我们提出了一种新的算法A * + BFHS,用于解决单位成本运算符的问题,其中A *和IDA *由于内存限制和/或存在同一对节点之间的许多不同路径而失败。a * + bfhs基于*和广度的启发式搜索(bfhs)。a * + bfhs与算法中的优点相结合,即*的节点订购,bfhs的内存节省以及算法重复检测。在简单的问题上,a * + bfhs与a相同。在艰难问题上,它比*慢,但节省了大量的内存。与BFIDA *相比,A * + BFHS在各种规划域上减少了几次搜索时间和/或内存要求。
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We aim to bridge the gap between our common-sense few-sample human learning and large-data machine learning. We derive a theory of human-like few-shot learning from von-Neuman-Landauer's principle. modelling human learning is difficult as how people learn varies from one to another. Under commonly accepted definitions, we prove that all human or animal few-shot learning, and major models including Free Energy Principle and Bayesian Program Learning that model such learning, approximate our theory, under Church-Turing thesis. We find that deep generative model like variational autoencoder (VAE) can be used to approximate our theory and perform significantly better than baseline models including deep neural networks, for image recognition, low resource language processing, and character recognition.
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Multi-uncertainties from power sources and loads have brought significant challenges to the stable demand supply of various resources at islands. To address these challenges, a comprehensive scheduling framework is proposed by introducing a model-free deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach based on modeling an island integrated energy system (IES). In response to the shortage of freshwater on islands, in addition to the introduction of seawater desalination systems, a transmission structure of "hydrothermal simultaneous transmission" (HST) is proposed. The essence of the IES scheduling problem is the optimal combination of each unit's output, which is a typical timing control problem and conforms to the Markov decision-making solution framework of deep reinforcement learning. Deep reinforcement learning adapts to various changes and timely adjusts strategies through the interaction of agents and the environment, avoiding complicated modeling and prediction of multi-uncertainties. The simulation results show that the proposed scheduling framework properly handles multi-uncertainties from power sources and loads, achieves a stable demand supply for various resources, and has better performance than other real-time scheduling methods, especially in terms of computational efficiency. In addition, the HST model constitutes an active exploration to improve the utilization efficiency of island freshwater.
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It is known that neural networks have the problem of being over-confident when directly using the output label distribution to generate uncertainty measures. Existing methods mainly resolve this issue by retraining the entire model to impose the uncertainty quantification capability so that the learned model can achieve desired performance in accuracy and uncertainty prediction simultaneously. However, training the model from scratch is computationally expensive and may not be feasible in many situations. In this work, we consider a more practical post-hoc uncertainty learning setting, where a well-trained base model is given, and we focus on the uncertainty quantification task at the second stage of training. We propose a novel Bayesian meta-model to augment pre-trained models with better uncertainty quantification abilities, which is effective and computationally efficient. Our proposed method requires no additional training data and is flexible enough to quantify different uncertainties and easily adapt to different application settings, including out-of-domain data detection, misclassification detection, and trustworthy transfer learning. We demonstrate our proposed meta-model approach's flexibility and superior empirical performance on these applications over multiple representative image classification benchmarks.
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Missing data are ubiquitous in real world applications and, if not adequately handled, may lead to the loss of information and biased findings in downstream analysis. Particularly, high-dimensional incomplete data with a moderate sample size, such as analysis of multi-omics data, present daunting challenges. Imputation is arguably the most popular method for handling missing data, though existing imputation methods have a number of limitations. Single imputation methods such as matrix completion methods do not adequately account for imputation uncertainty and hence would yield improper statistical inference. In contrast, multiple imputation (MI) methods allow for proper inference but existing methods do not perform well in high-dimensional settings. Our work aims to address these significant methodological gaps, leveraging recent advances in neural network Gaussian process (NNGP) from a Bayesian viewpoint. We propose two NNGP-based MI methods, namely MI-NNGP, that can apply multiple imputations for missing values from a joint (posterior predictive) distribution. The MI-NNGP methods are shown to significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art methods on synthetic and real datasets, in terms of imputation error, statistical inference, robustness to missing rates, and computation costs, under three missing data mechanisms, MCAR, MAR, and MNAR.
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Adversarial perturbation plays a significant role in the field of adversarial robustness, which solves a maximization problem over the input data. We show that the backward propagation of such optimization can accelerate $2\times$ (and thus the overall optimization including the forward propagation can accelerate $1.5\times$), without any utility drop, if we only compute the output gradient but not the parameter gradient during the backward propagation.
