Score-based generative models are shown to achieve remarkable empirical performances in various applications such as image generation and audio synthesis. However, a theoretical understanding of score-based diffusion models is still incomplete. Recently, Song et al. showed that the training objective of score-based generative models is equivalent to minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the generated distribution from the data distribution. In this work, we show that score-based models also minimize the Wasserstein distance between them under suitable assumptions on the model. Specifically, we prove that the Wasserstein distance is upper bounded by the square root of the objective function up to multiplicative constants and a fixed constant offset. Our proof is based on a novel application of the theory of optimal transport, which can be of independent interest to the society. Our numerical experiments support our findings. By analyzing our upper bounds, we provide a few techniques to obtain tighter upper bounds.
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Recently, a surge of high-quality 3D-aware GANs have been proposed, which leverage the generative power of neural rendering. It is natural to associate 3D GANs with GAN inversion methods to project a real image into the generator's latent space, allowing free-view consistent synthesis and editing, referred as 3D GAN inversion. Although with the facial prior preserved in pre-trained 3D GANs, reconstructing a 3D portrait with only one monocular image is still an ill-pose problem. The straightforward application of 2D GAN inversion methods focuses on texture similarity only while ignoring the correctness of 3D geometry shapes. It may raise geometry collapse effects, especially when reconstructing a side face under an extreme pose. Besides, the synthetic results in novel views are prone to be blurry. In this work, we propose a novel method to promote 3D GAN inversion by introducing facial symmetry prior. We design a pipeline and constraints to make full use of the pseudo auxiliary view obtained via image flipping, which helps obtain a robust and reasonable geometry shape during the inversion process. To enhance texture fidelity in unobserved viewpoints, pseudo labels from depth-guided 3D warping can provide extra supervision. We design constraints aimed at filtering out conflict areas for optimization in asymmetric situations. Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations on image reconstruction and editing demonstrate the superiority of our method.
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High-fidelity facial avatar reconstruction from a monocular video is a significant research problem in computer graphics and computer vision. Recently, Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has shown impressive novel view rendering results and has been considered for facial avatar reconstruction. However, the complex facial dynamics and missing 3D information in monocular videos raise significant challenges for faithful facial reconstruction. In this work, we propose a new method for NeRF-based facial avatar reconstruction that utilizes 3D-aware generative prior. Different from existing works that depend on a conditional deformation field for dynamic modeling, we propose to learn a personalized generative prior, which is formulated as a local and low dimensional subspace in the latent space of 3D-GAN. We propose an efficient method to construct the personalized generative prior based on a small set of facial images of a given individual. After learning, it allows for photo-realistic rendering with novel views and the face reenactment can be realized by performing navigation in the latent space. Our proposed method is applicable for different driven signals, including RGB images, 3DMM coefficients, and audios. Compared with existing works, we obtain superior novel view synthesis results and faithfully face reenactment performance.
