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Few-shot semantic segmentation aims to learn to segment new object classes with only a few annotated examples, which has a wide range of real-world applications. Most existing methods either focus on the restrictive setting of one-way few-shot segmentation or suffer from incomplete coverage of object regions. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot semantic segmentation framework based on the prototype representation. Our key idea is to decompose the holistic class representation into a set of part-aware prototypes, capable of capturing diverse and fine-grained object features. In addition, we propose to leverage unlabeled data to enrich our part-aware prototypes, resulting in better modeling of intra-class variations of semantic objects. We develop a novel graph neural network model to generate and enhance the proposed part-aware prototypes based on labeled and unlabeled images. Extensive experimental evaluations on two benchmarks show that our method outperforms the prior art with a sizable margin.
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几次拍摄的语义分割旨在将新颖的类对象分段为仅具有少数标记的支持图像。大多数高级解决方案利用度量学习框架,通过将每个查询功能与学习的类特定的原型匹配来执行分段。然而,由于特征比较不完整,该框架遭受了偏见的分类。为了解决这个问题,我们通过引入类别特定的和类别不可知的原型来提出自适应原型表示,从而构建与查询功能学习语义对齐的完整样本对。互补特征学习方式有效地丰富了特征比较,并有助于在几次拍摄设置中产生一个非偏见的分段模型。它用双分支端到端网络(\即,特定于类分支和类别不可知分支)实现,它生成原型,然后组合查询特征以执行比较。此外,所提出的类别无神不可话的分支简单而且有效。在实践中,它可以自适应地为查询图像生成多种类别 - 不可知的原型,并以自我对比方式学习特征对齐。广泛的Pascal-5 $ ^ i $和Coco-20 $ ^ i $展示了我们方法的优越性。在不牺牲推理效率的费用中,我们的模型实现了最先进的,导致1-Shot和5-Shot Settings进行语义分割。
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Recently, due to the increasing requirements of medical imaging applications and the professional requirements of annotating medical images, few-shot learning has gained increasing attention in the medical image semantic segmentation field. To perform segmentation with limited number of labeled medical images, most existing studies use Proto-typical Networks (PN) and have obtained compelling success. However, these approaches overlook the query image features extracted from the proposed representation network, failing to preserving the spatial connection between query and support images. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised few-shot medical image segmentation network and introduce a novel Cycle-Resemblance Attention (CRA) module to fully leverage the pixel-wise relation between query and support medical images. Notably, we first line up multiple attention blocks to refine more abundant relation information. Then, we present CRAPNet by integrating the CRA module with a classic prototype network, where pixel-wise relations between query and support features are well recaptured for segmentation. Extensive experiments on two different medical image datasets, e.g., abdomen MRI and abdomen CT, demonstrate the superiority of our model over existing state-of-the-art methods.
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很少有语义细分旨在识别一个看不见类别的对象区域,只有几个带注释的示例作为监督。几次分割的关键是在支持图像和查询图像之间建立牢固的语义关系,并防止过度拟合。在本文中,我们提出了一个有效的多相似性超关联网络(MSHNET),以解决几个射击语义分割问题。在MSHNET中,我们提出了一种新的生成原型相似性(GPS),与余弦相似性可以在支持图像和查询图像之间建立牢固的语义关系。基于全局特征的本地生成的原型相似性在逻辑上与基于本地特征的全局余弦相似性互补,并且可以通过同时使用两个相似性来更全面地表达查询图像和受支持图像之间的关系。此外,我们提出了MSHNET中的对称合并块(SMB),以有效合并多层,多弹射和多相似性超相关特征。 MSHNET是基于相似性而不是特定类别特征而构建的,这些特征可以实现更一般的统一性并有效地减少过度拟合。在两个基准的语义分割数据集Pascal-5i和Coco-20i上,MSHNET在1次和5次语义分段任务上实现了新的最先进的表演。
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Most existing 3D point cloud object detection approaches heavily rely on large amounts of labeled training data. However, the labeling process is costly and time-consuming. This paper considers few-shot 3D point cloud object detection, where only a few annotated samples of novel classes are needed with abundant samples of base classes. To this end, we propose Prototypical VoteNet to recognize and localize novel instances, which incorporates two new modules: Prototypical Vote Module (PVM) and Prototypical Head Module (PHM). Specifically, as the 3D basic geometric structures can be shared among categories, PVM is designed to leverage class-agnostic geometric prototypes, which are learned from base classes, to refine local features of novel categories.Then PHM is proposed to utilize class prototypes to enhance the global feature of each object, facilitating subsequent object localization and classification, which is trained by the episodic training strategy. To evaluate the model in this new setting, we contribute two new benchmark datasets, FS-ScanNet and FS-SUNRGBD. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of Prototypical VoteNet, and our proposed method shows significant and consistent improvements compared to baselines on two benchmark datasets.