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3D convolutional neural networks have revealed superior performance in processing volumetric data such as video and medical imaging. However, the competitive performance by leveraging 3D networks results in huge computational costs, which are far beyond that of 2D networks. In this paper, we propose a novel Hilbert curve-based cross-dimensionality distillation approach that facilitates the knowledge of 3D networks to improve the performance of 2D networks. The proposed Hilbert Distillation (HD) method preserves the structural information via the Hilbert curve, which maps high-dimensional (>=2) representations to one-dimensional continuous space-filling curves. Since the distilled 2D networks are supervised by the curves converted from dimensionally heterogeneous 3D features, the 2D networks are given an informative view in terms of learning structural information embedded in well-trained high-dimensional representations. We further propose a Variable-length Hilbert Distillation (VHD) method to dynamically shorten the walking stride of the Hilbert curve in activation feature areas and lengthen the stride in context feature areas, forcing the 2D networks to pay more attention to learning from activation features. The proposed algorithm outperforms the current state-of-the-art distillation techniques adapted to cross-dimensionality distillation on two classification tasks. Moreover, the distilled 2D networks by the proposed method achieve competitive performance with the original 3D networks, indicating the lightweight distilled 2D networks could potentially be the substitution of cumbersome 3D networks in the real-world scenario.
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Clustering is a fundamental problem in network analysis that finds closely connected groups of nodes and separates them from other nodes in the graph, while link prediction is to predict whether two nodes in a network are likely to have a link. The definition of both naturally determines that clustering must play a positive role in obtaining accurate link prediction tasks. Yet researchers have long ignored or used inappropriate ways to undermine this positive relationship. In this article, We construct a simple but efficient clustering-driven link prediction framework(ClusterLP), with the goal of directly exploiting the cluster structures to obtain connections between nodes as accurately as possible in both undirected graphs and directed graphs. Specifically, we propose that it is easier to establish links between nodes with similar representation vectors and cluster tendencies in undirected graphs, while nodes in a directed graphs can more easily point to nodes similar to their representation vectors and have greater influence in their own cluster. We customized the implementation of ClusterLP for undirected and directed graphs, respectively, and the experimental results using multiple real-world networks on the link prediction task showed that our models is highly competitive with existing baseline models. The code implementation of ClusterLP and baselines we use are available at https://github.com/ZINUX1998/ClusterLP.
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Temporal networks are an important type of network whose topological structure changes over time. Compared with methods on static networks, temporal network embedding (TNE) methods are facing three challenges: 1) it cannot describe the temporal dependence across network snapshots; 2) the node embedding in the latent space fails to indicate changes in the network topology; and 3) it cannot avoid a lot of redundant computation via parameter inheritance on a series of snapshots. To this end, we propose a novel temporal network embedding method named Dynamic Cluster Structure Constraint model (DyCSC), whose core idea is to capture the evolution of temporal networks by imposing a temporal constraint on the tendency of the nodes in the network to a given number of clusters. It not only generates low-dimensional embedding vectors for nodes but also preserves the dynamic nonlinear features of temporal networks. Experimental results on multiple realworld datasets have demonstrated the superiority of DyCSC for temporal graph embedding, as it consistently outperforms competing methods by significant margins in multiple temporal link prediction tasks. Moreover, the ablation study further validates the effectiveness of the proposed temporal constraint.
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分散数据的数值插值旨在根据某些观察到的点估算目标点的值。传统方法通过构建结合多个基础函数的插值函数来产生估计。这些方法要求明确定义基础功能,从而在实际情况下极大地限制了其应用。最近的进步表现出一种替代策略,该策略可以直接使用机器学习技术(例如深度神经网络)从观察到的点学习插值功能。该策略虽然很有希望,但不能有效利用观察到的点和目标点之间的相关性,因为它可以分别处理这些类型的点。在这里,我们提出了一种基于学习的方法,使用变压器的编码器表示(因此称为NIERT)。 Niert将每个目标点的值视为蒙版令牌,它可以以统一的方式处理目标点并观察到点。通过计算目标点和观察点之间的部分自我注意,NIERT获得了利用这些点之间相关性的优势,更重要的是,避免了目标点在观察到的点上意外干扰。 NIERT还使用预训练技术进一步提高其准确性。在三个代表性数据集上,包括两个合成数据集和一个现实世界数据集,Niert优于现有方法,例如,在用于温度字段重建的TFRD-ADLET数据集上,Niert达到了$ 1.897 \ times 10^{ - 3} $ $ 1.897 ,比基于变压器的方法要好得多(MAE:$ 27.074 \ times 10^{ - 3} $)。这些结果清楚地表明了NIERT的准确性及其在多个实际领域中应用的潜力。
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