The input and output of most text generation tasks can be transformed to two sequences of tokens and they can be modeled using sequence-to-sequence learning modeling tools such as Transformers. These models are usually trained by maximizing the likelihood the output text sequence and assumes the input sequence and all gold preceding tokens are given during training, while during inference the model suffers from the exposure bias problem (i.e., it only has access to its previously predicted tokens rather gold tokens during beam search). In this paper, we propose MoCa ({\bf Mo}mentum {\bf Ca}libration) for text generation. MoCa is an online method that dynamically generates slowly evolving (but consistent) samples using a momentum moving average generator with beam search and MoCa learns to align its model scores of these samples with their actual qualities. Experiments on four text generation datasets (i.e., CNN/DailyMail, XSum, SAMSum and Gigaword) show MoCa consistently improves strong pre-trained transformers using vanilla fine-tuning and we achieve the state-of-the-art results on CNN/DailyMail and SAMSum datasets.
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具有高分辨率(HR)的磁共振成像(MRI)提供了更详细的信息,以进行准确的诊断和定量图像分析。尽管取得了重大进展,但大多数现有的医学图像重建网络都有两个缺陷:1)所有这些缺陷都是在黑盒原理中设计的,因此缺乏足够的解释性并进一步限制其实际应用。可解释的神经网络模型引起了重大兴趣,因为它们在处理医学图像时增强了临床实践所需的可信赖性。 2)大多数现有的SR重建方法仅使用单个对比度或使用简单的多对比度融合机制,从而忽略了对SR改进至关重要的不同对比度之间的复杂关系。为了解决这些问题,在本文中,提出了一种新颖的模型引导的可解释的深层展开网络(MGDUN),用于医学图像SR重建。模型引导的图像SR重建方法求解手动设计的目标函数以重建HR MRI。我们通过将MRI观察矩阵和显式多对比度关系矩阵考虑到末端到端优化期间,将迭代的MGDUN算法展示为新型模型引导的深层展开网络。多对比度IXI数据集和Brats 2019数据集进行了广泛的实验,证明了我们提出的模型的优势。
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当前的文本到视频检索方法(T2VR)经过培训和测试,并在视频捕获方向的数据集(例如MSVD,MSR-VTT和VATEX)上进行了测试。这些数据集的一个关键属性是,假定视频在短时间内被暂时预先修剪,而提供的字幕很好地描述了视频内容的要旨。因此,对于给定的配对视频和标题,该视频应该与标题完全相关。但是,实际上,由于查询尚不清楚,因此预处理的视频剪辑可能不包含足够的内容来完全满足查询。这表明文学与现实世界之间存在差距。为了填补空白,我们在本文中提出了一个新颖的T2VR子任务,称为部分相关的视频检索(PRVR)。未修剪的视频被认为是部分相关的W.R.T.给定的文本查询是否包含与查询相关的时刻。 PRVR旨在从大量未修剪视频中检索此类相关视频。 PRVR与单个视频时刻检索和视频语料库时刻的检索有所不同,因为后两个是要检索时刻而不是未修剪的视频。我们将PRVR作为多个实例学习(MIL)问题,同时将视频视为一袋视频片段和一袋视频帧。剪辑和帧表示不同时间尺度的视频内容。我们提出了一个多尺度的相似性学习(MS-SL)网络,该网络共同学习PRVR的剪辑规模和框架尺度相似性。在三个数据集(TVR,ActivityNet字幕和Charades-STA)上进行了广泛的实验,证明了该方法的可行性。我们还表明,我们的方法可用于改善视频语料库时刻的检索。
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本文解决了对预先训练的深神经网络进行排名并筛选最下游任务的重要问题。这是具有挑战性的,因为每个任务的基本模型排名只能通过微调目标数据集中的预训练模型来生成,该模型是蛮力且计算昂贵的。最近的高级方法提出了几个轻巧的可转移性指标来预测微调结果。但是,这些方法仅捕获静态表示,但忽略了微调动态。为此,本文提出了一个新的可传递性度量,称为\ textbf {s} elf-challenging \ textbf {f} isher \ textbf {d} is Criminant \ textbf {a} nalisy(\ textbf {\ textbf {sfda})现有作品没有的有吸引力的好处。首先,SFDA可以将静态特征嵌入渔民空间中,并完善它们,以在类之间更好地分离性。其次,SFDA使用一种自我挑战的机制来鼓励不同的预训练模型来区分硬性示例。第三,SFDA可以轻松地为模型集合选择多个预训练的模型。 $ 33 $预培训的$ 11 $下游任务的$ 33 $预培训模型的广泛实验表明,在测量预训练模型的可传递性时,SFDA具有高效,有效和健壮。例如,与最先进的方法NLEEP相比,SFDA平均显示了59.1美元的增益,同时带来了$ 22.5 $ x的墙壁速度速度。该代码将在\ url {}上提供。
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从一组校准的多视图图像中恢复详细的面部几何形状对于其广泛的应用是有价值的。传统的多视图立体声(MVS)方法采用优化方法来规范匹配成本。最近,基于学习的方法将所有这些集成到端到端的神经网络中并显示出效率的优越性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的架构,以在大约10秒内恢复极其详细的3D面。与以前基于学习的方法通过3D CNN规范成本量,我们建议学习用于回归匹配成本的隐式功能。通过从多视图图像拟合3D可变模型,在网格连接的UV空间中提取和聚合多个图像的特征,这使得隐式功能在恢复详细的面部形状中更有效。我们的方法在BACESCape数据集上的大边距精确地表达了基于SOTA学习的MV。代码和数据即将发布。
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在本文中,我们提出了一个大型详细的3D面部数据集,FACESCAPE和相应的基准,以评估单视图面部3D重建。通过对FACESCAPE数据进行训练,提出了一种新的算法来预测从单个图像输入的精心索引3D面模型。 FACESCAPE DataSet提供18,760个纹理的3D面,从938个科目捕获,每个纹理和每个特定表达式。 3D模型包含孔径级面部几何形状,也被处理为拓扑均匀化。这些精细的3D面部模型可以表示为用于详细几何的粗糙形状和位移图的3D可线模型。利用大规模和高精度的数据集,进一步提出了一种使用深神经网络学习特定于表达式动态细节的新颖算法。学习的关系是从单个图像输入的3D面预测系统的基础。与以前的方法不同,我们的预测3D模型在不同表达式下具有高度详细的几何形状。我们还使用FACESCAPE数据来生成野外和实验室内基准,以评估最近的单视面重建方法。报告并分析了相机姿势和焦距的尺寸,并提供了忠诚和综合评估,并揭示了新的挑战。前所未有的数据集,基准和代码已被释放到公众以进行研究目的。
