepared by our group and will be firstly released with the publication of this paper. The code will be available at: https://github.com/antifen/mitosis-nuclei-segmentation.
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Recently, spoken dialogue systems have been widely deployed in a variety of applications, serving a huge number of end-users. A common issue is that the errors resulting from noisy utterances, semantic misunderstandings, or lack of knowledge make it hard for a real system to respond properly, possibly leading to an unsatisfactory user experience. To avoid such a case, we consider a proactive interaction mechanism where the system predicts the user satisfaction with the candidate response before giving it to the user. If the user is not likely to be satisfied according to the prediction, the system will ask the user a suitable question to determine the real intent of the user instead of providing the response directly. With such an interaction with the user, the system can give a better response to the user. Previous models that predict the user satisfaction are not applicable to DuerOS which is a large-scale commercial dialogue system. They are based on hand-crafted features and thus can hardly learn the complex patterns lying behind millions of conversations and temporal dependency in multiple turns of the conversation. Moreover, they are trained and evaluated on the benchmark datasets with adequate labels, which are expensive to obtain in a commercial dialogue system. To face these challenges, we propose a pipeline to predict the user satisfaction to help DuerOS decide whether to ask for clarification in each turn. Specifically, we propose to first generate a large number of weak labels and then train a transformer-based model to predict the user satisfaction with these weak labels. Empirically, we deploy and evaluate our model on DuerOS, and observe a 19% relative improvement on the accuracy of user satisfaction prediction and 2.3% relative improvement on user experience.
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命名实体识别(NER)是检测和对实体跨越文本的跨度的任务。当实体跨越彼此之间的重叠时,此问题被称为嵌套NER。基于跨度的方法已被广泛用于应对嵌套的NER。这些方法中的大多数都会获得分数$ n \ times n $矩阵,其中$ n $表示句子的长度,每个条目对应于跨度。但是,先前的工作忽略了分数矩阵中的空间关系。在本文中,我们建议使用卷积神经网络(CNN)对分数矩阵中的这些空间关系进行建模。尽管很简单,但在三个常用的嵌套NER数据集中进行的实验表明,我们的模型超过了几种具有相同预训练的编码器的最近提出的方法。进一步的分析表明,使用CNN可以帮助模型更准确地找到嵌套实体。此外,我们发现不同的论文对三个嵌套的NER数据集使用了不同的句子引导,这将影响比较。因此,我们发布了一个预处理脚本,以促进将来的比较。
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