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现有的少数射击分段方法基于支持 - 引人入胜的匹配框架取得了巨大进展。但是,他们仍然受到所提供的少量支撑的覆盖率有限的覆盖范围。由简单的格式塔原理激励,即属于同一对象的像素比同一班级的不同对象的像素更相似,我们提出了一种新颖的自支撑匹配策略来减轻此问题,该策略使用查询原型来匹配查询功能查询原型是从高信心查询预测中收集的。该策略可以有效地捕获查询对象的一致潜在特性,从而符合查询功能。我们还提出了一个自适应的自支持背景原型生成模块和自支撑损失,以进一步促进自支撑匹配过程。我们的自支撑网络大大提高了原型质量,更强的骨架和更多支持,并在多个数据集上实现了SOTA。代码位于\ url {https://github.com/fanq15/ssp}。
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很少有分割的目的是仅给出少数标记的样品,旨在细分看不见的级对象。原型学习,支持功能通过平均全局和局部对象信息产生单个原型,在FSS中已广泛使用。但是,仅利用原型矢量可能不足以代表所有训练数据的功能。为了提取丰富的特征并做出更精确的预测,我们提出了一个多相似性和注意力网络(MSANET),包括两个新型模块,一个多相似性模块和一个注意模块。多相似模块利用支持图像和查询图像的多个特征图来估计准确的语义关系。注意模块指示网络专注于相关的信息。该网络在标准FSS数据集,Pascal-5i 1-Shot,Pascal-5i 5-Shot,Coco-20i 1-Shot和Coco-20i 5-Shot上进行了测试。具有RESNET-101骨架的MSANET可在所有4基准测试数据集中达到最先进的性能,而平均交叉点(MIOU)为69.13%,73.99%,51.09%,56.80%。代码可在https://github.com/aivresearch/msanet上获得
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本文在3D Point Cloud中介绍了一个新问题:很少示例实例分割。给定一些带注释的点云举例说明了目标类,我们的目标是在查询点云中细分该目标类的所有实例。这个问题具有广泛的实用应用,在重点实例分段注释非常昂贵的收集中。为了解决此问题,我们提出了测量形式 - 第一个用于3D点云实例分割的地球引导变压器。关键的想法是利用大地距离来应对LIDAR 3D点云的密度不平衡。 LIDAR 3D点云在物体表面附近茂密,在其他地方稀疏或空,使欧几里得距离较差以区分不同的物体。另一方面,大地测量距离更合适,因为它编码了场景的几何形状,该几何形状可以用作变压器解码器中注意机制的指导信号,以生成代表实例的不同特征的内核。然后将这些内核用于动态卷积以获得最终实例掩模。为了评估新任务上的测量形式,我们提出了两个常见的3D点云实例分割数据集的新拆分:ScannETV2和S3DIS。地球形式始终优于根据最新的3D点云实例分割方法的强大基线,并具有明显的余量。代码可从https://github.com/vinairesearch/geoformer获得。
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Despite the remarkable success of existing methods for few-shot segmentation, there remain two crucial challenges. First, the feature learning for novel classes is suppressed during the training on base classes in that the novel classes are always treated as background. Thus, the semantics of novel classes are not well learned. Second, most of existing methods fail to consider the underlying semantic gap between the support and the query resulting from the representative bias by the scarce support samples. To circumvent these two challenges, we propose to activate the discriminability of novel classes explicitly in both the feature encoding stage and the prediction stage for segmentation. In the feature encoding stage, we design the Semantic-Preserving Feature Learning module (SPFL) to first exploit and then retain the latent semantics contained in the whole input image, especially those in the background that belong to novel classes. In the prediction stage for segmentation, we learn an Self-Refined Online Foreground-Background classifier (SROFB), which is able to refine itself using the high-confidence pixels of query image to facilitate its adaptation to the query image and bridge the support-query semantic gap. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5$^i$ and COCO-20$^i$ datasets demonstrates the advantages of these two novel designs both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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Despite the great progress made by deep CNNs in image semantic segmentation, they typically require a large number of densely-annotated images for training and are difficult to generalize to unseen object categories. Few-shot segmentation has thus been developed to learn to perform segmentation from only a few annotated examples. In this paper, we tackle the challenging few-shot segmentation problem from a metric learning perspective and present PANet, a novel prototype alignment network to better utilize the information of the support set. Our PANet learns classspecific prototype representations from a few support images within an embedding space and then performs segmentation over the query images through matching each pixel to the learned prototypes. With non-parametric metric learning, PANet offers high-quality prototypes that are representative for each semantic class and meanwhile discriminative for different classes. Moreover, PANet introduces a prototype alignment regularization between support and query. With this, PANet fully exploits knowledge from the support and provides better generalization on few-shot segmentation. Significantly, our model achieves the mIoU score of 48.1% and 55.7% on PASCAL-5 i for 1-shot and 5-shot settings respectively, surpassing the state-of-the-art method by 1.8% and 8.6%.
