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Machine learning models rely on various assumptions to attain high accuracy. One of the preliminary assumptions of these models is the independent and identical distribution, which suggests that the train and test data are sampled from the same distribution. However, this assumption seldom holds in the real world due to distribution shifts. As a result models that rely on this assumption exhibit poor generalization capabilities. Over the recent years, dedicated efforts have been made to improve the generalization capabilities of these models collectively known as -- \textit{domain generalization methods}. The primary idea behind these methods is to identify stable features or mechanisms that remain invariant across the different distributions. Many generalization approaches employ causal theories to describe invariance since causality and invariance are inextricably intertwined. However, current surveys deal with the causality-aware domain generalization methods on a very high-level. Furthermore, we argue that it is possible to categorize the methods based on how causality is leveraged in that method and in which part of the model pipeline is it used. To this end, we categorize the causal domain generalization methods into three categories, namely, (i) Invariance via Causal Data Augmentation methods which are applied during the data pre-processing stage, (ii) Invariance via Causal representation learning methods that are utilized during the representation learning stage, and (iii) Invariance via Transferring Causal mechanisms methods that are applied during the classification stage of the pipeline. Furthermore, this survey includes in-depth insights into benchmark datasets and code repositories for domain generalization methods. We conclude the survey with insights and discussions on future directions.
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Segmenting the fine structure of the mouse brain on magnetic resonance (MR) images is critical for delineating morphological regions, analyzing brain function, and understanding their relationships. Compared to a single MRI modality, multimodal MRI data provide complementary tissue features that can be exploited by deep learning models, resulting in better segmentation results. However, multimodal mouse brain MRI data is often lacking, making automatic segmentation of mouse brain fine structure a very challenging task. To address this issue, it is necessary to fuse multimodal MRI data to produce distinguished contrasts in different brain structures. Hence, we propose a novel disentangled and contrastive GAN-based framework, named MouseGAN++, to synthesize multiple MR modalities from single ones in a structure-preserving manner, thus improving the segmentation performance by imputing missing modalities and multi-modality fusion. Our results demonstrate that the translation performance of our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Using the subsequently learned modality-invariant information as well as the modality-translated images, MouseGAN++ can segment fine brain structures with averaged dice coefficients of 90.0% (T2w) and 87.9% (T1w), respectively, achieving around +10% performance improvement compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Our results demonstrate that MouseGAN++, as a simultaneous image synthesis and segmentation method, can be used to fuse cross-modality information in an unpaired manner and yield more robust performance in the absence of multimodal data. We release our method as a mouse brain structural segmentation tool for free academic usage at https://github.com/yu02019.
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最近,自我监督的表示学习(SSRL)在计算机视觉,语音,自然语言处理(NLP)以及最近的其他类型的模式(包括传感器的时间序列)中引起了很多关注。自我监督学习的普及是由传统模型通常需要大量通知数据进行培训的事实所驱动的。获取带注释的数据可能是一个困难且昂贵的过程。已经引入了自我监督的方法,以通过使用从原始数据自由获得的监督信号对模型进行判别预训练来提高训练数据的效率。与现有的对SSRL的评论不同,该评论旨在以单一模式为重点介绍CV或NLP领域的方法,我们旨在为时间数据提供对多模式自我监督学习方法的首次全面审查。为此,我们1)提供现有SSRL方法的全面分类,2)通过定义SSRL框架的关键组件来引入通用管道,3)根据其目标功能,网络架构和潜在应用程序,潜在的应用程序,潜在的应用程序,比较现有模型, 4)查看每个类别和各种方式中的现有多模式技术。最后,我们提出了现有的弱点和未来的机会。我们认为,我们的工作对使用多模式和/或时间数据的域中SSRL的要求有了一个观点
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Causal inference is the process of using assumptions, study designs, and estimation strategies to draw conclusions about the causal relationships between variables based on data. This allows researchers to better understand the underlying mechanisms at work in complex systems and make more informed decisions. In many settings, we may not fully observe all the confounders that affect both the treatment and outcome variables, complicating the estimation of causal effects. To address this problem, a growing literature in both causal inference and machine learning proposes to use Instrumental Variables (IV). This paper serves as the first effort to systematically and comprehensively introduce and discuss the IV methods and their applications in both causal inference and machine learning. First, we provide the formal definition of IVs and discuss the identification problem of IV regression methods under different assumptions. Second, we categorize the existing work on IV methods into three streams according to the focus on the proposed methods, including two-stage least squares with IVs, control function with IVs, and evaluation of IVs. For each stream, we present both the classical causal inference methods, and recent developments in the machine learning literature. Then, we introduce a variety of applications of IV methods in real-world scenarios and provide a summary of the available datasets and algorithms. Finally, we summarize the literature, discuss the open problems and suggest promising future research directions for IV methods and their applications. We also develop a toolkit of IVs methods reviewed in this survey at https://github.com/causal-machine-learning-lab/mliv.
