Existing graph contrastive learning methods rely on augmentation techniques based on random perturbations (e.g., randomly adding or dropping edges and nodes). Nevertheless, altering certain edges or nodes can unexpectedly change the graph characteristics, and choosing the optimal perturbing ratio for each dataset requires onerous manual tuning. In this paper, we introduce Implicit Graph Contrastive Learning (iGCL), which utilizes augmentations in the latent space learned from a Variational Graph Auto-Encoder by reconstructing graph topological structure. Importantly, instead of explicitly sampling augmentations from latent distributions, we further propose an upper bound for the expected contrastive loss to improve the efficiency of our learning algorithm. Thus, graph semantics can be preserved within the augmentations in an intelligent way without arbitrary manual design or prior human knowledge. Experimental results on both graph-level and node-level tasks show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to other benchmarks, where ablation studies in the end demonstrate the effectiveness of modules in iGCL.
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卷积神经网络(CNN)由于其强大的特征提取和分类功能而广泛用于机械系统的故障诊断。但是,CNN是一个典型的黑盒模型,CNN决策的机制尚不清楚,这限制了其在高可授权要求的故障诊断方案中的应用。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的可解释的神经网络,称为时频网(TFN),其中物理上有意义的时频变换(TFT)方法被嵌入传统的卷积层中,作为自适应预处理层。这个称为时频卷积(TFCONV)层的预处理层受到精心设计的内核函数的约束,以提取与故障相关的时间频率信息。它不仅改善了诊断性能,而且还揭示了频域中CNN预测的逻辑基础。不同的TFT方法对应于TFCONV层的不同内核函数。在这项研究中,考虑了四种典型的TFT方法来制定TFN,并且通过三个机械故障诊断实验证明了它们的有效性和解释性。实验结果还表明,所提出的TFCONV层可以很容易地推广到具有不同深度的其他CNN。 TFN的代码可在https://github.com/chenqian0618/tfn上获得。
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将音频分离成不同声音源的深度学习技术面临着几种挑战。标准架构需要培训不同类型的音频源的独立型号。虽然一些通用分离器采用单个模型来靶向多个来源,但它们难以推广到看不见的来源。在本文中,我们提出了一个三个组件的管道,可以从大型但弱标记的数据集:audioset训练通用音频源分离器。首先,我们提出了一种用于处理弱标记训练数据的变压器的声音事件检测系统。其次,我们设计了一种基于查询的音频分离模型,利用此数据进行模型培训。第三,我们设计一个潜在的嵌入处理器来编码指定用于分离的音频目标的查询,允许零拍摄的概括。我们的方法使用单一模型进行多种声音类型的源分离,并仅依赖于跨标记的培训数据。此外,所提出的音频分离器可用于零拍摄设置,学习以分离从未在培训中看到的音频源。为了评估分离性能,我们在侦察中测试我们的模型,同时在不相交的augioset上培训。我们通过对从训练中保持的音频源类型进行另一个实验,进一步通过对训练进行了另一个实验来验证零射性能。该模型在两种情况下实现了对当前监督模型的相当的源 - 失真率(SDR)性能。
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In recent years, benefiting from the expressive power of Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs), significant breakthroughs have been made in face clustering area. However, rare attention has been paid to GCN-based clustering on imbalanced data. Although imbalance problem has been extensively studied, the impact of imbalanced data on GCN- based linkage prediction task is quite different, which would cause problems in two aspects: imbalanced linkage labels and biased graph representations. The former is similar to that in classic image classification task, but the latter is a particular problem in GCN-based clustering via linkage prediction. Significantly biased graph representations in training can cause catastrophic over-fitting of a GCN model. To tackle these challenges, we propose a linkage-based doubly imbalanced graph learning framework for face clustering. In this framework, we evaluate the feasibility of those existing methods for imbalanced image classification problem on GCNs, and present a new method to alleviate the imbalanced labels and also augment graph representations using a Reverse-Imbalance Weighted Sampling (RIWS) strategy. With the RIWS strategy, probability-based class balancing weights could ensure the overall distribution of positive and negative samples; in addition, weighted random sampling provides diverse subgraph structures, which effectively alleviates the over-fitting problem and improves the representation ability of GCNs. Extensive experiments on series of imbalanced benchmark datasets synthesized from MS-Celeb-1M and DeepFashion demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our proposed method. Our implementation and the synthesized datasets will be openly available on https://github.com/espectre/GCNs_on_imbalanced_datasets.
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The goal of precipitation nowcasting is to predict the future rainfall intensity in a local region over a relatively short period of time. Very few previous studies have examined this crucial and challenging weather forecasting problem from the machine learning perspective. In this paper, we formulate precipitation nowcasting as a spatiotemporal sequence forecasting problem in which both the input and the prediction target are spatiotemporal sequences. By extending the fully connected LSTM (FC-LSTM) to have convolutional structures in both the input-to-state and state-to-state transitions, we propose the convolutional LSTM (ConvLSTM) and use it to build an end-to-end trainable model for the precipitation nowcasting problem. Experiments show that our ConvLSTM network captures spatiotemporal correlations better and consistently outperforms FC-LSTM and the state-of-theart operational ROVER algorithm for precipitation nowcasting.