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Few-shot segmentation (FSS) aims to segment unseen classes using a few annotated samples. Typically, a prototype representing the foreground class is extracted from annotated support image(s) and is matched to features representing each pixel in the query image. However, models learnt in this way are insufficiently discriminatory, and often produce false positives: misclassifying background pixels as foreground. Some FSS methods try to address this issue by using the background in the support image(s) to help identify the background in the query image. However, the backgrounds of theses images is often quite distinct, and hence, the support image background information is uninformative. This article proposes a method, QSR, that extracts the background from the query image itself, and as a result is better able to discriminate between foreground and background features in the query image. This is achieved by modifying the training process to associate prototypes with class labels including known classes from the training data and latent classes representing unknown background objects. This class information is then used to extract a background prototype from the query image. To successfully associate prototypes with class labels and extract a background prototype that is capable of predicting a mask for the background regions of the image, the machinery for extracting and using foreground prototypes is induced to become more discriminative between different classes. Experiments for both 1-shot and 5-shot FSS on both the PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets demonstrate that the proposed method results in a significant improvement in performance for the baseline methods it is applied to. As QSR operates only during training, these improved results are produced with no extra computational complexity during testing.
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Existing methods for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation require expensive, tedious and error-prone manual point-wise annotations. Intuitively, weakly supervised training is a direct solution to reduce the cost of labeling. However, for weakly supervised large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation, too few annotations will inevitably lead to ineffective learning of network. We propose an effective weakly supervised method containing two components to solve the above problem. Firstly, we construct a pretext task, \textit{i.e.,} point cloud colorization, with a self-supervised learning to transfer the learned prior knowledge from a large amount of unlabeled point cloud to a weakly supervised network. In this way, the representation capability of the weakly supervised network can be improved by the guidance from a heterogeneous task. Besides, to generate pseudo label for unlabeled data, a sparse label propagation mechanism is proposed with the help of generated class prototypes, which is used to measure the classification confidence of unlabeled point. Our method is evaluated on large-scale point cloud datasets with different scenarios including indoor and outdoor. The experimental results show the large gain against existing weakly supervised and comparable results to fully supervised methods\footnote{Code based on mindspore: https://github.com/dmcv-ecnu/MindSpore\_ModelZoo/tree/main/WS3\_MindSpore}.
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Semantic segmentation in 3D indoor scenes has achieved remarkable performance under the supervision of large-scale annotated data. However, previous works rely on the assumption that the training and testing data are of the same distribution, which may suffer from performance degradation when evaluated on the out-of-distribution scenes. To alleviate the annotation cost and the performance degradation, this paper introduces the synthetic-to-real domain generalization setting to this task. Specifically, the domain gap between synthetic and real-world point cloud data mainly lies in the different layouts and point patterns. To address these problems, we first propose a clustering instance mix (CINMix) augmentation technique to diversify the layouts of the source data. In addition, we augment the point patterns of the source data and introduce non-parametric multi-prototypes to ameliorate the intra-class variance enlarged by the augmented point patterns. The multi-prototypes can model the intra-class variance and rectify the global classifier in both training and inference stages. Experiments on the synthetic-to-real benchmark demonstrate that both CINMix and multi-prototypes can narrow the distribution gap and thus improve the generalization ability on real-world datasets.
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Semantic segmentation assigns a class label to each image pixel. This dense prediction problem requires large amounts of manually annotated data, which is often unavailable. Few-shot learning aims to learn the pattern of a new category with only a few annotated examples. In this paper, we formulate the few-shot semantic segmentation problem from 1-way (class) to N-way (classes). Inspired by few-shot classification, we propose a generalized framework for few-shot semantic segmentation with an alternative training scheme. The framework is based on prototype learning and metric learning. Our approach outperforms the baselines by a large margin and shows comparable performance for 1-way few-shot semantic segmentation on PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset.
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