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Graph machine learning has been extensively studied in both academia and industry. Although booming with a vast number of emerging methods and techniques, most of the literature is built on the in-distribution hypothesis, i.e., testing and training graph data are identically distributed. However, this in-distribution hypothesis can hardly be satisfied in many real-world graph scenarios where the model performance substantially degrades when there exist distribution shifts between testing and training graph data. To solve this critical problem, out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization on graphs, which goes beyond the in-distribution hypothesis, has made great progress and attracted ever-increasing attention from the research community. In this paper, we comprehensively survey OOD generalization on graphs and present a detailed review of recent advances in this area. First, we provide a formal problem definition of OOD generalization on graphs. Second, we categorize existing methods into three classes from conceptually different perspectives, i.e., data, model, and learning strategy, based on their positions in the graph machine learning pipeline, followed by detailed discussions for each category. We also review the theories related to OOD generalization on graphs and introduce the commonly used graph datasets for thorough evaluations. Finally, we share our insights on future research directions. This paper is the first systematic and comprehensive review of OOD generalization on graphs, to the best of our knowledge.
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Causal learning has attracted much attention in recent years because causality reveals the essential relationship between things and indicates how the world progresses. However, there are many problems and bottlenecks in traditional causal learning methods, such as high-dimensional unstructured variables, combinatorial optimization problems, unknown intervention, unobserved confounders, selection bias and estimation bias. Deep causal learning, that is, causal learning based on deep neural networks, brings new insights for addressing these problems. While many deep learning-based causal discovery and causal inference methods have been proposed, there is a lack of reviews exploring the internal mechanism of deep learning to improve causal learning. In this article, we comprehensively review how deep learning can contribute to causal learning by addressing conventional challenges from three aspects: representation, discovery, and inference. We point out that deep causal learning is important for the theoretical extension and application expansion of causal science and is also an indispensable part of general artificial intelligence. We conclude the article with a summary of open issues and potential directions for future work.