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本地图像功能匹配,旨在识别图像对的识别和相应的相似区域,是计算机视觉中的重要概念。大多数现有的图像匹配方法遵循一对一的分配原则,并采用共同最近的邻居来确保跨图像之间本地特征之间的独特对应关系。但是,来自不同条件的图像可能会容纳大规模变化或观点多样性,以便一对一的分配可能在密集匹配中导致模棱两可或丢失的表示形式。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新颖的无探测器本地特征匹配方法Adamatcher,该方法首先通过轻巧的特征交互模块与密集的特征相关联,并估算了配对图像的可见面积,然后执行贴片级多到 - 一个分配可以预测匹配建议,并最终根据一对一的完善模块进行完善。广泛的实验表明,Adamatcher的表现优于固体基线,并在许多下游任务上实现最先进的结果。此外,多对一分配和一对一的完善模块可以用作其他匹配方法(例如Superglue)的改进网络,以进一步提高其性能。代码将在出版时提供。
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在极端分辨率上监测植被生产力对于现实世界中的农业应用非常有价值,例如检测作物压力和提供粮食不安全的预警。太阳能诱导的叶绿素荧光(SIF)提供了一种直接从空间中测量植物生产力的有希望的方法。但是,卫星SIF观察只能以粗空间分辨率进行,因此无法监视单个农作物类型或农场的表现。这构成了一个具有挑战性的粗略监督回归(或缩小)任务;在训练时,我们只有粗分辨率(3公里)的SIF标签,但我们希望以更精细的空间分辨率预测SIF(例如30m,增加了100倍)。我们还具有其他精细分辨率输入功能,但是这些功能与SIF之间的关系尚不清楚。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种粗糙的平滑U-NET(CS-Sunet),这是这种粗糙监督设置的新方法。 CS-Sunet基于先验知识(例如平滑度损失),将深卷卷网络的表达能力与新颖的正则化方法相结合,这对于防止过度拟合至关重要。实验表明,CS-Sunet比现有方法更准确地解决SIF中的细粒变化。
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检测稀有物体(例如,交通锥,交通桶和交通警告三角形)是提高自动驾驶安全性的重要感知任务。对此类模型的培训通常需要大量的注释数据,这些数据既昂贵又耗时。为了解决上述问题,新兴的方法是应用数据扩展以自动生成无成本的培训样本。在这项工作中,我们提出了一项有关简单复制数据增强的系统研究,以实现自动驾驶中罕见的对象检测。具体而言,引入了本地自适应实例级图像转换,以生成从源域到目标域的逼真的稀有对象掩模。此外,流量场景上下文被用来指导稀有物体的口罩的放置。为此,我们的数据增强通过利用本地和全球一致性来生成具有高质量和现实特征的培训数据。此外,我们构建了一个新的数据集,稀有对象数据集(ROD),组成10K培训图像,4K验证图像和相应的标签,这些标签具有不同的自动驾驶方案。 ROD上的实验表明,我们的方法在稀有物体检测方面取得了有希望的结果。我们还提出了一项详尽的研究,以说明基于局部自适应和全球限制因素的副本数据增强的有效性,以实现稀有对象检测。数据,开发套件和ROD的更多信息可在线获得:\ url {}。
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平衡勘探和剥削对加强学习(RL)至关重要。在本文中,我们在理论上和经验上,研究了用于连续状态行动空间的加固学习(PSRL)的模型后采样。首先,我们在连续空间中显示PSRL的第一个遗憾,这是我们知识中的最佳地段中的多项式。假设奖励和转换函数可以由贝叶斯线性回归建模,我们开发了$ \ tilde {o}的遗憾(h ^ {3/2} d \ sqrt {t})$,其中$ h $剧集长度,$ D $是状态动作空间的维度,$ t $表示总时间步骤。此结果与线性MDP中的非PSRL方法的最佳已知的遗憾符合。我们的绑定可以扩展到非线性情况以及功能嵌入功能:在特征表示上的线性内核$ \ phi $,后悔绑定成为$ \ tilde {o}(h ^ {3/2} d _ {\ phi} \ SQRT {T})$,其中$ d_ \ phi $是表示空间的尺寸。此外,我们呈现MPC-PSRL,一种基于模型的后部采样算法,具有用于动作选择的模型预测控制。为了捕获模型中的不确定性,我们在神经网络的倒数第二层(特征表示层$ \ phi $)上使用贝叶斯线性回归。实证结果表明,与基于模型的算法相比,我们的算法在基准连续控制任务中实现了最先进的示例效率,并匹配无模型算法的渐近性能。
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Decompilation aims to transform a low-level program language (LPL) (eg., binary file) into its functionally-equivalent high-level program language (HPL) (e.g., C/C++). It is a core technology in software security, especially in vulnerability discovery and malware analysis. In recent years, with the successful application of neural machine translation (NMT) models in natural language processing (NLP), researchers have tried to build neural decompilers by borrowing the idea of NMT. They formulate the decompilation process as a translation problem between LPL and HPL, aiming to reduce the human cost required to develop decompilation tools and improve their generalizability. However, state-of-the-art learning-based decompilers do not cope well with compiler-optimized binaries. Since real-world binaries are mostly compiler-optimized, decompilers that do not consider optimized binaries have limited practical significance. In this paper, we propose a novel learning-based approach named NeurDP, that targets compiler-optimized binaries. NeurDP uses a graph neural network (GNN) model to convert LPL to an intermediate representation (IR), which bridges the gap between source code and optimized binary. We also design an Optimized Translation Unit (OTU) to split functions into smaller code fragments for better translation performance. Evaluation results on datasets containing various types of statements show that NeurDP can decompile optimized binaries with 45.21% higher accuracy than state-of-the-art neural decompilation frameworks.
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