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Sensory and emotional experiences such as pain and empathy are essential for mental and physical health. Cognitive neuroscience has been working on revealing mechanisms underlying pain and empathy. Furthermore, as trending research areas, computational pain recognition and empathic artificial intelligence (AI) show progress and promise for healthcare or human-computer interaction. Although AI research has recently made it increasingly possible to create artificial systems with affective processing, most cognitive neuroscience and AI research do not jointly address the issues of empathy in AI and cognitive neuroscience. The main aim of this paper is to introduce key advances, cognitive challenges and technical barriers in computational pain recognition and the implementation of artificial empathy. Our discussion covers the following topics: How can AI recognize pain from unimodal and multimodal information? Is it crucial for AI to be empathic? What are the benefits and challenges of empathic AI? Despite some consensus on the importance of AI, including empathic recognition and responses, we also highlight future challenges for artificial empathy and possible paths from interdisciplinary perspectives. Furthermore, we discuss challenges for responsible evaluation of cognitive methods and computational techniques and show approaches to future work to contribute to affective assistants capable of empathy.
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allows us to train our model in the variational inference framework. Empirically, we demonstrate that PointFlow achieves state-of-the-art performance in point cloud generation. We additionally show that our model can faithfully reconstruct point clouds and learn useful representations in an unsupervised manner. The code is available at https: //
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We introduce \textsc{PoliteRewrite} -- a dataset for polite language rewrite which is a novel sentence rewrite task. Compared with previous text style transfer tasks that can be mostly addressed by slight token- or phrase-level edits, polite language rewrite requires deep understanding and extensive sentence-level edits over an offensive and impolite sentence to deliver the same message euphemistically and politely, which is more challenging -- not only for NLP models but also for human annotators to rewrite with effort. To alleviate the human effort for efficient annotation, we first propose a novel annotation paradigm by a collaboration of human annotators and GPT-3.5 to annotate \textsc{PoliteRewrite}. The released dataset has 10K polite sentence rewrites annotated collaboratively by GPT-3.5 and human, which can be used as gold standard for training, validation and test; and 100K high-quality polite sentence rewrites by GPT-3.5 without human review. We wish this work (The dataset (10K+100K) will be released soon) could contribute to the research on more challenging sentence rewrite, and provoke more thought in future on resource annotation paradigm with the help of the large-scaled pretrained models.
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We study a multi-factor block model for variable clustering and connect it to the regularized subspace clustering by formulating a distributionally robust version of the nodewise regression. To solve the latter problem, we derive a convex relaxation, provide guidance on selecting the size of the robust region, and hence the regularization weighting parameter, based on the data, and propose an ADMM algorithm for implementation. We validate our method in an extensive simulation study. Finally, we propose and apply a variant of our method to stock return data, obtain interpretable clusters that facilitate portfolio selection and compare its out-of-sample performance with other clustering methods in an empirical study.
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