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心电图(ECG)是用于监测心脏电信号和评估其功能的最常见和常规诊断工具。人心脏可能患有多种疾病,包括心律不齐。心律不齐是一种不规则的心律,在严重的情况下会导致心脏中风,可以通过ECG记录诊断。由于早期发现心律不齐非常重要,因此在过去的几十年中,计算机化和自动化的分类以及这些异常心脏信号的识别引起了很多关注。方法:本文引入了一种轻度的深度学习方法,以高精度检测8种不同的心律不齐和正常节奏。为了利用深度学习方法,将重新采样和基线徘徊清除技术应用于ECG信号。在这项研究中,将500个样本ECG段用作模型输入。节奏分类是通过11层网络以端到端方式完成的,而无需手工制作的手动功能提取。结果:为了评估提出的技术,从两个Physionet数据库,MIT-BIH心律失常数据库和长期AF数据库中选择了ECG信号。基于卷积神经网络(CNN)和长期记忆(LSTM)的组合,提出的深度学习框架比大多数最先进的方法显示出令人鼓舞的结果。所提出的方法达到98.24%的平均诊断准确性。结论:成功开发和测试了使用多种心电图信号的心律失常分类的训练有素的模型。意义:由于本工作使用具有高诊断精度的光分类技术与其他值得注意的方法相比,因此可以在Holter Monitor设备中成功实施以进行心律失常检测。
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因果表示学习是识别基本因果变量及其从高维观察(例如图像)中的关系的任务。最近的工作表明,可以从观测的时间序列中重建因果变量,假设它们之间没有瞬时因果关系。但是,在实际应用中,我们的测量或帧速率可能比许多因果效应要慢。这有效地产生了“瞬时”效果,并使以前的可识别性结果无效。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了ICITRI,这是一种因果表示学习方法,当具有已知干预目标的完美干预措施时,可以在时间序列中处理瞬时效应。 Icitris从时间观察中识别因果因素,同时使用可区分的因果发现方法来学习其因果图。在三个视频数据集的实验中,Icitris准确地识别了因果因素及其因果图。
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目的:心电图(ECG)信号通常会遭受噪声干扰,例如基线徘徊。心电图信号的高质量和高保真重建对于诊断心血管疾病具有重要意义。因此,本文提出了一种新型的心电图基线徘徊和降噪技术。方法:我们以特定于心电图信号的条件方式扩展模型,即心电图基线徘徊和噪声去除(Descod-ECG)的基于深度分数的扩散模型。此外,我们部署了一个多拍的平均策略,以改善信号重建。我们在QT数据库和MIT-BIH噪声应力测试数据库上进行了实验,以验证该方法的可行性。采用基线方法进行比较,包括传统的基于数字过滤器和基于深度学习的方法。结果:数量评估结果表明,所提出的方法在四个基于距离的相似性指标(平方距离的总和,最大绝对正方形,根距离的百分比和余弦相似性)上获得了出色的性能,并具有3.771 $ \ pm $ 5.713 au,$ 5.713 au, 0.329 $ \ pm $ 0.258 au,40.527 $ \ pm $ 26.258 \%和0.926 $ \ pm $ 0.087。与最佳基线方法相比,这至少导致了至少20%的总体改进。结论:本文证明了Descod-ECG的最新性能用于ECG噪声,该噪声可以更好地近似真实的数据分布和在极端噪声腐败下较高的稳定性。意义:这项研究是最早扩展基于条件扩散的生成模型以去除ECG噪声的研究之一,并且Descod-ECG具有广泛用于生物医学应用的潜力。
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能够可靠地估计来自视频的生理信号是低成本,临床前健康监测的强大工具。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的远程光学仪器描绘(RPPG)的新方法 - 从人脸或皮肤的观察结果测量血液体积的变化。类似于RPPG的当前最先进的方法,我们应用神经网络,以便在滋扰图像变异的不变性中学习深度表示。与此类方法相比,我们采用了一个完全自我监督的培训方法,这毫无依赖于昂贵的地面真理生理培训数据。我们所提出的方法在频率和时间光滑的频率和兴趣信号的时间平滑之前使用对比学习。我们在四个RPPG数据集中评估我们的方法,显示与最近监督的深度学习方法相比,可以实现可比或更好的结果,但不使用任何注释。此外,我们还将学习的显着重采样模块纳入了我们无监督的方法和监督基线。我们表明,通过允许模型来了解输入图像的位置,我们可以减少手工工程功能的需要,同时为模型的行为和可能的故障模式提供一些可解释性。我们释放守则以获得我们完整的培训和评估管道,以鼓励在这种激动人心的新方向上的可重复进展。
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Humans view the world through many sensory channels, e.g., the long-wavelength light channel, viewed by the left eye, or the high-frequency vibrations channel, heard by the right ear. Each view is noisy and incomplete, but important factors, such as physics, geometry, and semantics, tend to be shared between all views (e.g., a "dog" can be seen, heard, and felt). We investigate the classic hypothesis that a powerful representation is one that models view-invariant factors. We study this hypothesis under the framework of multiview contrastive learning, where we learn a representation that aims to maximize mutual information between different views of the same scene but is otherwise compact. Our approach scales to any number of views, and is viewagnostic. We analyze key properties of the approach that make it work, finding that the contrastive loss outperforms a popular alternative based on cross-view prediction, and that the more views we learn from, the better the resulting representation captures underlying scene semantics. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on image and video unsupervised learning benchmarks.
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