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The ability to jointly learn from multiple modalities, such as text, audio, and visual data, is a defining feature of intelligent systems. While there have been promising advances in designing neural networks to harness multimodal data, the enormous success of data augmentation currently remains limited to single-modality tasks like image classification. Indeed, it is particularly difficult to augment each modality while preserving the overall semantic structure of the data; for example, a caption may no longer be a good description of an image after standard augmentations have been applied, such as translation. Moreover, it is challenging to specify reasonable transformations that are not tailored to a particular modality. In this paper, we introduce LeMDA, Learning Multimodal Data Augmentation, an easy-to-use method that automatically learns to jointly augment multimodal data in feature space, with no constraints on the identities of the modalities or the relationship between modalities. We show that LeMDA can (1) profoundly improve the performance of multimodal deep learning architectures, (2) apply to combinations of modalities that have not been previously considered, and (3) achieve state-of-the-art results on a wide range of applications comprised of image, text, and tabular data.
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Pre-trained large language models can efficiently interpolate human-written prompts in a natural way. Multitask prompted learning can help generalization through a diverse set of tasks at once, thus enhancing the potential for more effective downstream fine-tuning. To perform efficient multitask-inference in the same batch, parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods such as prompt tuning have been proposed. However, the existing prompt tuning methods may lack generalization. We propose SPT, a semi-parametric prompt tuning method for multitask prompted learning. The novel component of SPT is a memory bank from where memory prompts are retrieved based on discrete prompts. Extensive experiments, such as (i) fine-tuning a full language model with SPT on 31 different tasks from 8 different domains and evaluating zero-shot generalization on 9 heldout datasets under 5 NLP task categories and (ii) pretraining SPT on the GLUE datasets and evaluating fine-tuning on the SuperGLUE datasets, demonstrate effectiveness of SPT.
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Transformer-based models have gained large popularity and demonstrated promising results in long-term time-series forecasting in recent years. In addition to learning attention in time domain, recent works also explore learning attention in frequency domains (e.g., Fourier domain, wavelet domain), given that seasonal patterns can be better captured in these domains. In this work, we seek to understand the relationships between attention models in different time and frequency domains. Theoretically, we show that attention models in different domains are equivalent under linear conditions (i.e., linear kernel to attention scores). Empirically, we analyze how attention models of different domains show different behaviors through various synthetic experiments with seasonality, trend and noise, with emphasis on the role of softmax operation therein. Both these theoretical and empirical analyses motivate us to propose a new method: TDformer (Trend Decomposition Transformer), that first applies seasonal-trend decomposition, and then additively combines an MLP which predicts the trend component with Fourier attention which predicts the seasonal component to obtain the final prediction. Extensive experiments on benchmark time-series forecasting datasets demonstrate that TDformer achieves state-of-the-art performance against existing attention-based models.
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Multimodal image-text models have shown remarkable performance in the past few years. However, evaluating their robustness against distribution shifts is crucial before adopting them in real-world applications. In this paper, we investigate the robustness of 9 popular open-sourced image-text models under common perturbations on five tasks (image-text retrieval, visual reasoning, visual entailment, image captioning, and text-to-image generation). In particular, we propose several new multimodal robustness benchmarks by applying 17 image perturbation and 16 text perturbation techniques on top of existing datasets. We observe that multimodal models are not robust to image and text perturbations, especially to image perturbations. Among the tested perturbation methods, character-level perturbations constitute the most severe distribution shift for text, and zoom blur is the most severe shift for image data. We also introduce two new robustness metrics (MMI and MOR) for proper evaluations of multimodal models. We hope our extensive study sheds light on new directions for the development of robust multimodal models.
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Establishing open and general benchmarks has been a critical driving force behind the success of modern machine learning techniques. As machine learning is being applied to broader domains and tasks, there is a need to establish richer and more diverse benchmarks to better reflect the reality of the application scenarios. Graph learning is an emerging field of machine learning that urgently needs more and better benchmarks. To accommodate the need, we introduce Graph Learning Indexer (GLI), a benchmark curation platform for graph learning. In comparison to existing graph learning benchmark libraries, GLI highlights two novel design objectives. First, GLI is designed to incentivize \emph{dataset contributors}. In particular, we incorporate various measures to minimize the effort of contributing and maintaining a dataset, increase the usability of the contributed dataset, as well as encourage attributions to different contributors of the dataset. Second, GLI is designed to curate a knowledge base, instead of a plain collection, of benchmark datasets. We use multiple sources of meta information to augment the benchmark datasets with \emph{rich characteristics}, so that they can be easily selected and used in downstream research or development. The source code of GLI is available at \url{https://github.com/Graph-Learning-Benchmarks/gli}.
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